Chapter 6

Gulf came home after a week of adjusting with his wolf. Henry waited on the door and stride towards the car but halt on his steps when Gulf comes out. His son is glowing as a white rose blooming in the first of spring. His son's eyes sparkled reflected on his smile.

He was mesmerized by Gulf's glow-up that he didn't notice that his son hug him already. And Gulf's body became warmer than before. He hugged his son tightly make the younger whine and laugh.

"How are you, sir? " Gulf greeted his father and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm good young master, how are you?! " Henry answered playfully, they tease each other while walking inside the mansion.

"Go up and rest now! Meet me at my office at 8:00 tonight! " Henry told Gulf before he motion him to go.

"Thanks, Dad, and oh! Wanna meet him? " Gulf grinning at his father who looks at him demented. " wolf? " Gulf added.

His father smiled widely and stand up.

"Of course, we have a lot to talk about tonight! reserve your energy! " Henry pat his shoulder and push him to go up to rest.


Night came and they had finished their dinner, Gulf asked Henry to give him a minute. He goes back to his room to get his bathrobe, he knows he will rip his clothes in pieces once he shifted into his wolf.

He came knocking on his father's office, he heard his father's voice telling him to come in. He raise his brows when he saw two vampire women inside the room waiting for him. The two women stand and bow giving him respect.

He looks at Henry and with a questioning look, Henry motion him to sit down. The women took their sit in front of him, staring at him like he is an alien. But no! They are staring shamelessly at Gulf because they too were mesmerized by his beauty.

"It's rude to stare like that! " Gulf reprimands the two women, and they immediately look down while saying their apology.

"This is Ana and Amy, son! Ana can see your past while Amy can see your future! They're twins, vampire twins! " Henry introduces the two.

Gulf keeps silent waiting for his dad to speak again.

"I ask them to visit the site of the tragedy, to make sure that we have the right person to kill! I show Ana all your sketches of the people who murdered them and she confirmed it. " Henry looking at his son who lift his head the moment he heard about the people he needs to take down.

"So Ana has seen it and confirmed it, then why Amy is here? " Gulf shows his true attitude when it comes to a topic like this. The death of his parents awakens the beast inside him.

"She's here to read your future! " Henry added staring at him seriously.

He let his father do whatever he wants to do, he motioned Amy to do it. She asks for Gulf's hand, she holds it tightly and looks at Gulf's eyes. But creases on her forehead appeared, he drop Gulf's hand and look at Henry.

"I don't see any future on him! " Henry snap his head towards the woman. Gulf growl a little making them jolt.

"I mean I can't read him, I don't see any future, let's try Ana if she can read your past to confirm my hunch! " Amy explained afraid of the deadly look from Gulf.

Ana stood up and hold Gulf's hand without asking permission. To her surprised, she can't also read Gulf's past.

"He can shield his mind from anyone! " Ana looks at him with amazement.

"What do you mean? I can read him like an open book always! " Henry said.

He is confused by what the two women said. He can read Gulf's mind, that's why he knows how to comfort him.

"There is something in him, seems like a barrier that forbids us to enter his mind! " Amy said.

The two women didn't know that Gulf is half-werewolf/half-vampire. Gulf hides his scent as a wolf when he smells a stranger inside his dad's office. Henry who understand the situation took a deep breath and nod at them. Henry asks them to leave and asks them that whatever they found out must stay between them.

The two women agreed for they are working for Henry.


A moment of silence followed after the women left. Henry took a small bundle of folders inside his drawer and give it to Gulf. Gulf took it and open the pages one by one, his breath became heavy when he saw the murderers of his parents plastered on every page, together with their currents status in life attached there.

Gulf looks at each page one by one, reading every word making sure he doesn't miss anything.

"Those are the records of each of them, their families background, jobs, and position in Gothic Guild. Who's your first target? " Henry directly asked his son, they already talked about it that once Gulf successfully transformed into his wolf, he will start taking them down.

"I start at the most vulnerable person! " He took one of the pages.


-Jeff Ramirez aka Thunder

-Biology Professor at IUNAE LUMEN University.

Wife: Devon Ramirez

Children: Kok Ramirez and Stacy Ramirez


**(IUNAE LUMEN ==Moonlight on the Latin language)


Gulf's hand holds the paper firmly, his anger boiling up reading the content.

"They became a family man after killing one! Interesting! " Gulf's eyes turn to a piercing red shade.

"When do you plan to start? " Henry asked his son.

"I will let you know, but I will start spying on them! I will take them down one by one!" Gulf put back the papers inside the folder and face his father.

"How do you hide your wolf? The smell of wolves is stronger than vampires, you should use your vampire image in taking justice for your parents, it will be a big war once the Guild finds out that a wolf is behind all the chaos! " Henry said, and Gulf agreed. He doesn't want to put anyone at risk for his revenge. It's his game to play.

"Don't worry, I know what to do! " Gulf assures his father "Wanna meet him? " a smile plastered on his lips when Henry nod at him.

Gulf wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts shifted into his wolf, Henry look at him with all admiration. He never meet a wolf like this, he can't believe when the two vampires told him that Gulf has transformed into a silver wolf.

He only read it in books, a silver wolf with a special ability and power and will rule both kinds once mated to a pure alpha wolf. But will face great difficulties because of the darkness that wanted to rule all over mankind.

His worry grew for his son but seeing him now, he knows this is his destiny. He fated to a wolf king, he is a silver wolf. Henry knows that the moon goddess is with him.

"You are so beautiful, son! " Henry reach Wolf's head and caress his pure white fur. The wolf scooted towards him and let Henry enjoy his softness.

Henry sat on the floor and motion the wolf to lay on his lap. The two enjoying their moment when Henry's door sound.

Gulf gets up immediately and walks near his bathrobe and shifted into his human form, wears the robe, and hides his scent as a wolf.

"You can go back to your room now, let's talk again tomorrow! I have an important meeting to attend, goodnight" Henry pat his head then Gulf takes his leave.


In his room Gulf invaded by the thought of his mate, the warmth from his mate's body when he hugs him still linger all over his sense. He still feel the kiss on his forehead and the sadness when his mate left and promised that he will find him after 5 years.

Looking out of his window staring at the sky, the moon hides her beauty tonight. A dark surrounding with a weird sound of every insect is his companion while thinking of his mate.

"Five years, I hope I'm still alive then! Sorry if I let you wait, but I don't want to involve you in my life's bad luck. " Gulf said as if his mate is listening.

"I don't even get to know your name, but your face, I will never forget! " He took a deep breath and walk back to his bed.

He lay there but his thought keeps remembering the face of his mate.

He didn't know that he is mated to a wolf king and their path will cross before the given time.


Mew goes back to the palace ground, though extreme sadness lingers in his heart, he chooses to think of the image of his mate.

Sitting on his balcony looking at the sky, his mate's image flashes on his mind. He did all his best to get a hold of himself not to claim his mate right there.

The urge of marking him the moment his mate scooted his head to feel his embrace, his neck shows submission. He didn't saw his human form but he knows that he is beautiful as his wolf.

"Five years darling! Five fucking years and you are mine! " Mew gritted his teeth when Apollo wanted to howl.

As much as he wants to feel his mate's warmth again, he can't do anything but be patient.


:: enjoy reading "