Leaving the World

When she heard An Di's suggestion, Zhou Mingyan's eyes narrowed.

She remained silent. Since she was a spirit of this world, she already had a master and mistress, and she could still feel their connection and knew her master was still alive.

But she also understood from An Di's words that something happened to this world and her master still couldn't return back to this place.

If she didn't act now, she'd be stuck in this lonely place for the rest of her life, waiting for her master.

Because she is the spirit of this world, she can form a temporary contract with any of them and move the world to their consciousness.

But before she could say anything, An Di interrupted.

"I know what you are thinking, you can form the contract with my woman."

When she heard An Di's words, Zhang Zhiyi was taken aback. Her gaze was fixed on An Di's broad back, who stood in front of her.