
"You must be An Di,"

An Di's pupils constricted as he stared at the man in front of him. He could tell from the clothes that the man was a prince.

But before he could say anything, the crown prince interrupted. "What are you doing here, Second Prince? I heard you went to the Phoenix Continent."

The Second Prince's gaze shifted to the Crown prince. "I just got home from there. You may not be aware, but the entire Phoenix continent has gone insane. Even I had to flee that place."

Then his gaze was drawn to An Di. "Ah! Where have all my manners gone? I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Second Prince. I'd heard a lot about you. You don.."

His pupil constricted as he stared at An Di. He knew that cultivators from other worlds had been expelled from this world, but how could An Di be in this world?

But he still maintained the smile on his face, "Would you grace me with your presence in the Divine Tea Pavillion?"