Chapter 14

The night is cold, the wind blows gently calling the creatures of the night to follow the lead. Howling was heard and the fast pace of black and silver werewolf was chasing each shadow of the green forest.

Mew and Gulf running happily, claws buried deep on the ground each time they pounded it. Three more alphas following them keeping the pace but making sure to keep the distance same goes with the two vampires.

They run to their heart content, not aware of the hateful eyes looking at them from the dark area of the forest. Hissing from anger, their canines slowly grow, preparing themselves to attack the group of werewolves who are having fun.

Gulf halted on his steps when he sense something's strange, the smell of the winds carries a weird scent. He cannot mind linking his mate for they didn't mark each other yet.

The weird smell fastly approaching so Gulf prepared himself for the possible danger.

"Blizz! Enemies! " Gulf told his wolf alerting him to protect his mate.

"I have a surprise for you tonight Gulf, wait and see! " Blizzard moved faster leaving Mew behind.

They need to reach the enemies first before they will cause harm to their mates.

The hissing sound of vampires is not too far, and before Gulf could react he was cornered by four vampires looking at him like weak prey. In his wolf form Gulf knew he needs to adjust, as the vampires attack him at the same time, he was able to dodge by jumping out of their circle.

On the other hand, Mew is crazily sniffing the area to locate his mate, Gulf hides his scent again.

"Your Highness, this way! " Leo lead the wolf king and the other alpha wolves.

There they saw how Blizzard hold the vampire's neck and pierce it using his long sharp claw. Mew howl angrily and run towards his mate to help him.

Mew catches the body of the vampire who dares to attack him and using Apollo's sharp claw he pierces it to where the heart is and harshly takes it out.

Mew saw another vampire in Gulf's direction, as it was about to grab Gulf on the head got a hold of his hand. They saw how the piercing red eyes turn into emerald green, adding to their shock, the vampire falls kneeling in front of Gulf trembling as his body slowly frosting. Gulf hit the frozen body it was broken into pieces.

Gulf in wolf form slowly turns around to face his mate. He looks at the shocked face, confused and scared eyes of Mew.

Gulf slowly take a step towards Mew but his mate took a step backward as if he don't want Gulf to come closer to him. Pain flashed in Gulf's eyes.

"Young master!" Haii came with a big black cloak to cover Gulf in case he needs to shift back into his human form.

Gulf look at Mew with disappointing eyes, he shifted into his human form grab the cloak on Haii and he was gone with the wind in a blink of an eye.

"What was that Mew? " Bright asked the wolf king angrily.

"Are you scared of him? Gulf looks hurt! " Zee exclaimed.

Mew stay quiet he was shocked by what he saw, he tried to understand what just happened. When he realized everything he strides faster to chase his mate.


Gulf reach the mansion with Ja and Haii, he slammed the door of his room because of his anger. Tears rolled down on his cheek, his mate is afraid of him.

"What more if you found out that your mate is a killer? " Gulf whispered and let his body fall inside the shower room.

"I'm sorry, I think I show my ability at the wrong time! " Blizzard said in a sad voice.

"It's not your fault Blizz if he can't accept us for who we are, then let's prepared ourselves for the major breakdown! " Gulf said bitterly, lifting his face to let the water run on his face.

"He didn't know that you are a half-vampire half-wolf, I think he will understand it if we explained it to him, my ability worked on vampires only not to werewolves, we will tell him that!" Blizzard whimpering inside his head.

"No let it be this time, if he accepts us, he will seek for us! " Gulf cut off their link and stand up to finish his shower.


Mew reach Gulf's house and tried to enter but the Ja and Haii stopped him. He growls at the two vampires but it has no effect.

"Give it a rest Your Highness! This is not the right time to talk to him! " Ja said bowing his head to show respect.

"Get out of my way or die? " Mew growled at them.

Bright, Zee, and Luke who was watching signal the two vampires to let Mew in.

Mew quickly reach Gulf's door he was about to open it but the vampire who turned to ice flashed on his mind. He hold the doorknob to twist it but he was caught when Gulf opened it staring at him coldly.

"I can still see that scared look in your eyes, your highness! " Gulf said calmly but in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry, I was caught up in a moment I admit I got scared but that doesn't mean I don't want you anymore. " Mew said looking at Gulf's hand.

"You're afraid that if I hold you you will turn into frost also? Think carefully Mew, I will wait until you are ready to accept me for who I am! I'm not going anywhere, take your time! " Gulf closed the door leaving Mew behind.

He sadly looks at the closed door, he wanted Mew to come in and hug him but he's been waiting for a while now but nothing happens.


Morning came, Gulf woke up as usual. He took a shower and was ready for school, the memory from last night flashed in his mind as he saw his reflection in the mirror. Thinking about Mew, he loses the strength to think further.

Going down he saw Zee waiting for him in the living room smiling at him, holding a piece of paper that he guess it's from Mew.

He beams a smile on Zee tried to hide the hurt feelings that he felt right now. He needs to be strong for he has a mission to finished.

Zee walk towards him and hand the small piece of paper, he took a deep breath and open it.

I will be away for a while, need to visit the pack in Russia, we'll talk once I came back! Wait for me, I love you!


He folds the paper and puts it inside his pocket, Zee who has eyeing him, taps his shoulder.

"Everything will be okay Gulf, we are shocked also last night but more amazed, we never met someone like you! So it's new to us, anyhow we will still protect you as Wolf's king order! " Zee nods at him, signing him that he will be fine.

"Have you found your mate, Zee? " Gulf asked.

Zee chuckled as they both walk to the door to go to university.

"You will be going to meet him today! " Zee answered and wink at Gulf.


Gulf arrived at the university alone, Ja and Haii is tailing him and Zee is guarding him also. Making sure that he locked his car, Zee sign him to wait for him.

They saw Mild and Saint waiting inside smiling at them, but Gulf got shocked when Saint snaked his arm around Zee's neck, Zee's arms on Saint's waist. They gave each other a passionate kiss.

Gulf look at them with wide eyes, how come he didn't know it before. Saint looked at him blushing, Zee planted another kiss on his mate's cheek.

"Meet my mate Gulf,! " Zee said.

Saint is a beta wolf, his family owns a small business enough to sent him to college.

"Wow, I've got friends with a lot of surprises! First is Mild then Saint, whose next? " Gulf said smiling, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Thank you, Gulf! For saving me! " Mild bow his head a little.

"It's fine, from now on I don't want to see you frowning! I hope you will find your mate soon Mild! " Gulf pat his shoulder.

The bell rang signaling the start of first-class for the day, Zee proceed to the technical office to check all the cameras and CCTV in the school area.

As he was checking the videos captured by the surveillance camera, he saw a familiar figure coming out from the limousine. His heartbeat went crazy and stride towards the room where Gulf is.

Knocking at the door, Zee interrupts the whole class and scans Gulf among the crowd.

"We have to get him out of here! " Zee talking to his wolf Fighter.

As he saw Gulf, he walk faster and hold his hand signaling him to follow him quickly. The teacher who is a werewolf understands the situation when Zee signals him to keep quiet.

But as they were about to leave, the person that they wanted to avoid standing in front of them. Zee automatically lets go of Gulf's hand and faces the person.

"Sir Draco! " Zee bow a little to give his respect to the head of the vampires.

"Hmm,! " Draco looks at Gulf smiling, ignoring Zee. "You are a beautiful young man! Come here! " Draco lift his hand to motioned Gulf to come closer.

"He can read mind Gulf! " Zee warns his friend, he is dead once Mew receives the message that his mate meets the head of the vampire.

Gulf walk towards Draco but Zee hold his wrist, secretly signing him not to comes close, but Gulf smiled at him and removed his hand gently.

"Goodmorning sir! I am Gulf! " Gulf said calmly.

Zee observed Gulf, he is calm, and the way he looks at Draco it seems like he already knows who the person is.

Zee flinches and holds his breath when Draco holds Gulf's hand. The smiling face of Draco turned into confusion when he let go of Gulf's hand.

"What an amazing alpha wolf! You can shield your memory! " Draco said while laughing hard.

No one can read Gulf, he can put barriers to protect himself from any vampire powers.

"Isn't it rude to read someone's mind without their permission? " Gulf asked in a sweet voice.

"Of course! I'm sorry, go to your class now! I'm just here to check my kind! I will meet you again!" Draco said, he caress Gulf's cheek with his index finger.

Gulf didn't flinch nor show any fear, when Draco turn around to leave he flashed emerald green eyes.

"Surely we will meet again! By that time you will be frozen! " Gulf said internally.

Zee look at Gulf with so much amazement, this alpha wolf, their future luna possesses an incredible ability incomparable to all of them.


"Find out about him Axel! I want him! " Draco ordered his right hand.

"Right away sir! " Axel answered and leave to do his mission.

Everyone has a secret plan and everyone will face the consequences of every decision. As for Gulf, he is fated to kill Draco and for Draco, he is fated to fall in love with his enemy.


:;: enjoy reading