Chapter 10


"You are my mate! " Mew exclaimed.

Hugging Gulf tightly the younger realized what just happened. He is emitting a sweet scent that made Mew hugged him, his mate is sniffing his neck that made him shudder with the sudden contact.

"I'm sorry Gulf, can't help it! It's a wolf nature that we can't control to release our scent for our mates for them to claimed us! " Blizzard said.

Gulf push Mew that made the wolf king growled unintentionally. Gulf is about to walk away but Mew caught his arm and harshly turned him around to face him.

"What do you think you're doing? " Mew's eyes flashing into gray to blazing blue shade.

"I-i'm sorry! " Gulf look at Mew with pain.

He pins gulf to the wall and looked at him with anger, growling in front of him, Apollo wants to take over.

"I already told you that I don't accept rejection! Three days! Just fucking three days, it's either you claim me or I claim you, and no babe... YOU.CAN'T.GET.AWAY.THIS.TIME.!" Mew released him and leave, he even heard the slamming of the door behind him.

Gulf left dumbfounded,

"what the hell did I do? "


Monday came and Gulf is far from being calm. He is preparing himself for school, his friends bombarded him with calls and messages for he is late already. He hasn't got a good sleep these past days, thinking about Mew.

One day has passed after what happened and Gulf is obviously can't deny the nervous feeling. Mew gave an ultimatum of three days and it giving him weird feelings.

He doesn't want his mate to get involved in his life, he is punishing those who abused his mom and dad. What will happen if Mew finds out about him, will he still accept him.

Taking a deep breath, he go out of his room, he went through the kitchen where the servants is preparing breakfast, but he has no appetite to eat anything. His mind was occupied by Mew, Mew, Mew, and the more he think of him the more he miss him.

"Can you just make me a sandwich and put it in a box, please? I will eat later, I'm sorry but I don't want to eat now! " Gulf politely asked the servants.

The servants glance at each other, they are worried about their young master. Since yesterday their young master didn't eat anything but drink blood only.

"I promise I will eat the sandwich and yes! prepare my dinner tonight! " Gulf cooed them smiling.

"If you don't eat any food again today, I will call sir Henry! " Haii speak behind him smiling.

He look at his two bodyguards and rolled his eyes at them. He knows he should not make them worried but he can't hold himself from thinking about Mew.


His friends waited for him at the gate of the university, the moment they saw Gulf they wave their hands together that caught the attention of the other students.

Gulf is wearing a white sweater and blue faded jeans that make everyone drool looking at him. His friends stop waving their hands when they saw Gulf walk in their direction, but got rooted on the ground when the sunlight's hit Gulf's face.

The more Gulf getting closer to them the more he looks ethereal, but they realized the sadness in their friend's eyes.

"You missed the first subject already, why you're late? " Saint is the first one to collect his demeanor, but the truth is the first class didn't start yet, and he is still mesmerized.

"I know my schedule! let's go and close your mouth guys, I can see your esophagus from here! " He teasingly said and walk first.

Gulf felt a strange feeling like someone is watching him and no, it's not Ja and Haii or anybody inside the campus.

They attend classes as usual and in the time for lunch, Gulf has been thankful that there is no disturbance. They eat peacefully, chatting here and there, but he notices the extra silence Mild. He just observing the omega since this morning Mild doesn't speak if you don't ask him, the omega smile is fake.

When the bell rang he stand up and turn sideways when he accidentally hit Mild's arms. The omega wince in pain, he looked at his friend confused.

"Are you hurt? "Gulf asked, a simple and light hit can't make werewolves wince in such pain.

"Ah? No! I just accidentally hit my arms this morning and then you hit it again! " Mild said, throwing glances at the others.

Gulf doesn't want to be nosy, but Blizzard senses something is wrong with their friends. He chooses to keep quiet but he will take a chance to asked Mild privately.

Classes end and Gulf hurriedly go out to meet his friends, but his eyes squinted when he doesn't see Mild on the group. His suspicion grew more.

"Where's Mild? " he cheerfully asked,

"He goes home early Gulf, he has some errands to do! " Fluke said but avoid looking in his eyes. Gulf knew it, something is happening to his friends and the way he sees it, it's not good.

"I know you guys sense something is wrong with Mild, and I guess you knew the reason already! I don't want to be a nosy friend I just want to help! I saw the pain in his eyes! " Gulf frankly asked them without any hesitation.

He caught glances from Win and Saint, Fluke staring on the ground, but answered his question.

"Gulf it's not our story to tell, you should ask Mild about it! " Fluke said.

"I thought friends are like family, protecting each other, I guess I thought it wrong?! " He said leaving them dumbfounded.

They run after him and tried to stop him from leaving, but Gulf just looks at them disappointed.

"Gulf listen!, Mild is abused by his parents, his parents expect an alpha but when mild was announced as omega, they spite him. He is abused physically through hard works and emotionally repeating the words that he is an omega and he is useless. " Saint told him honestly.

The three look down, they can't do anything to help their friend.

"I thought there is a rule that protects omega wolves? " Gulf has studied every rule and law about werewolves and vampires so he knows some about both kinds.

"There is! But we are talking about a family here, Mild can't report abuse especially that his family is the one involved, there are so many cases like that, although some got punished some are not! " Win explained.

Gulf gets silent thinking about what to do when an idea pops into his mind.

"Let's go home now! I will see you tomorrow! " Gulf hurriedly go on his way, without waiting for his friends reply.


Mew is sitting in the living room, staring at the television like he wanted to smash it. Sipping his drinks in his hand, his friends heard another sigh of annoyance.

"Fuck! He wanted to test my patience! " Mew exclaimed that make his friends jolt in surprise.

Mew stand up and was about to go to his room when suddenly the doorbell rang. Just by sniffing the air, they knew already who it was. Mew suppressed the smile on his face when he smell a familiar scent.

Bright got up to open the door, and standing there is Gulf. They invite him to get in so Mew sits back on his chair again, pretending that he doesn't see Gulf. His friends look at him throwing glances at one another.

"He is a great pretender! " Luke said on their mind link. Everyone pressed their lips tightly to stop themselves to laugh, Gulf notices it but he chooses to stay quiet.

"What brings you here beautiful? " Zee intentionally flirts to tease Mew. They heard Mew growl softly.

"Well, I want to talk to you guys! It's about my omega friend! " Gulf glance at Mew and he saw Mew took a sharp breath.

Mew is pissed at what he heard, Gulf came there not to talk to him about them being mates, he came there to talk about someone, an omega on top of that. He controls himself not to snarl but he is on the edge already. Gulf hid his scent again, which is good.

"Can you elaborate? " Bright said, giving him a glass with a glass of wine on it.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't take your time to talk about this, but I need your help! " Gulf said sipping his drink. "My omega friend is abused by his own family, I'd like to help him but I don't know how so I'm thinking that you guys can help, especially that alpha Luke is the Director of the university. " Gulf finished his wine.

He is nervous by the dark aura that Mew is emitting. His mate is still mad at him, and the fact that he is talking about a certain omega brings his mate to the thin thread of controlling himself.

"Before anything Gulf, do you like this omega? " Luke said everyone holds their breath waiting for Gulf's answered. One wrong word they knew Mew will release Apollo.

"Of course not! He is a friend and I want to help him, but that doesn't mean I like him romantically, someone owns my heart already! " Gulf lower his head biting his lips. He takes another glass of wine from Bright.

Everyone released a sigh of relief.

Mew by hearing it wanted to look at his mate, but his pride didn't allow him. Gulf made him wait for almost five years and deny him the other night, he wanted his mate to take some effort to comfort him, but he knew that if Gulf continues to play sweet words he will give in without holding back.

"Well, we can investigate and asked the omega to filed some complaints, but he should be brave in doing so, similar cases like this end up in vain. Once an omega got disowned by their families, suicidal thoughts came in, there is a higher chance that they will kill themselves even we succeed to rescue them. " Luke explained that make Gulf look at him in shock.

"What do you mean they will kill themselves? " Gulf look at him in horror, he didn't expect this information.

"They shouldn't disown Gulf, they are omegas, their greatest weakness is being disowned by their family, but they will be saved if they have a mate already! Their mates will help them to cope up with sadness and pain. " Bright explained him more.

The problem gets even bigger for Gulf, Mild has not found his mate yet. That made him think deeper that he didn't notice the sharp glances of his mate.

"You cared for that omega huh! " Mew said.

Gulf looks up just to meet the eyes full of disappointment from his mate.

Mew left them and stride towards his room, banging the door loudly.

Gulf got up to leave but the eyes of his mate flashes on his mind. He is outside already but he can't take another step so he decided to take action to heal his mate's anger and pain.

He goes back and rang the doorbell again, Bright is the one who opened it and he didn't wait for an invitation, he strides towards the room where Mew gets in earlier.

He saw his mate standing on the door of his bathroom, half-naked looking at him in surprise. And without any hesitation, he walks towards his mate, grabs Mew's nape, and planted a kiss on his lips.

He didn't move his lips for he has no experience with the word kissing, but he let his lips stayed on Mew to subside the anger that his mate felt.

He slowly released Mew's lips and look at him in the eyes. His mate look at him warmly, his plan succeeds. He turn around to leave again but this time Mew got a hold of him.

"I will teach you how to kiss me properly! Mate!"
