Chapter 21: Red Horn Party

I tear apart the card containing stone from my inventory and say, "There you go. How many golems can you make with this amount of stone?"

Hela walks over to the stack of stone blocks and places her hand on it. A second later, she looks at me and says, "I can make three of them, Arma. It's just enough to create three stone golems."

"Fantastic! Please make them."

She nods, takes a deep breath, and commands, "Arise, my servants! My guardians!"

A few seconds later, the stone stacks disappear, and three golems emerge from the ground. I can see her release a sigh of relief and say, "There you go. Go and help with the wall construction."

The golems salute us and walk toward the wall project.

"Good job, Hela. Thank you for your hard work."

"Think nothing of it. It was an easy job, anyway."

"Even then, thank you."

I smile at her and notice her blush a little.

"Anyway! You said you wanted to talk about something other than the golems, Arma?"

"Right. I almost forgot about it."

I look her directly in the eyes and say, "It has come to my attention that you have been working hard. You work VERY hard, in fact."

"Thank you. I—"

"BUT! You are working too hard, Hela. I know you are worried about others, but you must also think of yourself. You cannot push yourself too hard and fall sick. For the rest of the day, I ask—no! I command you to go and take some rest."

She raises her hand but puts it down a second later. She sighs a little and says, "Very well. You are right. I have been pushing myself too hard. I'm just worried about all the bad things that keep happening. I don't want to lose my second home."

I give her a gentle smile and say, "You didn't need to worry, Hela. We won't let this place be taken by tragedy. Have faith in all of us. This is our home as well, after all."

Hela nods her head and smiles at me. "You're right. I think I'll visit the public bath and enjoy my day."

"Of course. However, make sure you're not working, okay?"

"I promise."

I shake my head as I watch her walk away. Then I turn to Cassandra and Sebastian before asking, "With that done, Sebastian, what do I need to take care of next?"


|3rd POV|

"Sol Leon? What kind of village is that? Where is it, anyway? This is the first time I hear about it."

A middle-aged man asks the woman behind the desk as he reads the mission paper in his hand.

"It is a village to the north. You know the Virgal Village, right?"

"Yeah. I helped the villagers from there to migrate after the lake dried up. It was one of the first missions I took after joining the guild. Wait! Don't tell me if someone manages to revive that place? That barren place?"

The woman smiles and says.

"That's right. The village started to rise up, and now many people are migrating to that place in search of work or a place to stay. They even built soldiers to protect the village."

"Then what is the reason they want a guard mission? They already have their soldiers, right?"

The woman shakes her head and says.

"That is true. However, they cannot watch the two fronts. With monsters going erratic lately, they need to watch over their western side and with the rumor of a group of bandits coming their way, they need to watch over their eastern side."

"I see. That is quite a situation they have. So, they want us to watch out for the bandit while they take care of the monsters, huh?"

"That's right. Your mission is to fight against a group of bandits. This mission lasts one month, and your lodging will be taken care of. If there is no bandit in that one month, they will pay you in full, and when the bandit comes, they will give a bonus for every bandit your group defeats."

The man smiles and says.

"We will take this mission. My party will take this mission."

"That's great! The Red Horn officially takes this mission. I shall inform the client. Please wait for her arrival. She should arrive in a few minutes at most."

"Right. We will wait for her, then. While waiting, I will tell my team about this job."

"Please do so."

He nods and walks downstairs. He walks to a group of people sitting around a table, drinking and eating.

"Boss Bara! You are back!"

The middle-aged man, Bara, sits on the empty chair and says.

"We will be a guard."

The only woman in the group looks at Bara and says.

"Really?~ A guard duty?~ Boring~"

"Just how much have you been drinking, Rhia? You reek of alcohol. Anyway, it is not a regular guard duty. There is a rumor of bandits coming to the village we will be guarding, and we need to fight if they arrive."

"How about the payment, boss?"

Bara looks at the young man carrying a tower shield on his back and says.

"It is one hundred gold coins, Jarthal."

After Bara says that, all of his party members look at him in shock. Bara smirks at him and says.

"Not only that, when the bandits come, the client will also give us a bonus depending on how many bandits we kill. Because of this, we need to be on our best behavior. Bora!"

Bara looks at the archer of the group and says.

"Don't flirt with the client and the people of the village."

"What? You can't stop my charisma and charm from infecting the people, boss!"

Bara only sighs tiredly and says.

"Just be polite. Naz!"

Bara looks at the brawler of the group, who is about to drink his fourth bottle of alcohol.

"Don't go around and have a fight with the villagers. You can drink, but don't be drunk enough for you to do some brawl."

"You didn't need to worry about me, boss! You know that I did not get drunk while on the job."

"Just to make sure."

While they are talking with each other, a beautiful woman walks toward them and says,

"Are you the Red Horn Party?"

Bara and the others look at the woman next to them.

"That's right, we are the Red Horn Party. Are you our client?"

"Ah, I am only the spokesperson. Your client is my lord, who is the Baron of the Village."

"I see. When do we depart?"

"We will depart tomorrow morning. We need to depart before the sun goes up because we need to arrive there before the sun goes down."

"Fair enough. We will wait for your group at the northern gate. Is that okay?"

"Of course! Thank you for taking the job to protect Sol Leon."

"Bah! It is just business, my friend. You pay us, and we will do our job."

They might not know it, but the Red Horn party will find a place where they are willing to settle down and protect for the rest of their life.