Base tour

After Akira and Rozori finished sparring in the field, they returned to the base and began conversing. "How's the experience of fighting a commander level?" Rozori chuckled.

"Not bad! Although you broke a rib or two. You don't have to heal me, I can heal myself, y'know?." Akira was aware of his healing abilities and that he could heal wounds and regenerate everything, but not to erase the pain, just feel the itch, like what a wound when healed felt like. If he died, he would have a new body and wouldn't feel pain at that time, just numb.

"Well... I couldn't help but worry when I saw my juniors get hurt, which was why I instinctively healed you. Sorry if I went too far." Rozori was still filled with remorse after the fight.

"Apology accepted!" Akira accepted his apology, and they continued to walk. As they walk, they encountered a young man who was leaning against the wall and folding his arms.

"I apologize for the delay!" Rozori apologized to the young man before he stared at Akira in awkward silence.

"What are you staring at?" He was also giving Akira the Shura-like reminiscing stare from when they were together when he spotted him staring at him. Despite the fact that, based on the young man's stare, he wasn't studying him, his glance was significantly different from his.

Eventually, the young man stopped staring and leaning right after Akira spoke. A black-haired young man wearing a similar jacket to Akira, blue jeans, and wore some kind of utility belt.

"Akira, meet my junior, I'm mentoring both you and him, so please be nice!"

"My name is Akira Keita, and I am delighted to meet you!" The young man was greeted by Akira, who offered him a handshake. The young man's brows were wrinkled, grimacing, with that pleasant countenance and his eyes closing down.

"Didn't ask, get lost!" He yelled while slapping his hand vigorously and without showing any emotion. He turned and walked out of view.

"WHAT?! YOU TRYNA TO PICK A FIGHT? I WAS NICELY GREETING YOU!" Without knowing what on earth he was saying, Akira started raising his voice at his response.

Rozori came up behind Akira, trying to get him to stop. Rozori was trying to calm Akira down while tightly holding him to avoid a fight.

Finally unwinding, Rozori let Akira go. With his hands on his hips, Akira enquired as to his condition. Rozori replied, "He can be a little... standoffish at times, so sorry for not letting you know."

Akira began to feel irritated and that this group was after a piece of him. Rozori hoped that Akira could see the good in everyone, aside from those with whom he had previously engaged in combat, and that this would help clear up any confusion he may have had regarding the group.

Rozori responded that his name was Volts Raiya in response to Akira's question about who he was. He hoped that Akira could comprehend the difficulty he was having in coping with himself.

Rozori responded that he felt sorry for him because, according to the information he read, he was an orphan whose parents had been murdered by thugs from a criminal organization. He had also been kidnapped, which had profoundly altered his life and his heart.

Hearing his story showed sorrow on Akira's face, based on what he saw in Volts, he did see that he didn't want anyone to get close to him when he tried to get a handshake with him.

Rozori then shifted the topic to lighten the mood. Since he was aware that Akira didn't yet know his room, he gave him the key. The fact that Akira had a room baffled him. Rozori handed Akira the key to his room after claiming that everyone had one. The number 345, which resembled a hotel, was written on the key.

"Wait what, we all have rooms?" Akira was perplexed and inquired once more about his claim that everyone had one. Since he had already rented a room prior to joining the squad, which was also a waste of money and effort, and had put all of his belongings there before having to pack them again, it wasn't what he had anticipated.

"Yep, you're in the male's dorm, and don't even think about trespassing the female's dorm or you will suffer the consequences, you hear me?" Rozori gently threatened him, telling him not to go there. Actually, Rozori was the most feared and friendliest of the commanders, and it was unusual for him to ever threaten those who misbehaved. That being said, it must have been someone who triggered him to act in this way, as it exhausted him.

"What makes you think I'd go there?"

"Well... Just in case, If you ever got influenced by a foul attitude, we'll punish you!" Rozori thought of the possibility of Akira if he ever got himself influenced by a perverted attitude and so he warned him. Ever since then, he didn't ever trust the male species because of their wild actions that were irresistible.

"What's the punishment?" Since Akira was a naturally inquisitive cat, Rozori took the time to explain what the punishment was to ensure that people wouldn't do it again—though not necessarily.

"From the last guy we caught, we ordered him to hold 2 buckets of water while standing in the field and we doodled "shame" on his forehead," Rozori explained with a slight detail. Rozori did want to announce some more punishments, but it wasn't necessary, because he was afraid that Akira would get startled.

"How many did you catch?"

"Hmm, based on how many from last week's incident, it was about 313."

"THAT MANY?" Akira was taken aback by how many they caught.

"We have women and girls who are obscenely attractive, so I can't blame them; even I understand why people did this. And yes, they all have the audacity to congregate in order to peep at them and steal their underwear. Hiroshi Ganzell was the perpetrator in this case. He was the one who convinced everyone. That scumbag is now being watched over by Mio, Leinn, and Klaus, three commanders. He received a severe punishment of a 1,000-sentence apology paper and a week of isolation. Actually, that was a week ago, so he's probably been released by now." Rozori identified the offender and described the penalties.

"Wow," Akira exclaimed, stunned.

Rozori provided yet further detail, saying that the women and girls would also punish them. such as a kick in the groin, a cold shower, a wedgie, and more. After finally hearing the warning, Akira determined not to follow their example.

"Hahaha, just don't do anything that I told you not to. It's just a friendly reminder, not to threaten you, so relax!" Rozori was attempting to calm Akira down.

Akira finally relaxed, but he still thought about the warning.

"So, when you're finished with your room. Meet me at the canteen at 6 p.m. It's north of here, and that massive building over there to the west is the dorm." Rozori instructed Akira and gave him the direction to his dorm.

"And don't be late! The canteen closes at 8 p.m. Can't be late for dinner, am I right?." The current time was 4 p.m.

Rozori parted ways with Akira, heading for the canteen. Akira, meanwhile, set off to prepare for his move to the dormitory. He had to vacate the room he had rented for his solitary ventures.

Fourteen minutes passed as he made his way back to his temporary lodgings, gathering his possessions before embarking on the return journey to the dormitory. Forty-five minutes later, he finally arrived, ready to settle in.

The dorm room was impressive, furnished like a luxury apartment and boasting twin beds, suggesting the presence of a roommate. The layout included a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

The beds were huge and inviting, their softness reminiscent of sinking into a marshmallow. The kitchen was equipped with sleek stoves and a spacious refrigerator apt for storing an array of ingredients and meals.

The living room offered a large television with access to 81 international channels, and plush sofas and chairs for comfort. Positioned on the 12th floor, the room's expansive window provided a sweeping view of the cityscape.

The bathroom was fully stocked with pairs of toothbrushes, soaps, and shampoos, and the shower featured both cold and hot water options.

The entire room was climate-controlled, set to a comfortable 18°C.

After familiarizing himself with his new surroundings and arranging his belongings, Akira checked the time - it was now 17:43.

He hastened to the canteen to rendezvous with Rozori.

Rozori was already seated, waiting for Akira. Catching sight of him, Akira waved to get his attention.

Rozori greeted him with a smile, noting that he was a punctual five minutes early. Rising from his seat, Rozori guided Akira through the food selection process, generously offering to treat him. Akira gladly accepted, carefully picking a variety of exotic dishes to sample.

The food is tasty and nutritious, with 66 options for warriors to choose from.

- Samerian Turkey Sandwich (11 Gols)

- Atlantana Sagorian Tuna. (30 Gols)

- Zenric Roasted Pork. (17 Gols)

- Srimeliur Steak (special menu). (51 Gols)

- Coztekyt Ramiore Skewers. (13 Gols)

- Gomour, The Gluttony King's Meal. (150 Gols)

And more...

Akira ordered 43 of them, and so, they placed five trays filled with food on the long table.

"Wow, 971 Gols from your order! If you do this on a regular basis, someone could go bankrupt!" Rozori was reading the receipt.

Thankfully, Akira wasn't picky about food; instead, he just wanted to taste those foods that he wasn't familiar with

"Sorry..." Akira's brows were lowered and felt bad for ordering too much.

"Hahaha, it's fine. Eat as much as you want. Don't worry about how I'll treat you because I have a lot of money." Rozori was adamant and happy to treat Akira.

"Alright, thanks for the meal!" Akira began to put the food in his mouth.

Rozori was astounded that Akira could fit so much food in his mouth as well as his stomach.

Akira was able to eat a whole mouth full of food and thanked Rozori for the meal, Rozori suggested not to speak with a mouth full and so he choked. He then chugged large water and felt relief.

"Hehe, sorry, I was just testing the food, which turned out to be so tasty that it made me choke." Akira giggled

"Ah, I'm glad you liked it!" Rozori smiled.

Rozori then offered Akira to take a bath together since he smelled. Akira then questioned because he saw there was a bath nearby the dorm, so why didn't go there instead? Rozori told him it was called a public bath. Because it was near so he preferred the nearest bath.

Akira didn't fully understand and made Rozori think he was a foreigner. Akira answered that he was a peasant, and told him not to laugh at him.

"Hahaha" Rozori laughed softly.

"It's all right! Don't be concerned! I accept people for who they are, even if they are mischievous." Rozori smiled with his eyes shut.

"Thank you!" Akira thanked him as he finished his meal. Surprisingly, all the plates were empty all by himself.

"Excellent! Are you all set now?"

"No, wait a minute or two," Akira said with his stomach bloated. It appeared, that he ate too much.

"Don't force yourself to eat; it's not good for you," Rozori advised Akira.

Akira then began digesting the food quickly and exhaled a huge amount of air from his body. His bloated stomach disappeared in an instant. Rozori was shocked that Akira was able to do that and asked how he did that. Akira just answered that he trained in the woods and developed a technique that allowed him to digest food quickly and convert it into energy.

"Is he even human?" Rozori muttered as found it hard to believe what he was saying.

After they finished, they went to the public bath that Rozori offered.

37 Warriors were enjoying and relaxing in the public bath as they went in. After washing with soap and hot water, they jump into the hot bath.

They both sighed in relief, and the tension in their heads dissipated.

"So... uh, can you tell me more about Volts?"

"That's a sensitive subject, and he might get upset with me, so please change the subject."


"Be ready the next day; you never know when Sazoru will assign you a mission, so be prepared!"

"Got it..." Akira nodded

They left the bath and exited the public bath after chatting and enjoying their hot baths.

"Well then, Let's split up here, because I have work to do and it's 8 p.m. and you should sleep."

"What kind of work?" Akira questioned

"Classified. Now, as a final reminder, please do not trespass the female's dorm and disappoint me!"

"Ok! Warnings heeded."

They then proceeded in the opposite direction. Akira walked to his dorm to sleep and rest for the next day.