
Previously, Akira was tasked to join Sazoru's team to gain experience in becoming a warrior.

"Welcome to our squad, Akira," The moment Akira arrived at the Headquarters, Kazoru greeted him.

The main building's dimensions were 1.5 km in length and 2 km wide. People, especially warriors, were thronging his headquarters, and his assistance

It was crowded with Warriors who were exercising, relaxing, and conversing; it was loud, clamorous, and deafening.

Sazoru made an effort to ease Akira into the environment, and it worked.

Next, Sazoru asked two commanders to stay watch. When Akira asked Kazoru how many warriors were in the base, he replied that there were 1,224 soldiers and 15 commanders.

Sazoru gave Kazoru what seemed to be his squad badge before making a call to the commanders.

The badge showed a carved red bird with its wings open; the Red Phoenix was the name of their squad.

These badges symbolize every squad, such as the Blue Lion, the Thousand Blades, the Grey Hawk, and more.

"Hmm? Where's Haru?" Sazoru mentioned a commander he contacted on his phone but got declined on his calls

"He is on absent and may still be on a mission, I'm afraid. According to the reports, he has been carrying out his task for days. It will likely be several weeks before he returns because you also gave him a prophylactic task to complete so the orcs or goblins won't bother us no longer."

"I suppose I should call Rozori then. He's available, right?"


Akira then asked why Sazoru contacted his commander. He thought the reason Sazoru called one of his commanders was to babysit him.

Sazoru explained that he needed to work and would be busy for the time being, so he contacted a commander to help him out.

Akira told him that It wouldn't be necessary and refused to guide him, Sazoru said this was for his sake, and finally, Akira accepted. Sazoru then went with Kazoru to his office and leave.

Akira felt like an idiot standing alone with unfamiliar faces around him. Bored he then strolled all around the place.

He walked with his hands in his pockets he looked around to see something interesting. He stumbled upon a gym. Confused and curious he went in, after entering he saw a bunch of dudes bulky and muscular astonished him.

Akira had never seen a gym before and it was his first time seeing one, full of training equipment, a bunch of guys lifting weights, a punching bag to practice their boxing, and lots of martial arts equipment that he discovered.

The only thing he was interested in was the 200kg deadlift and the bench press, the only ones he was familiar with back when he was training in the woods. He also believed that punching trees and boulders was preferable to sandbags. His favorable training place was an outdoor training.

"Hey, you scrawny!" A 7 feet tall bulky man pointed at Akira and got his attention.

Akira was flabbergasted by how tall he was, Akira was only 5'10 feet tall.

The man insulted his appearance because of how tiny those muscles were, Akira's muscle wasn't very visible to see because he wore a jacket and also tried not to make himself bulk.

Akira told them calmly that he wasn't weak, he also trained himself way more than they did.

The man glared at him and approached his face closer to him and asked what rank he was.

Akira told him that he was a rank D which was unfortunate for him being a D, and so he told him he would try his best to raise his rankings.

The man derisively laughed because he thought that he was all talk, and he also said the requirement of being in this squad was he needed to be a B rank or higher. The man then attempted to make Akira feel inferior and afraid simply because his ranks were higher than his, claiming that he was stronger than he was.

Akira didn't want to fight while also explaining that he was commissioned by the king to join this squad. It wasn't his intention in the first place, and frankly, he was forced because of the "Exclusive mission", wondering if he could get good rewards.

Akira's words drew the attention of the entire gym, causing disbelief in Akira's words. Thinking he was bluffing and making a joke out of the king, the man cracked his knuckles and prepared to strike Akira with his fist.

As the man threw his fist at Akira, he didn't flinch. He snatched his fist, twisted his wrist, and threw him to the wall. He crashed into the wall and made a large crack, making a commotion and catching many warriors' attention.

"Huh, I just joined barely one day and now you're a total jerk. Would you please cut your juniors some slack?" Akira grinned and flexed his muscles, preparing to fight.

Akira was able to easily throw a 188lbs man, causing them to underestimate Akira's strength. For a mere rank D, he confronted the B rank and was humiliated by the likes of him.

"So, who's up next? Picking on a smaller ranking, isn't very smart, you know?" Akira mocked them as if he could go toe-to-toe with 17 men at once.

Infuriated, they began to attack, using mana coating on their fist to increase their strength.

Akira stood there waiting to be hit and counter-attack until their fist reached. When two guys stood up and struck the first blow, as their fists were about to hit Akira, he crouched and delivered an uppercut to both of their chins.

They kept their distance from Akira and used earth magic to shake the ground in an attempt to disturb Akira's equilibrium. The quake caused the entire gym equipment to fall, and the glass began shattering and destroying the entire room.

Akira stomped the ground, stopping the quake, which stunned them because Akira's strength alone could stop a seismic quake. Akira smacked them in the face with his knee, crushing their noses. Several seconds later, he beat 15 men without breaking a sweat. The rest got scared and left the gym.

Akira wiped the dust off his hands after the fight was over. The gym was damaged by these irresponsible warriors. Akira stood out so much, made a crowd of warriors watch his fights, and was impressed by his performance.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Someone then applauded for his victory.

A green-haired man wearing a red uniform appeared and was the one who applauded Akira.

"Commander Rozori?!" The crowds bowed in surprise when they saw him.

"Return to your previous activities, everyone. I'd like to speak with him "He spoke softly while smiling.

"He's done for," They all said as they walked away. They were referring to Akira, who was currently in trouble.

"So... If I'm not mistaken, your name is Akira Keita, isn't it? Delighted to meet you! My name is Rozori Hayate, and I am the commander of the 2nd division." Rozori introduced himself with a smile.

"I'm sorry for the mess, but it wasn't my fault," Akira explained to Rozori that he was not to blame.

"Hahaha, yes, I know. Thanks to you, we now know who the rat was, who has been scaring all the newbies. These idiots are strong, but they use their strength in the wrong way. Newbie crushes are so common these days, that they always think they're great, but they're not." Rozori approached Akira while walking over their bodies.

Rozori then sniffed something unpleasant from Akira because of the funky smell, he pinched his nose and asked if he had a bath before.

During Akira's running and training and fighting Savanth made him smell.

Akira sniffed himself and showed a disgusted face. He realized that he stank was because of the mission he went on.

Rozori laughed and he inquired suddenly, Rozori asked him to give information about himself, which made Akira baffled.

Rozori explained why this was needed because he was now his supervisor as well as a mentor, and it was important to know more about their student. Apparently, Sora had never done this before to Akira which was why he wasn't used to it. He wasn't prying and told Akira to answer his question about: Why was he here, what was his main ability, and what was his ambition...

Akira answered the first question that he was commissioned by the king, Rozori figured so, and Akira answered the 2nd question that his main ability was Immortality. Rozori was impressed and complimented his ability. Akira disagreed with his compliment and told that his abilities sucked cause of the pain he had gone through endlessly. Rozori calmed Akira down and to not look down on himself. If only Rozori knew...

Akira forgot to answer his third question, so, Rozori gave him his information in return.

He told him that his main ability was Energy Manipulation, and his brother Haru's main ability was Atom Manipulation.

Akira presumed that Haru was the first division commander since Rozori was the second, and Rozori said yes. He explained that Haru could be fit as a general, but he wasn't close enough as of yet. He said that Sazoru's flame, along with Haru's atom magic, could destroy a continent effortlessly. The point was why Haru wasn't fit to be one. Considering he had overwhelming power, he could not control it. He mentioned that they could both destroy Celesta too, but they probably wouldn't dare.

Akira stared in disbelief and disagreed with that because he witnessed Celesta almost being destroyed by Sazoru.

Rozori sighed, feeling troubled because he knew that Sazoru wasn't in a mood lately while also knowing that his brother's body was snatched by a wicked criminal.

Rozori changed the subject and made a sudden offer for sparring that made Akira show a confused gaze.

Rozori calmed him down and explained this was a scoring system by sparring. Rozori told him that this wasn't a newbie crushing and not to fret him.

Akira nodded and accepted his offer so they then went to the sparring field.

The area was clear and surrounded by grass fields and trees, from above there was a glass with a sight of the sky...

"Now, ready when you are." They took their battle stance and higher their defenses.

Rozori's stance was somewhat similar to a martial artist's stance. He later then taunted Akira to come at him, Akira smiled and went for the attack, Akira with his strength was able to crack the ground with his bare fist alone, surprising Rozori.

Even though Akira had incredible strength and speed, he couldn't hit him, not even once. His moves were smooth and swift, dodging and counter-attacking every each of Akira's attacks just with one hand.

Several minutes later, as they fight, hand-to-hand combat Akira was struggling to hit Rozori because he kept evading away from him and counter-attacking him.

Rozori noticed that Akira was pulling punches and so he asked him to go serious.

"Alright, Scythe!" Akira summoned his scythe and held his stance swinging his scythe backward while aiming his front, focusing on Rozori.

Rozori raised his palm facing the front, directly at Akira. His other arm was lowered and his fist clenched. Both his legs were positioned in different directions, taking his stance.

Akira blasted off towards Rozori and made the ground crack.

"He's fast!" Rozori reacted so surprised by how shockingly fast Akira was.

As Akira swung his scythe, Rozori made his move. He coated his two fingers with energy and thrust the side of the Scythe's blade, repelling it back and leaving him defenseless, and went for the one-inch punch to Akira's chest crushing his ribs and blasting him off.

Akira coughed and got pushed away by the force of his punch.

Akira made him sweat nervously because of his unexpected strength and speed from Akira. Leading him to believe that he had trained a lot.

Akira groaned and coughed in pain because the strike made damaged his chest making him struggle to breathe and coughed.

Rozori apologized and quickly healed him.


Akira felt relieved and finally starts breathing normally while still touching his chest.

"Sorry about that, when you launched off to me I got a little jumped." Rozori reasoned that he was jumped because of Akira's speed.

"It's okay, it's my fault as well charging at you unprepared." Rozori sighed in relief that Akira was okay.

"Maybe sometime later, I'll teach you martial arts. It can come in handy for close range of combat, you know?" Rozori then offered him that he would someday teach him about martial arts.

"Sure!" Akira gave a nod.

They both then finally headed back in and exited the sparring field and Rozori was still feeling guilty.



After the incident of the battle, somewhere faraway, Savanth was in the Mikadzuki's base.

"These three has proven to be trouble and they will interrupt our mission sooner or later. I hereby to all members of the Mikadzuki to seize them! Choose your target and you will be paid handsomely." A masked man wearing a white cloak, from its back symbolizes a moon and appeared to be the leader of the Mikadzuki telling his henchmen and his members to hunt Akira, Celine, and Kazoru. The generals were already included in their hunting list.

"A kid? So now we're hunting a kid. Hmph was he trying to baffle me?" One of the members was baffled.

"Even if they're all children, we shouldn't underestimate them. The boss considers them a threat and trouble so they must be a big deal for him."

The Mikadzuki members were looking at Akira and his friend's pictures and chose their target.

"What about you, Savanth? Any targets you after?" One of the members asked Savanth's choice of target.

"I'll be hunting him." Savanth pointed at Akira.

Savanth was a member of the Mikadzuki but his goals were to after Akira's body and obtain eternity.

"Wow, that's the first time seeing you interested in targeting a child than a general. What are you up to?" Looking so surprised that they weren't expecting Savanth would after a child rather than a general.

"None of your business! Keep on asking and I'll burn you!" Savanth turned around and walked away while holding Akira's picture.

"What a strange guy. He's pretty unpredictable." One of the members grinned as they pondered what exactly made the young man known only as "Akira" so exceptional after knowing Savanth wanted to pursue him.

"Mhmm♪ Mhmm♪" Savanth hummed as a sign of his bizarre behavior. Exuberantly humming nonstop with ecstasy.

"Akira♪ Akira♪ I can't wait to see you again~ Next time we meet, YOU WILL BE MINE!" Savanth murmured while adoringly focusing on the picture of Akira lustfully and obsessively. His primary goal was immortality, and he would not allow anyone to pursue him. With him being ready with his preparations, he planned to achieve eternity by any means necessary while keeping the photo in his pocket. Even if he had to experience death because of to earn what he wanted.

As for the Morians, they were now fully programmed and were ready to hunt Akira and his friends...