Chapter 12

Gulf arrived at the university ground with his Porsche 718 boxters. All eyes were on him but for almost a month of going to university he got used will all the stares. Walking straight towards his classroom, his eyes scan the area to find his friends.

He saw Win, Fluke, and Saint talking to each other discussing something serious based on their facial expressions, but when they notice Gulf approaching them Win nudge Fluke's arm secretly to signal him about me.

"Something is wrong and it's about Mild! " Blizzard said.

"Let's corner them after class" Gulf said.

Pretending that he is focused on his class, Gulf notices how Saint fidgeted, playing on his finger to calm himself, Fluke in leg cross, swinging to and fro glancing on the wall clock from time to time, and Win holding a pen tapping it on his desk endlessly.

The bell rang signaling that the class ended, Gulf slowly tidy up his bag, but his senses is focusing on his three friends that secretly glancing at each other.

"I can't help you guys if you don't tell me what's the problem is! " Gulf is about to leave when Fluke holds his arms.

"Mild is in the hospital Gulf! " Fluke said.

Gulf quickly turns his head to them his eyes asking for more details.

"Which hospital? " Gulf look at them with stern eyes.

They tell Gulf about what happens and it brings him to the edge of his patience. Clenching his fist he gestures Ja and Haii to follow him.

"Gulf waits, we want to go also! " Win said still fidgeting his fingers.

"Let Win and Fluke ride in your car, I will take Saint with me! " Gulf instructed his two vampire bodyguards.


They reach the hospital in no time, getting off the car Gulf knew already what he have to do to save his friend. Saint who has been observing him felt that something is about to happen.

They saw Win and Fluke getting off the car of Ja and Haii, and sign the two vampires to go, and that order never missed the eyes of his friends.

Gulf stride towards the front desks and ask the room number of his friends. The nurse throwing flirty looks at the alpha earns a glare from Gulf. He didn't come here for nonsense, he came for his friend.

"Room 421, second floor! " the nurse said.

Gulf left without saying thank you, he doesn't like Mild romantically, he has no special feelings for the omega, but something inside him urges him to save Mild.  Although he didn't understand why does he care for him, he knew that there is always a reason for everything.

"If you don't beat him badly we will never end up here! " a woman with dark hair whisper on the man-like snarling.

"He is useless, I should sell him to dark underground if he has a strong wolf but even his wolf is as weak as him! " the man releasing toxic pheromones that make everyone around him catching a bad vibe.

Gulf and his friends heard everything, he wanted to cut off their neck but the words of Mew ringing on his head.

Earlier that day...

"I will take Mild" Gulf blurted out.

Mew looks at him calmly.

"I know you will do this, and I know also that you don't have romantic feelings for that omega, do what you think is best but don't ever get involved yourself in the situation to the point that you might get hurt! I will kill them if I saw any scratch on your skin! " Mew said sternly looking at his eyes.

It's not a warning or a threat it's a fact. Especially now that they step up their game for being a mate and Mew is a wolf king, everyone knew what kind of monster he is if he is mad.

"I promise, I will not be involved too much! "

"Gulf let's go! " Win tap him on his shoulder when the two-person walk away.

They open the door slowly and get in, only to see their friend lying on a hospital bed, with a small cut above his head, lips with bruises and pale but Gulf felt that he was alright now.

Win hold Mild's hand and as the omega felt the presence of his friend, he opened his eyes and stare at them blankly. He doesn't want to cry, he is a weakling in the eyes of his parents and he doesn't want his friends to see him weak also.

You don't have to visit me here guys, I'm fine! The doctor said I can go home anytime. " Mild smile at them.

Gulf look at him seriously, he is weighing the words that he wanted to say. Looking at his friend, it takes him in the past on how Henry saved him from death. He wanted to do the same with his friends.

"I want to ask you an honest question Mild and I want an honest answer, listen carefully I will offer help once and never again! " Gulf in his alpha tone look at the omega, his friends look at him waiting for his next words.

"I'm willing to save you from your misery but you have to disown your parents, you should be the one to disown them and not the other way around, tell me! Do you want your freedom? " Gulf flash his piercing red eyes in front of them.

"Mild accept it, this is your chance! We heard your parents outside they wanted to sell-" Win is blubbering when Saint covers his mouth.

"I know that they wanted to sell me like a whore in a vampire underground. " Mild look away, avoiding his friend's eyes.

Gulf clenched his fist.

"So accept Gulf offer! He will save- " Fluke stop talking when he heard footsteps approaching them.

Two alpha and an omega woman which they sense that Mild's family came in. The first person they notice is Gulf. He acquired an alpha scent.

Their faces lit up when they saw Gulf, they look at Mild who became quiet the moment they arrived.

"Hello sir, we are Mild's friends, I'm Saint, this is Win, Fluke, and alpha Gulf! "  Saint intentionally said the word "alpha".

"You are my son's mate? " the woman said, beaming at Gulf.

"No, I have my mate of my own! " Gulf directly looks her in the eyes.

"Oh! Is that so!? " a disappointed tone was heard from his mother.

"I want to buy your son! Name a price! " Gulf this time look at Mild's father.

Surprised is an understatement when Gulf said that words.

"Who do you think you are? Showing your arrogance and spouting nonsense,... "

"I know you wanted to sell him, now don't act like a good father and name a price! " Gulf said.

The dark aura and deadly tone he is using right now make everyone flinch.

"I want my freedom, I disown you as my parents! I wish I will never see you again! I wish you are not my family, I wish you guys will feel the pain you inflicted on me! " Mild suddenly said with tears in his eyes.

His parents look at him shocked, the table has turn upside-down they should be the ones to disown their son. They heard Mild's brother growl at Gulf and wanted to attack him.

"I suggest you stay on your ground right now, you've been groping and touching your omega brother without his permission and you know what is the punishment for that sin!? " Gulf look at him in a calm demeanor but he knew that this alpha is stronger than him.

"500,000 dollars! He's yours! " Mild's father said with a taunting look at Gulf.

Gulf look at him coldly but a small smile form on his lips that turn into a fit of laughter.

"I expect you will ask for a million! You look down at your omega son, don't you? " Gulf said still smiling. " 2 million dollars! Don't ever show your face again, even you see him on the street or anywhere. Don't greet him, don't smile at him DON'T DO ANYTHING! the moment you will try to harm him again, I will be the one to give you punishment! " Gulf face turn into a serious one.

Everyone is in a state of shock, an alpha is offering a million for an omega without a reason. A deafening silence engulfed the room, when someone knock on the door, Ja and Haii enter with the doctors.

They let the doctor check on my Mild before he get discharged. And when the doctor left, Gulf signal Ja to give the black briefcase in his hand to Mild's parents.

"Remember, don't ever show yourselves in front of us again! " Gulf warned them.

As they took the money, they took a glance at Mild for the last time, but Mild didn't spare a glance at them. As they walk out the door, the omega burst into tears, for the bond between his family has been broken.

"You did great Mild, prepare yourself for a new journey!" Gulf taps his shoulder and is about to leave.

"Why are you doing this alpha? I am just a mere omega, and I am not your mate, I will be useless! " Mild said still sniffing suppressing his tears.

"My mate is handling big responsibilities for wolves and vampires that he has no extra time to handle small problems like this, I want to help him as his mate! " Gulf said then left the room.

He leaves his friends in confusion and speechless. They don't get what Gulf is trying to say. They look at Ja and Haii but the two vampires just smiled at them like an idiot. Saint who tried to absorb the statement from the alpha gets the part that Gulf is a mate of someone with a higher position in wolfs kind.


Gulf walking in the hallway of the hospital holding his phone. When his ears catch a familiar voice. His heart went wild and anger arise. He slowly glances at the owner of the voice.

"I'm sorry Anthony order from the higher-ups, burn and kill! ", that voice is still ringing in his mind every night.

He took a glance at the person. He is wearing a white coat which means he is a doctor.

"Elric Escobar! What a lucky day for us Blizz! " Gulf talked to his wolf.

"He is next! Play a little game this time! " Blizzard said with a sly smile.

Gulf walked toward the person and intentionally bump him on the shoulder. He heard a hiss from the doctor but the moment he saw Gulf's face his expression change.

"Watch out where you going mister, you are inside the hospital! " Elric said in his sweet voice.

"This bastard !" Gulf wanted to strangle his neck on the spot.

"I'm so sorry Doctor, I'm just worried about the condition of my friend, my mind is out of focus! " Gulf said in a timid attitude.

Elric is a bisexual vampire, he offers sex for the nurses who wanted to work as regular employees in the hospital. And this man is the one who cut his father's chest and taunt him while they raped his mother.

"It's fine, if you're not feeling well you can come to my private clinic here's my card! " Elric gave him the card and caress Gulf's arm.

"I will cut your hand next time, watch for it! " Gulf growl internally.

"Oh! Thank you so much, I'll make sure to visit you! " Gulf bow a little showing his sweetest smile to the doctor.

The doctor lick his lower lip and that act never missed Gulf's eyes.

"Just you wait! "


Mild will be staying at Saint's apartment in the meantime. Gulf wanted Mild to live in his house but he have to talk to his mate first. He doesn't want to create a misunderstanding between them because of petty reasons.

Reaching his house he saw Mew standing on the front door, arms crossed on his chest with a frowning face.

"Good evening your highness! " Gulf greets his mate and passes through him but Mew holds his arm.

"Who touched you? " Mew asked him in a serious tone with stern on his eyes.

Gulf look at him dumbfounded but it hit him immediately that Elric Escobar caress his arm and he forgot to wipe it out.

"I will take a shower first then I will tell you! "   Gulf said and turn away.

He flinches when Mew grabs his arm and pulls him to his room, his mate never released his arm until they reach his toilet.

"Tell me while washing your arm on that sink! " Gulf was surprised on his mate's dark aura.

"I bump into one of the doctors in the hospital he accidentally held my arm. " Gulf said and proceed to wash his arm on the sink as his per order by his mate.

He is so focused on scrubbing the soap when Mew stands behind him and held his head. They look at each other eyes in the mirror, Gulf's heartbeat went crazy.

But the moment gets wilder when Mew grabs his hair and holds his chin to turn his head towards him. And without a warning, Mew crashed their lips together, and slide his tongue inside Gulf's cavern. Gulf look at him with wide eyes.

Gulf tried to stay calm but he got caught up again when Mew pressed their body together he even felt his mate warm and bulge behind him. Without washing his hand he turns around and faces his mate without breaking the kiss.

The warm feeling slowly enveloped the two of them and if they don't stop now they will end up in bed naked and doing "that" thing. Gulf taps his mate's arm gently signaling him to let go for they need to breathe.

"I don't want anyone to touch you accidentally or intentionally, I am possessive to what is mine! And you are mine Gulf so don't let anyone touched you! " Mew told him planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Don't be unreasonable Your Highness! I have friends and I am going to university, we can't avoid incidents like this! " Gulf turned around and finished washing his arm.

He heard a sharp sigh on his mate and a strong scent of pheromones he is releasing.

"Dammit! " Gulf wash his arm quickly and grab his mate out of the bathroom.

"Mew doesn't be ridiculous, I am yours! " Gulf said trying to calm his mate but Mew stare at him blankly.

He tried to calm his mate, the pheromones he is releasing are intoxicating and it's not good for both of them.

"Fuck it, come here! "

Gulf pulls me to the bathroom again and strips my clothes. He grabs Mew's nape and kisses him hard while making their way to the shower room. Mew smirked at his mate's action, he didn't expect that Gulf will easily get intoxicated by his scent.

"I know what your thinking Mew and don't smirk like that! We are only having a shower together no funny business! " Gulf said in between his heavy breath.

"Are you sure? " Mew grab his nape again and turn on the shower.

As his kisses travel on Gulf's earlobes...

"You should know me too well! "