Chapter 19: Dark Scheme

|Naznado Krur-I Tilpun – Heir of the Tilpun Family|

Something is not right. It has been five months since that little bastard got exiled to that desolate and barren place. It has been five months since I and the others made sure my father exiled him after changing the land deeds and prevented him from getting any gold from the Tilpun Family other than the gold given directly by my father.

It has been five months, but there is no news about the village going under! Not only that but for whatever reason, that bastard managed to make that barren place into a thriving village. I need to work extra to ensure the information about his village is thriving from reaching Father. I changed the report and ensured he only knew that Arma was doing badly and would rather spend his money in the city of another country.

However, it gets harder when rumors start to run around the city about a new village that soon changes into a town thriving in the middle of a desert, even with drought going through the entire kingdom.

At this rate, Arma's image in Father's eyes will get better and better before, finally, that bastard will be an heir to the Tilpun Family. I cannot let him do that! I need to do something. I am the rightful heir of the family. I am the one that deserves that position. I am Naznado Krur-I Tilpun, the one who shall bring a golden age to the Tilpun Family.

I think for a few seconds before ringing a bell next to my bed. A second later, a maid walks inside the room and bows.

"What can I do for you, Young Master?"

"Call Mandal here. I need his opinion for something."

"Of course, Young Master."

Mandal is the head butler of Tilpun House and someone who hates Arma as much as I do. Before Arma started meddling in house affairs, Mandal and I had a small business in the house. Anyone who wants to work for my family must go through him and me. The woman will do sexual favors, and the man needs to pay a massive amount of money.

It is a great time before Arma starts to meddle in our affair. One by one, the servants we hire get fired and replaced by someone my father hires directly, and all of Mandal's family and close relatives get fired from this incident.

After this incident, Mandal and I swear to get rid of him from this mansion. This is our territory, and he dares to do what he pleases. However, it is not enough. I want him not to have any future. If he is unwilling to die by the sand, he will die by a sword.

"Young Master, do you call for me?"

I look at the old man at the door and say.

"Yes. Close the door and activate your blessing."

Mandal nods his head, closes the door, and snaps his finger. A second later, I can see blue light appear around us. This is his blessing. It is called [Zone of Silence]. It is a G-rank ability, but it is quite useful. It is the weaker version of [Dome of Silence], which can follow the user and is not stationary like this one.

"What can I do for you, Young Master?"

I look at him seriously and say.

"Do you know any bandit for hire?"

He looks at me for a few seconds before his eyes light up as he gets what I am thinking.

"I see. You want to finally take care of that little shit, huh?"

"That's right. He still survives and dares to make that barren land into something bigger. We need to get rid of him. Do you know any group of bandits that are willing to kill him? They can take anything they want from that place as long as they kill him."

Mandal grins and says.

"Of course, Young Master. I know three groups of bandits that are willing to take the job. Which one should I contact, Young Master?"

"Contact them all. Money is not a problem. It is a great investment for me as long as they do their job."

"There will be three hundred people to hire, Young Master."

"Even better! The more people, the less chance of him running away."

"Very well. I shall inform them about your commission."

"Good. You may leave."

Mandal bows his head and leaves my room. I smile a little at the prospect of the future.


|Sulenie Rlallsa Tilpun – Tilpun Family Little Princess|

"And that is the situation, Young Mistress."

I grit my teeth in anger and throw away my book on the wall in frustration. He dares! He dared to harm my beloved big brother?! How dare that worm think to harm my beloved person?!

"Please hold your anger, Young Mistress. It will not do anything."

I take a deep breath and say.

"You are right, Saddi. I am sorry."

"Think nothing of it, Young Mistress."

Saddi is one of the few people who stay in the mansion under my brother's command. They are the people who are completely loyal to my brother after he rescues them when they are at their lowest. They wanted to come with my brother but decided to obey his word and protect me.

After that command, they become my exclusive servants. Not even Naz can command them without my permission.

"What should we do now, Saddi?"

"Send him a letter, Young Mistress. Send him a letter that tells him there is news of a bandit coming to his location."

"Why not tell him the reason as well?"

"Because he will not believe you. Lord Arma is too pure to think that his blood and flesh will send a group of bandits to kill him."

Yeah. That sounds just like him. He is the light that shines brightly in this dark world, and I did not want him to be tainted by those people.

"You are right. I will write a letter to inform him about the danger that is coming. Can you make sure no one notices the letter being delivered?"

Saddi smiles, and I can see her body change into that of a pigeon. This is her blessing, a G-rank blessing called [Bird Transformation: Pigeon]. It cost me quite a lot of money to awaken the blessing, but it was a good investment.

"Leave it to me, Young Mistress."

I cannot help but giggle when I hear her talk in her pigeon form. Her voice is very high when in this form. I start to laugh when Saddi swats my head with her wing.

"Sorry. Sorry. I will write the letter now."

I write the letter telling him there is a rumor of a group of bandits coming to his place and make him be careful. I put the letter into a small tube and tied it around Saddy's body. I open the window and see her fly away.

I hope you are okay, brother. I didn't know what I would do if you died in this attack. I don't think I can live in the world without you in it. If you die, then this world does not deserve to live and deserves to be burned to the ground.