Chapter 18: Golem

Hela is a Godsend.

"Here. You should make the farm like this. It will be great for the plant as the flow of the water gets to the land more easily."

She is knowledgeable and hardworking. Without her, I would have to do things alone, and with a new human resource arriving in Sol Leon, we would have been very busy. However, with her joining my village, I can split my duties.

I will handle the army training, merchant selection, and healing. Hela is the one taking care of the farming and construction planning.

I wonder if she has a blessing related to that kind of thing? She looks natural when it comes to that kind of thing.

"How is it, Hela?"

"Huh? Oh, Arma! The farm is coming nicely. We are lucky that the water in the lake is full. The others tell me that it was because of you. Is that true?"

"You can say that. Giving water for all of us is part of my blessing."

She looks at me curiously but does not ask for more.

"I see. Anyway, I want to ask if you have more of that dirt left?"

Right, dirt. I get them before she arrives here. I get forty dirt blocks from my system. We use them to create a better farm around the lake. The hard dirt we have is good enough to grow plants, especially since I have already healed it. However, it cannot be compared to the dirt I get from the system. That dirt? Very fertile.

"We still have some, why?"

"I think we can expand it even more. The wheat is nearly done and about to be harvested. We can harvest the grain and change that into your dirt. After that, we can mist the hard dirt with yours to create a mixed dirt to expand it further."

I nod and say.

"Sure. Take as much as you want. Ask Sebastian, and he will show you where you can get them."

"Thank you."

I look at her for a second before saying.

"Hela… Why are you working this hard? Don't get me wrong. It is very appreciated, but you did not need to work this hard, you know?"

She looks at me for a few seconds before saying.

"The reason why I work this hard is because I want to be useful to you, Arma." She raises her finger when I am about to interrupt her. "Let me finish first. Without your help, I would be dead somewhere in the desert. I am an exiled person. I get kicked out by my own brother and father. I'm supposed to die somewhere. However, instead of dead. You found me, healed me, and gave me a place to sleep."

She gives me a bright smile and says,

"You might not know this, but you give me a second chance at life, and I want to pay you back."

I can only sigh at that word and say.

"Just make sure not to push yourself too hard."

"Of course~"


|Helaguntia Ebrildi POV|

"Anyway, why are you insisting on expanding the farm? It is a great idea, but caring for them will be hard because of our location."

I look at Arma as the two of us, watching the people working on building more houses for the others.

"Because we need more food, Arma. I hear from my former kingdom that drought is happening across the kingdom, and I am afraid that with this many people, it will affect us."

And I am not lying. This is the first challenge the player faces in the side story. In [Olympia: Desert Prince], the player needs to face ten challenges in the first arc. It can be reduced until there are only four challenges if your strategy in the Kingdom Building part of the game bears fruit.

To reach that outcome, you must ensure no people in Sol Leon die from starvation, which is the first requirement. I am lucky that Arma gets a weird power instead of his canon power, which is usually divided into three. However, instead of one of these three, he gets a weird blessing that I do not yet know. So far, he has shown the ability to heal and make water and dirt. I thought that it was his third power, called [Master of Magic], that allowed him to control all five elements. However, I have a feeling that it was not it.

"A drought, huh? I can understand the reason why you want to expand the farm and get as much food as possible. However, we did not need to worry about not getting rain."

"Huh? This drought will sweep across the continent, Arma. We will not get any rain for months! Or even a year."

He smiles at me and says,

"Don't worry. We will be alright. In fact, let's make a second lake. We will need them."

I can only look at him in confusion and shock. I can see him talking to Sebastian and explaining to him about the incoming drought. However, instead of denying his weird request to make a second lake, the old butler nods and tells the others to start to work to make a second lake.

After that, he looks at me with a cheeky smile and says,

"Don't worry, Hela. You will know the reason why I asked them to make the second lake and even the well."

Yeah. He asks Sebastian to make a well as well. Now I am really curious about the reason for his confidence. Oh well. I will know about it later.

"Very well. Anyway, I also need to inform you about the strange movements of monsters from the northwest. The group of soldiers escorting me to the desert need to take a detour while carrying me."

Arma put his hand on his chin for a few seconds and said.

"I will spread more soldiers to notify us when monsters are coming. Let's focus on the thing you want to show me."


Arma, Sebastian and I walk toward the empty side of the village. I had already gathered all the woods that the others did not need into this place.

"Ah, so you are the one gathering all the scrap wood, huh?"

I look at Arma and say.

"Will this be a problem?"

"Not really, no. It confuses some of the villagers as they use the scrap as firewood."

Ah, I did not know that.

"I am sorry."

"Don't think of it. I give them firewood to warm their home. Anyway, what do you want to show me?"


I concentrate and clap my hands.

"Arise! My servant! My guardian!"

After the chant is done, two wooden golems the size of me appear after consuming the wood scraps. After creating the golem, I look at Arma, who looks at the golem in awe.

"What do you think? This is my blessing. It is not very durable because I use wood, but it is powerful enough to be used as a laborer."

Arma looked at me for a second before smiling brightly.

"This is perfect, Hela!"

"Eh? They are not very durable, you know? A good enough sword or mace swing will destroy them."

"However, they never tire, right?"

"That is true."

"Great! Can they go away from you? How long is the range of your control?"

"They did not need my control. They can carry orders from very far away."

"Fantastic! Can you see through them?"

"Sadly, no."

"Hmmm, such a shame. However, that is good enough for me. Can you make anything other than a wooden golem?"

"I can. My blessing is called [Golem Maker]. I can make any kind of golem. However, it needs a lot of material or the result will be weak."

Arma grins at my answer, takes out a card from something and rips it. A second later, a tall stack of stones appeared before me. There are more than ten cubic meters of stone in front of me.

"This is my blessing and with your blessing, we can complete all of the project faster."

Now I REALLY want to know what kind of blessing he has.