Chapter 5


Henry felt nervous suddenly when he reaches home, knowing that he only feels this kind of feeling when Gulf is involved he immediately called the two vampires he assigned to look after his son.

Liam who feels his master's worry started to feel agitated, when it comes to Gulf all his reasons fade, all he wanted was for Gulf to be safe.

"How's Gulf? " Henry in his authoritative voice asked the person on the other line.

"Sir he successfully transformed into his wolf, a silver wolf, but we have a problem his mate found him! " it's Ja who answered the call.

"How? Is it an ordinary wolf? " Henry worriedly asked.

No one should find out that Gulf is a silver wolf, once the Gothic Guild knows about it, they will send a group to hunt him. They will never stop until they killed that silver wolf.

"That's the problem, sir, his mate is the wolf king! We are lucky to escape from him, but knowing him, he has been looking for his mate for a long time, I'm sure he will declare war just to get his mate! " Ja answered coherently.

"Okay, be alert if anything happens bring Gulf back here! " he cut the line and dialed another number.

"Your highness, I need to talk to you it's urgent! " Henry sound primal.


Mew drinks his wine in one go, he can't believe that his mate chooses to run away instead of hugging him. His mate's eyes, that piercing red eyes keep flashing on his mind. His mate is beautiful and he can't believe that he found his mate.

He pours another wine into his glass and gulps it like water. His friends who are watching him can't do anything but to shook their heads in disbelief. Two days had passed but there's no news about his mate.

"Have you guys called the Gothic Guild already? " Mew in his Wolf king aura asked his friends.

"No Mew! We are not sure if the Gothic Guild is the one hiding the silver wolf. And that two vampires, instead of facing us to fight they choose to escape and trick us with strong perfume to hide their scents. If they are a guard from Gothic Guild they will choose to fight us." Luke explained his side, something in him wanted to protect that silver wolf.

"Luke is right Mew! What if the Guild didn't know anything about the existence of the silver wolf? You will put his life in danger! " Bright said, sipping his drinks.

Mew is about to answer when a sudden knock was heard behind their door.

"Come in! " Mew calms himself down, he doesn't want to add fear on his pack members.

"Alpha, one of the sentinels saw this package on the north border, with your name on it! " the gamma put the box on top of the waiting table then bow to his alpha to take his leave.

Mew glance at the box, then look at his friends. From the north border where he found his mate who ran away from him.

"Open it! " Mew said not sure if he wants to know what's inside the box.

Boat open the box in one rip, and they got confused when they saw a mobile phone. Bright took it and examine the said phone but got startled when it rings, he drop the phone accidentally.

Mew took the phone and look at the screen, the screen flashed the word "answer it". Mew proceed to answer the phone in a loudspeaker.

"Your highness! Don't tell anyone about the silver wolf you saw! His life will be in danger if the Gothic Guild finds out about the silver wolf. I know that he is your mate, I promise you with my life, you will have him at the right time! But for now, let's protect him, he is only 15 years old. Give him another 5 years, I will be the one to give him to you! " The call end.

Mew check the phone if the caller's number was saved but to his dismay, nothing is there! His frustration grows more! He throws the phone across the corner and sips the bottle of wine in front of him.

His friends who have seen him in that state feel nothing but pity. Mates should be with each other the moment they met. Especially for Mew, he is a wolf king and an Alpha. He needs his mate on his side, his mate will be his strength to face all the hardship every day.

But to what they had heard from that man, Mew will have to wait for another five years!


Gulf woke up with a painful headache. His body is still adjusting to a change since his wolf is present now. The servants of the house told him that he became more beautiful and glowing than the first time they met him.

Gulf just laugh at that statement. Today is his last day here in Atlas mountain and he is planning to have a last run tonight.

After training his body in the gym, he proceeds to prepare himself to attend his online class. He asked the servant to prepare his dinner early for he wants to stroll the surroundings for the last time.


Mew after calming himself decided to have a run "alone." He needs to let go of all his negative thoughts and frustration, he had enough for now. Whatever he did to rack his brain on how to find his mate, ends up being useless.

Shifting in his wolf form, he stopped in one of the waterfalls, He stare at his reflection in the water. A pure black wolf with a blazing silver eye above his head is a reflection of the moon. He wanted to howl but he stop himself for he doesn't want to scare the scouts and sentinels in the area.

Moving his legs to walk, he finds his favorite spot, the cliff.

But his eyes went wide with what he saw.


Gulf finished everything, and prepare himself for a run. Without telling the two vampires he shifted on his wolf and run fast. His legs take him to his favorite spot, the cliff.

He slowly walk there on the edge but heightened all his senses, observing the surroundings for possible danger. His wolf Blizzard can hide their scent, and he is thankful for that.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff staring at the moon, he never felt peace like this before. He closed his eyes and let the wind blow on his face. When suddenly he felt sudden happiness, he opened his eyes and at that moment he knew someone is behind him.

Gulf knew who it is, that someone is just sitting behind, staring at him. He didn't dare to turn around. His heartbeat was crazy, his breathing became uneven.

"Found you again! " Mew's voice sent chills on his spine. He wanted to turn around to see the owner of that voice but he stop himself.

"I will give you another 5 years to prepare yourself, whatever it is you want to prepare. I am your mate and I don't accept rejection, 5 years and you are mine and mine alone! " the voice crack, full of sadness.

He slowly turns around to face him, but he lowers his head immediately when a naked man standing in front of him. He look up again but got surprised by a pure black wolf with blazing silver eyes, staring at him directly a few inches away from his face.

The black wolf licks his face and he giggles at that sudden action. He was surprised by his reaction but got stunned when he was enveloped by a strong arm, a human arm. Still, in his wolf form, he can bring himself to shift in his human form. Blizzard kept telling him that this is not the right time yet.

So he let his mate hug him in his wolf form. The warmth of his hug melted his heart, he knew from that moment on, this man was here to own his whole being.

Mew loosen his hug and stare at his eyes, kneeling in front of him. Mew planted a kiss on his forehead that last for a second.

"Five years and I will find you again! "


: enjoy reading! ❤️