Akira's first A-rank mission!

The next day, Akira was in the city doing culinary things and tried the name "junk food". Trying everything he saw from a vendor or a restaurant: cheeseburgers, pizzas, spicy tacos, and a variety of other foods.

His tongue was dancing with delight after discovering his favorite food, Chili Hotdogs. Unfortunately for him, he didn't last long before getting a stomach ache and needing to use the restroom.



You have obtained poison resistance.



After about 20 minutes in the bathroom, screaming his lungs out as if in a long epic battle, thankfully he was done. He returned to the mission room to see if it had been updated. However, no missions were available. Instead, the system had a message for Akira.

{The king's message}

Inside the king's message wrote an invitation for Akira to enter the king's Castle. Akira's heart was racing and closed his mouth as he screamed. His excitement caused him to run impatiently towards the castle, which was 55 kilometers away as instructed where it was at and later arrived earlier than the expected time.

"Hello, Akira, you did an incredible job, and as a reward, here is my crown and throne for you, and please protect Celesta for me." Akira daydreamed after completing his exclusive mission, and no, it was not going to happen.

Akira entered the building to the fourth floor, where the meeting will be held. As he entered He ran into Kazoru again with his family, before reaching the fourth floor. Akira waved and shouted to catch Kazoru's attention, "Yo, Kazoru!"

Kazoru was overjoyed to see him and approaches him, "Well, didn't think we'd meet again, Akira! Pray tell, what're you doing here?" Kazoru inquired why he entered the castle and tapped Akira's shoulders.

"It was the King's message that got me here. Heck, I'm pumped!" Akira answered he was sent by the king to meet him in his place and so he went. "Haha, rejoiced! Seems the king sees you with high expectations!" Kazoru congratulated him and laughed with joy.

"My dear nephew..." A voiced chilled Kazoru to the spine as he heard a call from woman with a soothing voice coming from downstairs.

"Akira, hide."


"Do it!" Kazoru shivered nervously and forced Akira to hide. The question delayed his concealment until it was too late.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! Isn't it a bit rude to leave your aunty behind, dear nephew?" She pouted.

A stunning long black-haired woman, wearing some kind of Miko outfit. Her face had some kind of 3 red whiskers on each of her cheeks, but those weren't real whiskers more like painted whiskers. Behind her waist, there was a bright red fire tail floating in the air. She had an open cleavage, showing her large breast which made her dress kinda vulgar.

"Oh my, you're Akira, aren't you? I've been wanting to see you and that Shura boy for a long time. My nephew talked lots about you two and I heard you two are but a splendid youngling~" It wasn't very long, Kazoru had talked about Akira yesterday. However, she noticed and knew Akira within seconds without ever meeting each other.

"Ah, I see, pleased to meet you, Kazoru's aunt." Akira greeted her with a smile and politely, though he wasn't sure if she was his aunt or his older sister, her mature body and young looks made the appearance of an older lady or sister which was kind of hard for Akira to know. But based by her scent, his Keen Instinct was high on alert that she had this strong dizzy scent.

"I knew it, you're so cute!" She couldn't resist smiling as she closed her mouth with her hand. Her eyes narrowed whilst looking at Akira contentedly.

"Auntie Kitsune, I refrain you from bothering him; he's a He's not interested in girls..." Kazoru blocked Kitsune's path going towards Akira. "...Yes, that's right! Go bother your older brother!" For Akira's sake, Kazoru was attempting to fabricate a reason for an inexplicable reason why he did that.

"Aww, too bad... He's pretty cute too. " Kitsune's brows were furrowed, showing disappointment.

"Wait what? What's with you all of a sudden? You're acting strange." Akira was utterly baffled by Kazoru trying to fake reasons without knowing what sake.

"Shush, you idiot! I'm doing this for your sake!" Kazoru silenced Akira from telling him what was wrong. Kazoru knew things were about to go bad, so he tried to lie.

"Fufufufu, You two are hilarious. Akira, do you mind if I eat you?" Kitsune seductively approached Akira with a weird look on her eyes and face. Her gaze had an uncanny feeling, looking at Akira lasciviously.

The whole place went silent...

"Oh no, here we go again," Kazoru started face palmed, showing resignation of stopping Kitsune. Her older sister is a big perv for younger boys, it'd make it harder to stop her since she's way stronger

"Umm, what? Eat what? Eat me?" Akira was caught by surprise along with confused by what she was talking about.

Even though Akira knew he was immortal, she wanted to eat him unexpectedly. Akira could survive being eaten by beasts, humans, animals, and other beings that would eat him. However, being eaten by a cannibal woman would make him feel odd. He had terrible memories of being eaten by a pack of wolves when he went out training. The way they could shred his skin and flesh was one of the most gruesome feelings he had ever felt.

He took the opposite meaning of what she meant by eating, meaning she wanted to eat Akira's bones and flesh. He believed Kitsune was some sort of beast who liked hunting human flesh, but in Kitsune's case, she wanted to tease him.

"Yes, that delicious and delicate body of yours it makes me want to crave for you," Akira was being seduced by Kitsune, but he had no idea what she was up to. More likely, he expected that Kitsune was hungry.

"I'm not tasty miss. I was never told Kazoru's aunt is a cannibal." During his training in the woods, Akira seemed to be unaffected by immoral things and yet innocent. He never used the internet, therefore, he couldn't understand what was going on.

"Haha, not that, silly! Well, nevermind that. So... wanna peep?" She winked and opened her cleavage more widely, slowly with her fingers showing her voluptuous bags. Her eyes narrowed, showing delight on her face and eyes. Akira choked on his spit by the sudden action.

"Haha..." Akira's face went red, laughed nervously as he was screaming on the inside. He slowly backed away from Kitsune and ran upstairs to the 4th floor.

"Fufu, he's so cute!!! I can't wait to tease him some more or maybe I'll **** him later... Or perhaps I'll **** him senseless yes... Maybe I should **** him until he ***..." She licked her lips and exhaled steam as she did so since she enjoyed teasing youngsters. She was aware of her boundaries for related and unrelated, with the obvious exception of Kazoru.

"Yeah, not going to happen... You've been with auntie Selena for quite too long now. Now you've been influenced by her wretched messed up thoughts, not to mention she's a lewd woman." Kazoru mentioned her friend. It would appear Kazoru knew how her lewd behavior developed, and it was none other than that to whom he mentioned "Selena".

"And besides, he's too young for that, he's the same age as mine! You know, I should call the police if you went too far. Even my uncle is tired of dealing with you." Akira was 3 months younger than Kazoru.

"Hmph, regardless of age, I wouldn't miss any opportunity if I see a cute young man near me, I just couldn't resist" She pouted, luckily there were no police around. "It's a piece of eye candy that I never wait to savor it~"

"You deserved in jail..."

Akira finally made it to the 4th floor and saw someone was waiting for him. A man in a suit and wearing smart glasses were waiting for him as he stood in the hall.

"Ah, Akira I've been waiting for you!" The man, looking neat in appearance approached and was waiting for Akira to come.

"Are you the king?! You look neat and I don't quite sense a lot in you... and also, why did you pick me of all the warriors?" Akira's eyes were bright as a star as he thought the man was the king. Though, Akira couldn't sense any fearsome presence within and believed he must have suppressed it.

"First, Sadly, no, I'm just his assistant. Second, I'm no warrior nor a king. Third, the king has set his eyes on you. Save up the questions for later, come with me!" The assistant replied to all of Akira's questions.

Akira followed the assistant and surveyed the area trying to sense the king's presence. Yet, no sign of anything that had a very powerful aura.

"So, uh... where's the king?" Akira looked over the whole place filled with fancy and expensive stuff and asked the king's whereabouts. Even if he used his keen instincts, he wouldn't know who was the king since he had never met him.

"You'll meet him soon!" The assistant stated that Akira's curiosity would be fulfilled. Akira asked a question why couldn't he meet him right now? The assistant explained that the king was very busy now, dealing with lots of work, hence the title "King".

"We're here!" After 2 minutes of walking down the hallway, they finally made it to his office.

Akira was completely shocked at how many stacks of papers were placed on every side of the room. The room was filled with books, stacked papers everywhere here and there, and a desk for him to work.

"Don't tell me, it's math, right? Cause I'm not very good with maths." Akira admitted that he wasn't very good at maths. He didn't like math, to begin with when he was taught by Sora.

"Haha, not that. I mean to handle the trouble someone has caused for us"


"We don't know. That's why the king gave you his letter." The assistant sat down on his chair folding his hands.

"Here, read this!" The assistant handed off a piece of paper for Akira to read. Akira read the whole paper and it said he was tasked to investigate Sylvans Garden, west of Celesta.

Akira was a bit confused. He thought he would fight a monster, but instead, the mission was to investigate. When Akira inquired, the assistant explained that not all missions had to fight monsters. They were all determined to be difficult. Though Akira recalled that it was for fighting, after the assistant explained, he guessed that he must have been mistaken for it.

Akira finally understood. However, the assistant also said that Akira and his friends would be on a mission together. Akira denied it and requested for him to go solo. The assistant forced him to agree because he was just a newbie, too naive and stubborn to go on a mission alone. Akira finally agreed with the decision, and the assistant continued.

"Come in, Kazoru and Celine."

Akira saw Kazoru and an unknown girl with blonde hair and a flower attached to her hair.

She had a uniform similar to Kazoru, she also had some type of purple flower attached to her hair. It would have seemed that it was Kazoru's friend.

The assistant told Akira that these people would be his team now. The assistant then dismissed the three. They left the office and went downstairs.

"Wow, didn't expect we'd be teaming up like this again," Kazoru smiled, as he was overjoyed that he would be teaming up with Akira again.

"Yeah, and it's a pleasure to work with you, Celine" Akira greeted Celine.

As the three were walking downstairs, Akira wondered what abilities Celine had. He questioned Celine about what her main ability was. She answered that her main ability was flower magic. She was a support type of warrior. Akira then rubbed his head and told Celine to not heal Akira because it was unnecessary and a waste of mana. She was confused and asked why. She thought she was useless, so she was scared that Akira would think that Celine was useless.

Kazoru knew right away after Akira said that he had had conversations with Shura before, discussing Akira's abilities. Akira explained to Celine that he could heal himself, which made Celine amazed that she believed Akira was too a support type of warrior.

"Eek!" After they walked down to the second floor, Akira responded in shock after he met with Kitsune again.

"Oh dear, on your first mission altogether, huh? I'm so looking forward to your great work!" Kitsune then approached them and gave an awkward stare at Akira.

Kitsune hugged her nephew and gave Celine a head pat. She gave Akira a forehead kiss, setting Akira's face on fire. "Let's meet again and I'll let you handle my soft bags. She exhaled a heated breath right into Akira's ear and whispered into his ear.

This was when Akira knew women could be scary and frightening. She waved her goodbyes to them and cheered them good luck in their mission.

Kazoru took the lead, and they headed on to the west of Celesta undercover, acting as regular citizens. They split up and tried to find this suspicious person.

After 4 hours were spent searching in the western city, finally, Akira noticed something intriguing: a cautious-appearing man who peered both left and right. Following him, Akira observed him breaking through a brick wall. He went to inform the others after being surprised, and they quickly reassembled.

When they got there, Akira told them what had happened, and they slowly made their way over to the brick wall to test whether their finger could still pass through. The finger went through, demonstrating that it was still functional.

Akira stepped in first to test if the place was safe. And he went through and saw a very long trail that seemed to be a lair. The place was like a mining area, and it was very dark.

He told the others to come in, and they did.

As they walked silently, they saw a massive room that looked like a laboratory, and in it, there were 22 scientists. There were many unknown gadgets on the table, creatures from the tubes, and deafening generator noise.

They named the creature that was inside a large tube filled with green water "Incomplete Metamorians." It was designed to help destroy Celesta and will continue to evolve and change the name.

They waited silently for their chance to attack, but suddenly, someone came into the lab.

This made Kazoru shocked because the man he saw looked a lot like the one he was familiar with, though he forgot who he was. The man, with messy black hair and stitches everywhere on his body, with burn marks and scars on his hands, was arrested.

"You finished?" Questioned the man as he fiercely stared at the scientist, making the rest nervous and terrified. His presence was unknowingly freakish that left the room nerve-wracking.

"N-no sir, it'll need three more weeks to fini-" The scientist stated but was strangled by the person.

"I'm tired of waiting, can't you even shorten the time?" The man was angered and impatient by the scientist's answers. He wanted it done soon enough to unleash his diabolical plans.

With the stranglehold too strong that the scientist choked, he tried to ease the man's anger, "We're sorry sir, but we can't make it faster... even if we tried, we still need time... Mutating DNA isn't easy, but I promise you, we'll overwork ourselves!" However, the man's reaction was displeased.

"Is that your excuse, I heard...? If I'm not mistaken, quantities enhance timing. Twenty-two of you here and can't even amplify a simple formula I gave you to shorten the time? If the work can't go on any faster according to my tempo, I can make your death much faster! But "faster" is a bit of a merciful word," His palm started burning, his touch slowly searing flesh and melting the scientist's neck.


The scientist was in a desperate state, pleaded for mercy but was fallen on death ears.

His flames shortly burned the scientist's body and later transformed to ash, instant death was more preferable but the excruciating pain from being burned as he roll down left to right to put out the fire went unsuccessfully.

"Trash and worthless. Listen up! My toleration to a disobedient trash like him has been growing thin and I suggest working smart and hard will up your chance to survive. What I say goes! Make one word about me to ease your frustration, I'll burn this place and turn you filthy monkeys into nothing but ashes. Got that?" Stomping the scientist's ashes, the man struck fear into their hearts.

They all obeyed without a single one daring to disobey and started working with nervous looks. After the scientist was burned, the three were shocked and frightened as he would burn his henchmen. And so, they canceled their attacks, left the lair, and went back to the castle to report it.