Chapter 13


Mew leaning on the headboard of Gulf's bed, he ends up sleeping there again after their steamy session inside the bathroom, his mate has tried so hard not to lose his sanity just to control the heat of their bodies, and Gulf is good at that.

1 hour ago;

Alphas pheromones surrounded the whole bathroom, slurping each other's fluid, caressing each other's skin. Groaning and moaning have been resonating inside but Gulf is in control of everything.

Mew has lost it and wanted to take him in at that moment but Gulf gently tapping Mew's cheek or forehead to keep him relax. Mew kissed him hard and the way he caress his mate's body has been rough due to the uncontrolled pheromones.

"Mew, no not yet! " Gulf take his mate's hand when Mew is about to put his finger on Gulf's hole.

A groan of frustration was heard as Mew claimed his lips again.

"Shut it Mew and calm down, you should be the one in control, you're an alpha king! " Gulf hiss when Mew captured his nipple.

Gulf has no choice but to quicken his pace, they have to release their semen before things get out of control, he is not ready yet.

Holding his mate's dick Gulf gave him proper masturbation, massaging a little, spreading its pre-cum. Mew is in a whimpering mess, as Gulf holds their erection together and pumps it together. It slides smoothly on his palm since they are both leaking a rich amount of pre-cum.

"I'm Cumming! " Mew groan high pitch and claimed Gulf's lips again while moving his hips on the rhythms of Gulf's hand.

Panting together, Mew is about to fall but Gulf quickly catches him and secures him in his embrace, the water runs on their skin as they finished their shower together.


Mew look at his mate who sleeping soundly while clinging to his arm. His mind drifted on what happened to the palace that day, his father summoned him. A vampire is requesting his presence.

At the palace that day;

After Gulf left for school, Mew prepared himself to go back to the palace. With him is Bright and Zee, who is taunting him about his stay at Gulf's house.

Reaching the palace gate a vampire scent catches his nostril, he glances at his two friends the two heighten their senses. Bright can scan people's bodies so he knew if you are a vampire or a werewolf. Zee can use the wind as a shield.

They were surprised when Mew's father is at the door waiting for them, among the other werewolves' bodyguards. Though Mew didn't smell any danger he is still cautious of his surroundings.

"Son! " his father Alexander beams at him and pulls him into a hug, Bright and Zee bow to the previous king to show their utmost respect.

"What is this all about father? I smell a vampire inside the palace! " Mew query but his father just smiled at him and motioned him to follow.

They enter a huge wooden door to the extravagant library, there Mew saw a familiar vampire who is smiling at him.

"Sir Henry Sandoval? What a pleasant surprise! " Mew walk towards the waiting vampire and offer him a handshake.

"The pleasure is mine, your highness! " Henry answered, glancing on Alexander.

Mew notice the secret glances, he knew this would be an important matter. Henry Sandoval has been their ally since Mew was born and Alexander is the wolf king.

The palace will not accept any request from any vampires unless it is very important, and the fact that his father is the one who summoned him just to meet Henry, he knew this is something he shouldn't neglect.

"I'm sure this is an important meeting, knowing that my father is the one who waited for me at the palace door! " Mew look at the both of them.

"Yes your highness, this is important! " Henry took a deep breath before speaking again. "It's about your mate," Henry said looking at Mew who is walking to sit on his chair.

Mew stop in his trance when he heard what Henry said. He slowly look at the vampire, his eyes flashed the shade of blue which means Apollo is agitated inside him.

"You are aware of the punishment for deceiving a royal right?! " Mew asked Henry in a scary voice. Apollo is known as a hot-tempered alpha.

"Yes your highness, I am fully aware! But before I will speak everything I want you to see this first. !" Henry gave him an envelope.

It's a photo of Gulf, Mew looks at it one by one and smiles unconsciously as if he is looking for his treasure.

"Why do you have this? And answer me with all honesty Henry, I don't tolerate lies here inside my palace! " Mew sit properly ready to hear everything.

"Gulf is the son of my sister Meredith and Anthony Mitchell, your father's right hand before! He was left alone when the Gothic guild finds out the hiding place of my sister and Anthony. After hiding so many years the guild find them and ordered their deaths especially their son which is Gulf! " Henry took a deep breath and was about to speak again when a knock disturbed them.

A servant holding a tray with drinks and pastries served before them.

"Continue... " Mew said in a stoic face.

"Gulf witness the death of his parents, Gulf's mother was raped and abused in front of his father, they cut Anthony's chest and pull out his heart and burn it, while they beheaded my sister, after they make sure that the family is killed they burned the house to ashes. Gulf survive, he walked inside the forest alone and hungry for many days before we find him! "  Henry stop talking and glance at Alexander.

"How sure you are that Gulf is the son of your sister? And how Gulf survived? " Mew asked calmly, all the information is hard for him to comprehend.

It involved his mate so he must be careful of every word he said.

"My sister is a wise woman Mew, she can see the future, she is a sage! They hide and protect Gulf even before the guild finds them that's why Gulf is with us now! " Henry looks at Mew weighing the emotion of the alpha.

Mew look at him in the eyes, he wanted to see the lies in there but no! Henry is telling the truth.

"I am the one who sent you a record that I will give Gulf to you after 5 years. I know he is the silver wolf! " Henry laid his last speech.

He knew Mew is still in doubt of his words so the Gulf being a silver wolf is the last piece to earn the trust of the wolf king.

Mew stands up and walks towards Henry in a calm demeanor, but they got surprised when Mew holds his neck and strangled him but Henry stays calm and holds his breath looking at the angry eyes of the alpha.

Liam who is inside the room also tried to help his master but he was cornered by Bright and Zee. He hisses at the two werewolves and the two wolves growled at him. Henry signs Liam to stay where he is.

"Calm down son! I believed Henry! I am the one who helped him to deliver that package to you five years ago!" Alexander said holding his son's arm to calm him down and sign Mew to put Henry down.

Mew threw Henry away to the waiting sofa, the vampire groan in a sudden force.

"Why are you telling me all this? Gulf and I are doing well! And if you think I will hurt him you're wrong, he is mine and no one is going to hurt him! " Mew said in a wolf king tone.

Henry laughs like a crazy person! He looks at Mew in disbelief and shakes his head that makes Mew lose his temper again. Growling he walk towards Henry again to slap him but the words Henry halt him.

"Gulf is not a damsel in distress that needs saving Mew! Didn't you get it? He is a werewolf and a vampire, he has two kinds of blood running through his veins! Before anyone can touch him, they are dead already! " Henry said smiling.

"Your highness! Gulf is the one who killed Jeff Ramirez and Darwin Madrigal! He is the lone assassin that everyone talking about! Those vampires he killed was the one who raped his mother and tortured his father and doesn't even dare to stop him, Mew, he is willing to reject everyone just to give justice for his parents! He will never stop until he killed them all! " Henry said panting.

Mew slaps him hard and grabs his head to give him a hard punch but Mew's fist hangs in midways.

"HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH MEW THAT HE IS WILLING TO GIVE YOU UP TO PROTECT YOU! " Henry shouts at him, both are on verge of losing all their cools. "The first time he met you, he is always staring at the moon! We always heard him say "I will see you soon" sometimes we heard him saying "I'm sorry" staring at the sky! He doesn't want anyone to get involved in his revenge plan your highness so I suggest you keep this meeting a secret between us! " Henry lower his head to surrender.

"Why are you telling me all this? " Mew still standing in front of Henry waiting to strike again.

"I will be gone soon, once the Gothic Guild finds out that the killings lead to my sister, I know they hunt me down and torture me to their heart's content. I'm telling you all this to leave Gulf on your protection. He's all yours Mew! Don't let the Guild captured Gulf! I leave all my properties and bank accounts to Gulf in different names, I make sure no one can trace it! Don't tell Gulf everything I said here! " Henry stares at Mew showing all his respect and honesty to the wolf king.

Mew left speechless! He doesn't know how to react and what to say. He needs to come back soon, he needs Gulf in his arms.

He left without saying goodbye to his father, who is looking at him.


"Why are you still awake your highness! " Gulf hold his mate's hand.

Mew stares at him lovingly and reaches for his cheek to caress it.

"I'm not sleepy yet! And stop calling me "your highness" I'm your mate!" Mew answered him smiling.

"I liked the sound of it, your highness! What are you thinking? Your eyes seem restless! " Gulf get up to lean in the headboard also, still holding his mate's hand.

"Nothing particular, just random thoughts! " Mew pull him to his embrace.

"Like what? " Gulf felt it, his mate is thinking deep like he is facing a major catastrophe.

Knowing how Gulf won't give up the conversation, he decided to just flirt to embarrass his mate and watch him blushing hard.

"Like how erotic your moan earlier, and how you-- ouch !" Mew act in pain when Gulf hits his mouth lightly.

"Stop thinking dirty thoughts, Mew! You pervert Alpha! " Gulf glare at him which made him laugh.

Gulf is so red and avoids looking in his eyes, Gulf tried to get lost from Mew's embrace but the alpha didn't budge.

"That's facts baby! Anyway, are you up for a run? I want to see your wolf again, Apollo has been pestering me about it since last week! " Mew said while giving Gulf a light kiss.

"Is it safe to shift on my wolf? You know I'm a silver wolf! " Gulf hold Mew's face to stop his kisses.

"Yes!, as long as you're with me, I will make sure you are safe! " Mew leans to claimed his mate's lips.


Gothic Guild...

"Collect all the details and possibilities from the two incidents. The assassin is not just an ordinary vampire, he knows where to strike and what equipment to use! I need improvement of this case before the full moon of this month! " Draco said calmly, his hand resting on his table.

"Yes sir! But there's something you have to know! " Axel the green eyes vampire who possesses the power of black smoke relays a message to his superior.

"Speak..! " Draco said.

"There is a rumor that a silver wolf is roaming around the city! " Axel said.

Draco's eyes flashed into a blood-red shade. The legend that made them felt scared is slowly turned into reality.
