Fang Yan's Realization

Unknown Forest, Middle World.

Fang Yan sat beneath the tree, his back supported by the trunk and his body bandaged. His gaze was fixed on the villagers going about their daily lives.

These villagers would occasionally look at him with sympathy and mockery in their eyes.

His emotions were raging with rage and disappointment.

He realized that he was dumb enough to forcefully raise the level of the Nine Revolution Dragon Body art.

As per Mu Ying, he was doing really well to raise it to the second revolution.

But, in his desperation, he made a stupid mistake, and now his entire body is damaged.

Despite the fact that the injury was not severe enough to interfere with his cultivation. However, his image in the eyes of these villagers dipped slightly.

Even Mu Ying started avoiding him. Even though there was no look of contempt in her eyes. His heart ached when he saw her eyes full of disappointment.