The Royal Palace

An Di's steps came to a halt when he noticed the figure in front of him.

The figure was a middle-aged, handsome man dressed in a golden robe, his black hair neatly tied back.

An Di's brows furrowed, and he smiled. "Your Majesty,"

However, the Crown Prince, Tang Haoran, wore a solemn expression before smiling slightly. "Welcome to the Royal City. I didn't think you'd be here so soon."

But he was stunned to see the young man before him. The last time when he met An Di, his face was covered in half mask, but seeing the true appearance of An Di stunned him. How could a beautiful man appear in his world?

An Di's lips twitched as he noticed the Crown Prince's expression, and he coughed slightly "I simply wanted to explore this world before ascending to the Middle World. But "He exhaled a sigh.

"Why? What happened?" The Crown Prince asked.

But An Di did not reply since he noticed that a few people were staring at him as if he were a retard talking to himself.