Chapter 11

Gulf lying on his bed in his room, the touch of Mew's lips still lingers on his mind. Thinking how Mew darted his tongue out to enter his mouth make him jolted up and shake his head vigorously.

"What does he think of his tongue? A kind of snake? " Gulf utter to himself like a crazy person.

He touches his lips and he feels a heat slowly creeping on his face. The way Mew grin at him make him almost lose his breath.

Hours ago...

"Let me teach how to kiss me! Mate! " Mew grab his nape again and attach their lips.

This time Gulf didn't prepare for the attack, their lips meet, and Mew eating his lips like a starving person. Gulf who can't process the moment, stay still and let his mate abused his not moving lips.

He jolted up and gasp when the door closed in a loud bang. Lips parted, it made it easy for Mew to slide his tongue inside Gulf's mouth. Gulf's eyes went wide when he felt Mew's tongue inside him, licking his lingu.

He felt a sudden heat travels all over him, so he pushes Mew harder but Mew didn't budge, he enveloped Gulf more to his embrace using one hand and the other is in Gulf's head, forbidding him to move away from his face.

Mew felt that Gulf didn't know how to respond, he opened his eyes but still kissing the lips of his mate. They look at each other's eyes and slowly Gulf follows his rhythms. His hands travel on Mew's arms and shoulder putting a little pressure that made Mew groan softly. As Gulf close his eyes as they savor the moment until they felt that they are running out of air and decided to detached.

Panting heavily, staring at each other, slowly Mew's lips form into a smile. Gulf felt he was in heat his lips felt warm from a heated session.

Gulf shook his head again to erase the memory of that kissing session. He decided to go out of his room, it's late at night, and sleeping is not welcomed anymore. He go to the kitchen when his ears caught something. Tiny footsteps like a tiptoe, he felt Ja and Haii behind his back so he signal them to stay still and observed.

Someone approached the door and the other steps is coming from the back of the house. Gulf signal the two vampires to deal with the intruder in front of the house he will deal at the back.

Using his vampire speed he reach the back of his house and saw a three-mask man holding a gun. Gulf sniff the air 'it's a vampire'. Gulf in a swift move reach them and caught one of the intruder's heads and twist it in a fast move.

The other two caught off-guard step back and prepare their gun with a silencer and point it to Gulf but the alpha is faster than the bullet, they were dead even before they can pull the trigger.


Mew on the other part still smiling like a maniac. Licking his lips he knows he is addicted to his mate's taste. What happened is a sign of progress. His mate makes the first move it means he cares, but how long are they will going to be like this.

He can't get himself to go to sleep so he decided to go out and ask his friends to have a run, they are halfway to the forest when they saw a silhouette of people moving in Gulf's backyard.

They glance at each other and slowly approach the mansion to see what is happening, to their surprised they saw Gulf fighting the three masked men with a gun. Gulf moves are like a pioneer fighter, his skills are amazing, he finished the opponent in just one swift move, but they are confused for Gulf's speed is extraordinary.

His speed is like a vampire when he is in his human form, he doesn't even shift into his wolf to fight, but his strength is amazing. Given the fact that he is a werewolf but it couldn't explain how fast Gulf is.

They decided to help, but too late. The enemy is dead already. They look at Gulf, the younger didn't sweat a little and he is calm. Wearing a tank top and short, Gulf look at them in shock.

"Wow! " Bright look at Gulf shaking his head.

"You didn't say that you're a fighter Gulf! Your move is smooth but you are extra fast than a normal wolf! " Zee exclaimed.

Ja and Haii appeared in front of them and were about to speak but Gulf signals them to stop.

"Clean this up! You know what to do! " Gulf motioned the alphas to follow him inside the house.


They were inside the house when Mew speak.

"Care to explain? " he is a wolf king and he witnesses a fight between wolves and vampires.

Gulf look at him blankly, he doesn't know what to say to his mate. He knows that this is not the right time to tell Mew the truth about him. They just met again and progressing the bond between them as mates. It will ruin his plan once his mate knew all about it.

Taking a deep breath, he keeps his silence.

"I think we should go back to our house, it's late already and Gulf has a class tomorrow! We can talk about this some other time!" Bright suggest which all his friends agreed except Mew who is still looking at his mate.

"Mew will stay here, I need to talk to him alone! Is that okay? " Gulf said looking at them.

"You don't need permission from them! " Mew growls a little but Gulf just glares at him.

"Then stay! I need to take shower! " Gulf left them and stride towards his room.

"He always growls, he thinks he sounds good? " Gulf express his annoyance on Blizzard.

"Admit it, it sounds good! " Blizz said.

"Annoying alpha! " Gulf is pissed that Mew growled at him.


Gulf goes back to the living room to find Mew still standing in the same position and aura. He looks at his mate and notices that he is half-naked with just a boxer short.

"We plan to have a run inside the forest when we saw you fighting those vampires! " Mew explained.

Gulf still looking at him, his mate's eyes travel down and up again. He smirks at how Gulf looks at him with a pleasing emotion.

"As much as I want you to stare at me like that Gulf but I need an explanation! " Mew saw his mate blushed and turn his back to him.

"You saw what happened Mew, they came here with weapons, uninvited! so I deal with them, there's nothing to explain! " Gulf said taking his to on one of the chairs.

"The question is what do they want from you? You are a wolf, it's absurd that a vampire wanted to kill you without any reason! " Mew stands in front of him, with his arms on his waist.

Gulf focuses on his face.

"Honestly I don't know! I'm tired you can go home now! " Gulf saw pain flash on his mate's eyes. "Or you can sleep with me in my room! " Gulf swallows hard, try trying to act cool and calm.

A small smile flashes on Mew's lips upon hearing the words. Gulf didn't say a word but walk first to avoid Mew's teasing gaze.


Mew's eyes darted on the bed the moment he enter Gulf's room. The dark shade scream perfection and extravagant. The rich and thick forest was seen outside his glass wall. And he can't help but imagine how they look like if they were doing naughty things above the bed in front of him.

"The bed will not come to you to sleep on your highness! If you want to take a shower there is a bathroom! Towels on the rack outside the shower room and extra toothbrush on the upper left of the sink." Gulf pointed to the wooden black door. "I will sleep first, suit yourself in the bed after you have done! " Gulf turns his back to Mew and climbs on the bed to lay there.

A little pissed because of his mate's cold demeanor, he is happy that Gulf allowed him inside his room. His eyes went wide when he saw Gulf's bathroom.

"Seriously! How rich he is? " Mew roam his eyes inside the bathroom to fill himself in amazement.

Gulf outside the room thinking that making his mate happy is the only way to get back on his mate. He is lying to Mew, he is keeping a secret from his mate and he is an assassin. If things go wrong in the future he will never regret that he made his mate happy. So he decided to submit Mew to be his fated mate.

Taking a quick shower, Mew found Gulf leaning on the headboard of the bed. He observed the younger who is in deep thoughts. Gulf notice him when he felt the bed slowly sink in a little.

He looks up to his mate whose body has still droplets of water, towel on his lower part. Gulf admits he is drooling at his mate and he can't help it, Mew was born an Adonis.

"Can you let me borrow some clothes? If not it's okay, I sleep naked! " Gulf look at him and rolled his eyes on his mate.

"This is my first time to sleep with someone beside me, let alone a naked man! So no way! Wait here I will get you some clothes.! " Gulf snarl at him.

Mew is on the edge of losing his patience, Gulf has been sassy since earlier.

"Teach him a lesson! " Apollo said.

When Gulf came back holding a set of clothes, he reach his hand to give it to Mew, but instead of taking the clothes Mew pull his arms towards him made Gulf hover above Mew.

Gulf look at Mew in surprise, his hand on Mew's chest, Mew's towel was loosened up already, but the most distracted is the hard thing on Mew's middle area.

"I don't like the way you snarl at me Gulf, I am a wolf king, I don't tolerate disrespect! " Mew said the words calmly while his hand travel on Gulf's back.

"Y-you growl at me first, I just gave you what you deserved! " Gulf face is inches away from Mew.

They stare at each other's eyes in the same position.

"Okay, my fault I'm sorry! " Mew hug him closer, that makes Gulf surrender fully. He weirdly felt a sudden tired feeling and he love the way Mew hug him.

Mew's hand is traveling up and down lulling Gulf to calm down, but when he called Gulf's name, he didn't hear an answer. The younger fell asleep on his mate's arms, hovering Mew's naked body.

Mew adjusted their position and let the fluffy towel be gone on his waist, and hold Gulf closer to his embrace. He knew this will be a very goodnight's sleep.


Morning came, Gulf woke up with a man beside him hugging him tightly, but he don't feel any discomfort. The mood changes when the man moves closer to him and he felt something hard on his thigh. Gulf didn't have to guess what is that, because he clearly remember everything last night.

He slept above his mate's naked body!

He slowly tried to untangle their position without waking his mate, but he failed. The moment he moves his arms, Mew's eyes open wide. Gulf swallowed hard trying to calm his breath. Mew move a little but stop when he felt his manhood leaning on his mate's thigh.

"Good morning? " Gulf greeted Mew awkwardly.

"Yes! A very good morning! " Mew intentionally slides his manhood on Gulf's thigh while pulling closer his mate's waist.

"I have a class at 8:00, I should prepare now! " Gulf tried to be cool, ignoring the hard thing that made him think some crazy scene.

"No good morning kiss? " Mew holds his cheek and caress it.

Without a warning, Mew claimed what his mine. Gulf who has the idea kissed him back with the same ferocity.

But the supposed "morning kiss" turned into a heated session, given the fact that Mew is fully naked above him. Exchanging groans and moans as their lips and tongue played together, hands traveled everywhere on their reach.

Mew is the one who holds back.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but we should stop. I don't know if I can hold back anymore if we don't stop now! But I promise we will get there soon! " Mew hardly breathing, whisper the words on his ears.

Gulf didn't answer for he is chasing his breath also. He didn't expect to like the feeling of having his mate. All his doubt to be claimed by his mate disappear the moment Mew kissed him.

"Get up now! I will drop you at university before I go back to the palace.! " Mew reach for the boxer that he was supposed to wear last night.

"It's fine Mew! I need to take my car, I want to visit someone! " Gulf said that made Mew look at him in confusion.

"I will take Mild from his parents! "
