Chapter 15


Days have passed after the small encounter of Gulf with Draco, since then Gulf has been clouded with negative emotion. The way Draco brushed his finger on Gulf's face, stirring more anger inside him.

He remembers Elric Escobar, his next target. The person who strips his mother's clothes without pity. He look at the card he is holding in his hand and crumpled it, he ignored the pain when his nails penetrate deeper into his palm, causing it to bleed.

Blood dripping from his hand, he takes his black mask to prepare his weapon. Ja and Haii watching him keeping their silent for they knew that their young master will finish another vampire's life.


On Downtown Avenue inside the exclusive bar, Gulf is hiding in the dark. He is observing his prey from afar, who smiled a lot while drinking his wine, caressing the thigh of another man under the table. His prey stand up together with the man and headed towards the toilet for men.

Gulf knew what they are going to do inside that toilet based on how Elric caresses the man's shoulder. Gulf throws a glance to Ja and Haii who are observing quietly on the corner like an ordinary customer.

Time passed by, Elric came out from the toilet alone. Wiping his lips smirking. He head towards the counter to pay his bills then left the area. Gulf stay for a minute finished his drinks then left too.

He is on his way to the exit when someone grabs his hand, it's a vampire who staring at him with lust in his eyes.

"Short round in the toilet? " the vampire licking his lower lip sideways, looking at Gulf seductively.

Gulf who didn't want to cause ruckus inside the bar by killing the person in front of him smiled and motioned the man to follow him. Inside the cubicle, the man unbuttoned his shirt immediately and unbuckled his belt in front of Gulf.

Gulf didn't flinch nor look at the bulge of the man in front of him. He just wait for the man to come closer. As the man leaned toward his face to kiss him, he flashed his piercing red eyes. The man slowly steps backward and just stands still as he looks at Gulf blankly.

He cannot use Blizzard's power for it may confuse when someone finds out. He just uses his ability as a vampire to compelled another vampire.

Gulf left the bar quickly and go faster to where Elric Escobar's private clinic is located.


A man lurking in a dark corner inside the building, watching Elric walking happily, whistling on his every step.

A piercing red eye is looking at him without his knowing, following him quietly and carefully. He opened the door of his clinic and enter it when suddenly he heard a click from behind him. He turned around to see why the door locked on its own but to his surprise, his neck is held by a sharp sword.

His eyes went wide with fear and look at the man that wearing a black mask, his body trembling but he stay calm. The red eyes that glaring at him is full of hatred towards him.

"Who are you and what do you want? " Elric asked with a trembling voice as his pupil dilated with fear.

Gulf just look at him, he enjoyed how this murdered of his parents trembling in fear in front of him. He is happy to watch how this vampire looks at him in confusion.

"I'm asking you! Who are you? Who sent you to kill me? Draco? Santiago? I will double whatever they gave you! " Elric is desperate now to save his own life, but Gulf doesn't need anything but to bathe in the blood of his enemies.

"I am ...." Gulf stare at Elric and smiled evilly.

Gulf hang his sentence, he was amazed at how Elric anticipated what's next.

"I said I visited you one of these days right? We meet in the hospital last time! " Gulf whispered on his ears.

Elric tried to process what Gulf's say:

"Who are you? " Elric asked when finally he realized that the young he encounter in the hospital.

"I am Gulf Arvin, son of Anthony and Meredith Mitchell! and I am your worst nightmare.! " Gulf again whispered in his ears.

Before Elric could react... His head was cut off from his body, it rolled to the floor going under his desk. The major veins on the neck gush a lot of blood.

"What a sight to see! " Gulf exclaimed with excitement, licking the blood that flowing from Elric's neck.

He is satisfying himself on slurping the blood of his prey when suddenly he heard footsteps approaching. Placing a sunflower on top of Elric's cut-off head, Gulf finds his way out like a shadow in the night.



Mew is busy attacking the dark rogues who causing headache to the leaders of the allied pack in Russia and causes fear in every wolf kind in that country.

Apollo never gets tired of the sight of blood. He released his anger and frustration to his enemies by killing those who don't obey him. He is a wolf king and no one should dare to defy him. Every drip of blood gives him energy and every begging is a melody to his ears.

The night ended with red surroundings, blood sparkling under the moonlight. Howling for victory enveloped the whole crowd. Everyone kneeled in one knee and bow to the wolf king, as Mew leave the crowd the last howl was offered to him.


He entered the house provided for him and wanted to go to his room quickly to take a shower and rest, but he was blocked by the head alpha of the place.

"Your Highness, we prepared a special surprise for you in your room to ease your tired body and also to entertain you a little while you are still here! " The head, alpha said, Bright and Luke who is behind him look at Mew in confusion.

"Make sure that I will like whatever it is or else blood will splatter on this place! " Mew warn the alpha and left.

He motioned Bright and Luke that he will be okay, but the two alpha waited on his front door to make sure that he is safe.

Mew entered his room and was surprised by the sight and smell. His room was filled with the scent of sandalwood smell, red rose petals scattered all around and a woman wearing a thin gown is lying on his bed.

Apollo growled inside him and wanted to take over to kill the woman instantly but Mew hold it down.

Mew watches the woman as she gets off the bed and walks towards Mew, her hips swinging in a sultry way, looking at Mew seductively.

"I swear Mew once you touch her I will cut off our link forever! And don't forget that our mate can frost us in an instant once he finds out about this! " Apollo said in a warning voice.

"Do you think I will fuck her? I don't want to add another problem with Gulf! " Mew answered.

The woman was in front of him already and lift her hands to touch Mew, but Mew caught his wrist and hold it. Looking at the woman in front of him, the woman didn't show any fear.

"Your highness, I will be your pleasure tonight! It's an honor to sleep with the wolf king! " The woman smiled sweetly.

"Mew I want to rest now, kill her this instant! " Apollo said growling inside his head.

"You are an omega? " Mew asked.

"Yes your highness I am an omega, and I reject my Alpha when I receive the order to please you! You can claim me tonight! " the woman proudly said.

A hard slap landed on her face, she stumble down holding her face. She looked at Mew with wide eyes but it was changed in fear when the Blazing blue eyes of the wolf king growling towards her.

"You reject your mate and choose to whore your body, I will give you what you want! " Mew said calmly and call the guards. "Drag her away, and call the head alpha to meet me on the packed ground! " Mew reach the table with a scented candle and throw it on the corner of the room.

Mew heads to the packed ground with dried blood still on his body, his anger reaches its peak with the supposed surprise.

The head alpha of the house kneeling on the ground trembling. Beside him was the woman who didn't get to dress properly after she was dragged out of Mew's room.

"I strip you from your position as a head alpha of this pack, from now on you will serve the dungeon!" Mew's voice roar. "Who is the mate of this woman?! " Mew looks around, his eyes are still in blazing blue, warn everyone that Apollo took over.

A young man raises his hand, same as Mew, his body came from the war.

"You fight along with us right? " Mew asked him directly.

"Yes your highness! " the man lower his head and answered the alpha.

"Is it true that you got rejected by her? " Mew asked again.

"That is correct your highness, I was rejected before you came.! " the alpha said bitterly.

"So you planned everything even before I reach here huh! " Mew look at the former head alpha with disgust.

"From now on, take his position as a head alpha of this pack! I will leave the punishment to your mate in your hand! " Mew left the crowd with a grimacing face.

Bright and Luke following him behind, felt the dark aura emitting from Mew. They were startled when Mew suddenly speak.

"Call the pilot to prepare tomorrow! Let's go home! " Mew left them without waiting for their answer.

The two waited for Mew to disappear from their sight completely before held their fist in the air.

"YES! " the two exclaimed.


Gothic Guild...

Draco staring at the door blankly, his mind keeps flashing the memory of Gulf. He was so distracted that he didn't notice his right hand entered the door.

"You summoned me, sir! " Axel query.

But Draco seems to be a dreamland,

"Sir! " Axel call him again.

Draco looks at him, more like glaring.

"You don't have to call me twice.! " Draco said. "What did you find out about him? " He sips on his glass of blood.

"He attend university recently, no records of his parents, blood type AB+, 21 years old, he lives in an exclusive area in the city, the address didn't state on his school records. He is an alpha wolf, ability unknown! " Axel report without taking a break.

"That's all? " Draco gulp the remaining blood on his glass.

"Yes sir, no family backgrounds, he is a reserved kind of wolf. " Axel heaved a sigh, the smell of blood made him salivated.

"Find out if he has a mate already.... " he pauses for a while. "Kill his mate if he has one! " Draco blurted out without any second thoughts.

Axel left the room quickly, he needs blood. The order from his master made his bloodlines dried up.

"You know the consequence of killing someone's mate right? Especially it's an alpha! " Quellon said.

He is a brother of Draco that can drain the energy of his enemy.

"It's none of your business! Did you prepare my toy? " Draco stands up and gets his coat.

"Yes, it's waiting in your room! Tied up with a leash! " Quellon relay, looking at his brother with anger.

"Name? " Draco opens one of his drawers to get a key.

"Art Davis! " Quellon answered.

Draco left him in the room and proceed to his room to play for his next victim. Pleasure and pain.
