Chapter 20: Incoming Disaster

|Helaguntia Ebrildi – Former Ebrildi Heiress|

Arma called us into his office for some reason. In the game, this means two things. The first one is about an event that we need to prepare for or it was bad news that we need to prepare for. I don't know what is happening because this is something that did not happen in the canon timeline.

I looked around and saw the people who were important to the village present at this meeting. The first one is Captain Jargu. He is the captain of the army in this village, and only Arma is his superior. He is in the game and one of the most important people to defend the village against monsters.

The second one is Merchant Ferlana. She is a great merchant who goes to the north and south as an official merchant of Sol Leon. She is great at haggling and knows when to sell and when to buy goods from other villages and cities.

The third one is Sebastian and Cassandra. They are Arma's personal butler and maid. They are the ones that take care of all the things that are happening in the mansion. They might not look much, but I know what kind of people they are. They are one of the strongest allies I can depend on in the game. In the game, Sebastian is the perfect anti-intrigue-based attack, while Cassandra boosts army recovery in the game.

What about me? Arma asked me to be the head of all Farm-related activities and the village golem defense. If Jargu is the one leading the people, I will be the one leading the golems.

"Thank you for coming."

He sits at the end of the table and looks at us with a serious expression.

"The reason why I call you guys here is because of grave news."

He takes out a piece of paper on the table and says.

"I received a letter from my sister, and it bore some bad news. My sister says a group of bandits, more than a hundred of them, will be coming toward our village. My sister says that there will be at least a hundred and fifty men with more than two hundred at the worst prediction."

Shit. That's a lot of bandits. How? Why? That amount of bandits does not come from a single group. It must be coming from multiple groups of bandits.

"Because of this, we need to prepare. I know there is a threat from the West, and because of this, we need to stretch our force thin to ensure we do not get caught with our pants down. We did not need to fight them head-on. We only need to know which thread is coming to our village first."

That is fair. Stretching your army thin is not good, even in the game. However, we need to do this because there are truly monster waves coming from the West.

"What do you guys think? Tell me what is in your mind."

After saying that, Jargu is the first one to say something.

"My lord, I think we need to focus our force on the east because of this news. While monsters are dangerous they can be distracted using meat or loud voices. We can delay them long enough so we can take care of the bandits."

"I see. That is true. Do you have people in mind as the ones scouting and guarding our west flank?"

"Yes. You can leave them to the people that come with you from the beginning, my lord."

Arma nods and says.

"Very well. I shall leave them to ask the guardian for our west flank. Prepare the rest of the soldiers to fight the bandits. Humans are different from monsters. We cannot fool them with our unfinished wall."

"Yes, my lord! Leave them to me! I shall train them to be worthy as your soldiers!"

"Just don't get too far, okay? Even soldiers need to rest and recover."

Jargu only smiles at him and says something about Arma's kindness.

"Next, Ferlana. Do you think you need extra guards for your caravan?"

The beautiful woman only smiles and says.

"You didn't need to give me more guards, my lord. The one I already have will be enough, and if I need more, I can hire adventurers from Irton City."

Adventurer. They are individuals who take jobs from the guild. They are more tame mercenaries who do anything other than fight in a war, unlike mercenaries who take any job as long as they get paid.

"Very well. While at it, can you hire a party or two to fight alongside us in this battle?"

"Of course! I shall tell the guild to post the mission. How long do you want them to stay here?"

"A month. If no bandits are coming, we will pay them in full for their time."

"Not half, my lord?"

"No. We need a good relationship with adventurers as they are the closest thing we have to reinforcement."

"Of course. I shall inform the guild right away."

"Thank you for your hard work, Ferlana."

"Fufufufu~ Think nothing of it, my lord~ It is a pleasure to do your order."


Arma then looks at me and says.

"Hela, how is the farm?"

"They are doing great, Lord Arma."

Sebastian told me not to call him Arma when we are in a formal meeting because it would stain the image of the power order, and I agree with him. Arma looks at me resignedly when I call him lord but accepts it.

"The soils you provide are a blessing as the wheat grows faster than usual."

And I am not joking. It grows twice as fast as regular wheat. I don't know what kind of blessing Arma got, but it was an OP kind of blessing.

"That is good. Can it provide us with enough food for a siege?"

"Yes. Easily. We are already self-sufficient, Lord Arma. We can survive any siege indefinitely because the farm is inside the wall."

"I see. That is good. Speaking of walls, we need to complete that wall before the bandits arrive. Can you create more golems with the material I provide?"

I nod and say.

"Yes. I can do that. However, you already know about the weakness of my blessing, right?"

I can only create three golems a day; if I try to create more, I will go unconscious from exhaustion.

"Three Golems a day. That is already good enough. We will create three golems and tell them to work overtime to build the wall. Follow the instructions of the builder."

"Yes, Lord Arma. I shall give the golems to follow the order of the builder."

Arma nods, gets up, and says.

"I think that is all for this meeting. Jargu, go and tell the soldiers about the situation. Ferlana, prepare to depart to Irton City. Hela, come with me. I will provide you with the material for the golems."