Chapter 17: Sol Leon

|??? POV|

Finally! I finally arrived at this place.

"Hmph! This is it, you witch. This will be your resting place. If the desert is kind enough for you, you shall survive for a day or two."

I sneer at their mocking laugh as I clean my clothes from the sand. They might think that I would die, but I will survive this and find my peace!

My name is Helaguntia Ebrildi, and I am the former heiress of Duke Ebrildi. That's right, former.

I got kicked out of the family because that woman managed to charm my brother, cousin, and even my fiance to follow her words. However, instead of being angry at them all who abandoned me, I am glad.

The reason? I know that woman will be the downfall of the kingdom that the moron of a prince will soon rule. How do I know this? I am a reincarnated woman; this world is an Otome Game World filled with problems.

The game is called Olympia. It is a series of games that are happening in the same universe.

I, Helaguntia, is a villainess that the protagonist exiles from the kingdom. That might sound bad, but it does not. This even happens in the first game, where the True Ending of the story is the Reverse Harem Ending. That sounds good, right? Nope.

The third game of the series, which happens ten years after the story, reveals that the protagonist is not fit to be a queen. She knew nothing about the government and only cared about food and partying. The worst part? The captured target, the people who follow her every word, indulge her, and ignore anything that makes her a little bit upset.

One of the capture targets even killed more than forty people because she was upset from being lectured by an older noble in governing the kingdom.

Let's just say that the kingdom gets into a civil war, and the winner of the war is the antagonist for the third game.

Then what about me? The villainess who gets exiled. After high demand from the players after the third game was released, the dev created a canon side story revealing a bittersweet journey for the villainess.

I take a deep breath and take out the compass from my bag. This is one of the few things granted by that moron prince.

According to the story, Helaguntia needs to move to the southwest of the point where she gets thrown out of the camel. I follow the needle to the Southwest and continue to walk. She needs to walk until she sees two massive rocks that look like a drill pointing to the sky.

I continue to walk for fifteen minutes before I see the massive rocks that look like a drill.

My hope swells when I see the rock because the information in the story is correct. That means I only need to follow where the tip of the rock points, and I should find a small pathway to my destination.

I look at where the rock points at and follow it. I continue to walk through the hot sun while drinking enough water not to fall unconscious before finally, I find the small and dirty pathway as the story told.

I take a deep breath and urge my body to continue moving. However, before I can even walk long, my vision gets blurry, and darkness claims me. Ah, even with all my preparation, I still go unconscious from the heat of the desert.


I gasp and look around just to see that I am on a bed inside a room. I cannot help but start to release tears from my eyes. I am glad. I am glad that this is not some Alternate Universe or something. I am glad that I survived. I am glad that I can still have a good ending.

I snap from my thoughts and wipe away the tears from my eyes when I hear someone open the door to my room. When my eyes land on the door, I see someone I am familiar with. Someone that I look at from behind the computer multiple times. Someone who changes Helaguntia's fate for the better.

He has brown hair that is so fluffy it might be a cloud. His brown eyes look at me with such kindness that it makes me want to hug him. However, behind that kindness is intelligence that rivals even a sage.

He is Armaah Krur-I Tilpun, or Arma, the second main protagonist in the side story of Olympia.

"Ah, you are awake. That is good. Here. Please eat something."

I slowly nod my head and eat the fruit in front of me. Arma takes a seat on the chair next to my bed and says.

"My name is Armaah Krur-I Tilpun, but please call me Arma. Can I have your name?"

Guh! Please don't smile like that. I cannot resist the urge to pinch your cheek if you give me that smile. Games and reality are truly different. The game cannot be compared with the real deal.

"My name is Helaguntia Ebrildi, but please call me Hela."

"I see. It is nice to meet you, Hela. We find you unconscious not too far away from our village, and I wonder the reason why you are in the desert with nothing but thin clothes without much cover on your head."

Ah, this is it. It is slightly different than in the game, but the question is the same. This is an important decision because it affects your early game playthrough. There are two choices: an honest answer or lying to him. You need to choose the first instead of the second to have an easier early game.

With this in mind, I tell him my story. I tell him about how that trollop takes away everything I have. I tell him about the betrayal of my own family for some stranger.

"What about your father? He did not attack you, right?"

"No," I shake my head. "He might not be attacking me, but he also did not help me. He only wants to increase his power."

The Ebrildi family might be a duke, but we are a declining duke family. My father would do anything to get support from the royal family, hence the engagement and the betrayal. He did not care about me as long as he could get support from the First Prince.

"I see."

Arma releases a sigh and looks at me with kind eyes that are filled with sadness. I know the reason why he looks at me like that. We are the same, the two of us. We are two people who were abandoned by our family.

"Do you want to join our village? We did not have much, but I assure you you can live a comfortable life here."

This is it! If you reject his offer, the first bad end will occur.

"Yes! Please… I don't know where to go."

"Welcome to our village. We did not have a name yet, but if you have something, please tell me."

The naming event! Something that is very important in the Strategy/Kingdom Building part of the game. If you name the village with a connection to some Gods, you will get blessings from them that will help you later.

"Hmmm… How about Sol-Leon? It means Lion of the Sun."

He looks at me for a few seconds before chuckling.

"I love it. From now on, this village will be called Sol-Leon, the Lion Village of the Sun."

Great! With this, I secure the greatest blessing for the mid-game of the storyline! Now, I only need to make sure that we can go through the first arc of the game.

"How about I show you around the village after you are done eating?"

I give him a bright smile and say.

"I love to!"