Chapter 16: Refugees and Plan for the Future

|3rd POV|

While Arma and his village managed to repel the monster wave, many villages and even a city did not manage to repel the monster wave. Unlike Arma and his people, they did not have Arma to heal the people around him and restore their stamina.

Because of this, many villages and cities to the east of Arma's village lose the fight against the monster. The ones that manage to escape the monster migrate to the west. The reason? The monster wave is still charging to the east, and they hear a weird rumor about a strange village in the middle of a desert that accepts refugees as long as they are willing to work.

Because of this, many people walk through the harsh desert, hoping that this village will accept them and they can start over.

"Papa… Will they accept us?"

A small girl looks at her father, who loses his left eye in the fight against monsters who manage to find their group.

"Don't worry, dear. They will accept us."

The father can only smile slightly and assure his daughter that everything will be alright, even though he does not know if everything will be alright.


As if the gods mock his thinking, one of the people shouts that word, alerting the others. He looks back and sees seven massive lizard-like monsters charging at them.

"Lisa! Angella! Get behind me! Prepare to run away!"

The man shouts and orders his wife and daughter to get behind him. He prepares to put his life on the line to protect his family and give them time to run away from here. However, before he and the others can do anything, ten cavalry arrive at their location and attack the monsters.

The man can only watch as what looks like elite soldiers decapitate the monsters with ease. After a couple of minutes, they are done killing all the monsters, and the unit's captain walks toward him and says.

"Who are you?"

He snaps from his thoughts and quickly says.

"My name is Andreas, sir! We are from Giri Village to the east! We are seeking asylum in a nearby village or city."

The captain nods his head and says.

"Very well. We shall escort you to the village. We need to move. The sun is about to set."

After hearing that word, Andreas and the others released a sigh of relief. Some people start to cry at that news.


I release a sigh and lean over my chair. These past few days have been too chaotic for my young body. After the monster wave, many refugees come from the east and the north.

Around three hundred refugees have come to my village in the last five days.

I need human resources, but this is too much. With so many people in this place, our food supply stretches thin. We must visit the city to buy a lot of food to feed the others. My power gives me several great items that help us fix the house and other important buildings by giving me some tools and materials to fix that said building.

However, there are not a lot of things that will help us in this situation. At least not immediately. In the long run, it will be great, but it will not take effect until a few months.

We need to do something.

"My lord"

I snap from my thoughts and see Sebastian open the door to my office.

"What is it, Sebastian? Has something happened?"

"Thirty more people are coming to our village, my lord."

I release a sigh and say.

"Take them to the temporary camp and give them some food. Let them eat some of the monster meat."

We were lucky that we smoked and salted all that meat after the party. We can store it for quite a long time. However, that will not last long if we cannot solve this problem.

"Of course, my lord."

"Ah, before you go, can you go around and see if someone can be trusted to be our merchant? We need them to move around and outside the kingdom to buy food and other things. We need them as full-time merchants as I cannot do this every now and then, and I know that we will be busy from now on."

Sebastian nods his head and says.

"I shall gather the most trusted merchant for you, my lord. Should we take some of the gold, my lord?"

"Yes. Take some of the gold from the block to the city and exchange it to the bank. Use that money to buy anything we need, but make sure to buy a lot of food."

"Of course, my lord. I shall do that. Anything else, my lord?"

"Hmmm, can you tell Cassandra to make some food for me? I start to get hungry."

"Of course. I shall inform her."

"Good. You can go."

He bows to me and leaves my office. I take a deep breath and look out of the window. Five masons are among the three hundred people that come here. Because of this, they started to work to build a wall around the village.

It will take years to finish the wall, but it is a start.

I take out a diary book from the drawer and open the book's last page. This is the page where I keep my to-do list for the village. I put 'On construction' next to the wall around the village. Among those to-do lists is creating a secret garden underground for medical plants that we can sell or use to create potions.

The reason? I got a card that lets me have a small magical garden that boosts plant growth, increases its quality, and allows me to survive in any environment. The only requirement is to prepare a flat ground twenty meters by twenty meters in size.

This will be the next project after we solve the food problem. We can raise a secret food stash for emergency use. When I get my hands on rare seeds or something worth growing fast, I will put them here.

"My lord"

I snap from my thoughts and close my book as I hear Cassandra's voice coming from the door.

"Your food is here."

Right. I will think about this later. For now, food.