Helping Rozori

Akira woke up early at 4 a.m.

He left his room and started his workouts, starting with running in the fields for cardio training, practicing his swing with his scythe, doing 1,000 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, and borrowing exercise equipment from the gym for his training.

He chained himself and dragged five large car tires and five iron plates weighing 50 kg each while running 100 laps

Volts took a seat, spectating Akira's training in the field while making an expressionless face. 

He then left, 3 minutes later. 

After 35 minutes of training, Akira grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat and began drinking a protein shake, as recommended by the gym's coach. 

He tried not to be overly bulked because his wisdom told him that being bulky could improve his strength but not his speed, which could potentially slow him down, so he avoided becoming overly bulked.

After this, Akira wanted to take a bath after training. His body was covered in sweat because of his training. But before that...



[LEVEL: 80]



Strength: 150,332(+13,843). Mana:4,269/4,400(+290)

Speed: 792(+21). HP: ∞

Durability: 28,210(+7,210)

Bonus stats:

Exp bonus 5%

Strength bonus 12%


48 skill points remaining...

- Keen instincts Lvl: 5 (max)

Danger instincts: Lvl: 5 (max)

Mana cost: 0

- Weapon summoning (Light) (30) Lvl: 4 (max)

Mana cost: 50

- Weapon summoning (Heavy) (15) Lvl: 4 (max)

Mana cost: 150

- Blood manipulation Lvl: 5

Mana cost: 100

3 more...


"Hmm... Skills!" Feeling curious, he checked his skills.


48 skill points remaining...

- Blood Slash [Locked]

Requirements: 27 skill points

- Blood Paralysis [Locked]

Requirements: Vampire, 14 skill points.

- Blood Manipulation (puppet mastery) [Locked]

Requirements: 50 skill points

- Blood (Zone) [Locked]

Requirements: 33 skill points.

- Blood manipulation (Blood shape) [Locked]

Requirements: 22 skill points

- Necromancy [Locked]

Requirements: 309 skill points

- Weapon Summoning (Special) [Locked]

Requirements: 50 Skill points

42 more...


"Hmm...48... 27+14... 41! Alright, unlock Blood Slash and Blood Paralysis."


Access granted.

Unlocking... Blood slash and blood paralysis

Are you sure you wish to choose this skill?

- Yes

- No





You have unlocked a new skill.


- Blood slash [Lvl 1]

Mana: 0

-Blood paralysis [Lvl1]

Mana: 0

7 skill points remaining...


"Wait what? Wow, surprisingly no mana usage... Hmm, Skill info: Blood Paralysis and Blood Slash."


Access granted.

Blood Slash.


Blood Slash is used when coated with blood. Blood Manipulation now can release a long-distance slash which allows user to attack if an enemy is flying or far away...


Blood Paralysis


Blood Paralysis is used passively when a vampire is administered to an opponent. Blood paralysis is to disable the enemy's movement for about 2 seconds at best (can increase when leveling up). Blood Paralysis can't be used when an enemy has higher ranks or strength.


"Wait... I thought the Vampire skill had paralysis abilities already..." Akira recalled that his vampire skill had paralysis already, but he assumed this was due to a system error.

After his training, Akira sniffed himself and it was unpleasant. Akira hurriedly went back to his room to take a bath so he wouldn't stink of sweat while on a mission.

Akira then went to his bathroom to take a hot bath, relaxing while also thinking about something.

"That Volts guy, I saw him watching me train. Was he on to something? " Akira muttered, as he was still curious about Volts and intended to learn more about him.

He noticed him being expressionless without having the foggiest clue why he was there. After a brief moment of taking a bath, Akira left his dorm. He went to the hall room in the headquarters, trying to find Rozori.

"Good morning, Akira. Had a good night's sleep? " Rozori yawned while saying hello to Akira. Rozori didn't appear to sleep very well because, from what Akira saw on his face, he was still drowsy.

"Yep!" Akira nodded.

"Good!" Rozori gave a thumbs-up.

"Oh yeah, Rozori."

"Please address me as Sir Rozori. It's way more polite since I'm your supervisor now."

"Oh, Okay, Sir Rozori!" Akira sarcastically said his name with a sir while folding his arms.

"More like it! What's up?"

Akira then explained that he was wondering if he had a mission. Sadly, Rozori said that he didn't have one, so he told Akira to take a moment to rest before he was assigned to a mission.

Akira didn't want to, and he started frowning. Rozori sighed and helped Akira cheer up his mood. He then gave him a mission himself, exclusively for him.

"SURE!" Akira's spirit finally got lifted thanks to Rozori.

"Ok then, your job is to clean up the whole base, do the laundry, clean the roof, and take out the trash. Sounds good?"

"From a warrior to a house cleaner." Akira showed a flat expression and delivered a sarcastic tone.

He didn't mind any mission, whether it was to help people for free, but doing cleaning sounded less amusing.

"I'll pay you." Rozori started to bring about payment to pique Akira's interest in his mission.

"Yeah, I'll have to decline. I can get my money elsewhere. "

"Maybe 12,000 Gols will change your mind?" Rozori smirked, knowing the money had greater value than his previous missions.a

"I'll gladly accept that without a second mind." Just like that, Akira ran very fast to the janitor's room.

"That's the spirit!" Rozori waved goodbye and cheered him.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Akira navigated until he found himself standing before the janitor's quarters. He gathered an arsenal of cleaning tools, each piece serving its purpose in his upcoming battle against grime and disorder.

Like a swift tempest, he streaked down the corridors, his mop a blur in his hands. The once dull and scuffed floors mirrored his image back at him, shining with an immaculate finish that would make even the most fastidious housekeeper envious.

He moved unhindered, his mission uninterrupted as he transformed the neglected hallways into pristine passages. A wave of satisfaction washed over him as he took in the spectacle of cleanliness. But his work was far from over. His next adversary was the towering windows of the headquarters.

Armed with his squeegee and a window-washing rig, Akira ascended to face his transparent enemy. He attacked with precision, his strokes methodical and determined, leaving no glass pane untouched.

After a quarter of an hour, his attention turned to the library and its dusty domains. With a broom as his weapon, he swept away the dust particles, reclaiming the library from its dusty fate.

The laundry proved to be an unexpected battleground. As he reached for a warrior's uniform, an assault of foul odor struck him. "Damn it!" he cursed, clutching his nose. "I forgot my Keen Instinct is always on alert!" Despite the distance from his face, the pungent scent remained a formidable adversary.

The rooftop was his next conquest. Akira, armed with his broom and cloth, banished the grime and dust that dared to inhabit it. After a grueling 25-minute battle, victory was his.

His next trial was the mountain of trash, weighing in at an intimidating 53 kg. Yet, he hoisted it effortlessly with one hand, a testament to his strength. He marveled at the sheer volume of waste, a stark reminder of the daily lives of those around him.

After two relentless hours, Akira finally laid down his cleaning arms. His mission was accomplished. The headquarters, once a battleground of grime and disorder, stood gleaming and spotless under his victorious gaze. His was a battle well fought, a job well done.

"Phew, that takes care of that! Time for some payment!" Akira rushed to Rozori to get his reward.

On the way there, he encountered Volts, walking with his hands in his pockets. Akira waved hi, but he ignored him and walked past him.

Akira was trying to make a friendly gesture with him but failed miserably. Akira would try again later after he received his reward.

"I'm done, Rozori."

Shortly after he met with Rozori, he was having a chat with the assistant and was busy. Akira then stopped speaking not wanting to disturb him.

"Talk to you later." Rozori then halted the conversation with the assistant.

"Hey, Akira, done already?"

"Yep, as you told me."

"Great job! Here are 15,000 Gols for you." Rozori gave Akira more than he anticipated.

"Huh? Why? I thought you'd be giving me 12,000 Gols." Akira was confused about his payment. From what he remembered, the deal was that Rozori would give him 12,000 Gols after he finished.

"Think of it as a bonus for your honesty. I saw you working hard and incredibly fast too. I was amused back there." Rozori was watching Akira the entire time.

Beep! Beep!

Sound of a ringing in Rozori's pocket. Rozori then checked his pocket, and it was his phone. Sazoru sent 7 messages, but he didn't read them, so instead, he gave a call.

"Ah, Sazoru's calling. Gotta go! See you later, Akira!" Rozori departed too quickly and said goodbye to Akira.

Akira waved goodbye, he turned around and walked, however, he bumped into a woman's breasts.

The scent was fragrant and kinda erotic, it then made him realize what scent it was since he was familiar with it.

"Oh my, Akira~♡ I didn't know you joined this squad. You should've at least told me about it~" Turned out...

It was Kitsune he bumped into...

Akira was speechless, shivered nervously, shitting bricks, eyes widened, and anxious as he met her teasing gaze. She grabbed Akira's shoulder and got Akira off her breasts.

"Akira~ I didn't know you liked my breasts so much. I thought you never wanted to peep." She giggled mischeviously.

Akira looked up slowly while quivering in fear.

"Oh, h-hi miss Kit-Kitsune, a p-pleasure to meet you..." Akira stuttered with a nervous voice, he wasn't expecting she would be here and return after her mission. Yet again, Akira was afraid of her because of her actions towards him.

"*Giggle* Pleasures mine~♡ And did you remember our promise?" She smiled as her eyes were shut. Behind that smile, laid a greater menace.

"Nope, not in my life! Goodbye!" Akira walked away, trying to get away from her, but she grabbed his hand very tightly.

"My, My, don't be shy..." She held his hand, gripped his wrist tightly, and she aimed it directly at one of her breast as she licked her lips.

"Kya~♡" Akira fondled her breast, and she moaned softly. Her soft jiggling large balloons made Akira's face burn red.

"Do you like it?" She smugged while making a teasing face.

"(Oh crap! Oh crap!! Oh crap!!! What the hell is this woman!? Her grip, this strong!?)" Akira screamed from the inside as she was feeling aroused and slowly made Akira fondle her breasts.

Akira felt something rock hard on those breasts...

Then suddenly, an alarm ringing occurred and made Kitsune and Akira distracted by the sound of an alarm.

"Attention! We have a robbery in progress at the North Gala Bank. Please accept this mission for all available warriors. Thank you! "

Akira was finally free from her grip and started running away...

"Gotta go, Miss Kitsune! I've got a mission! " Akira fled as quickly as he could, escaping from Kitsune.

"Hmph..." She pouted, showing a disappointed face because her opportunity was taken.

Akira then went outside and jumped to the top of a building repeatedly.

Three minutes later, he parkoured his way to the bank. When he finally made it, he saw that two people were there.

Soldiers and police were engaging them, but they had found an alternative way to escape, and it was the sewers.

He tracked them down using his keen instincts. He chased them down after discovering their escape hole. They finally got out, and Akira followed them out seconds later.

"Hold it right there!" Akira shouted as they attempted to enter their hovercar.

They fled and drove away, and Akira chased after them by jumping and hopping from one building to the next.

"What's with this kid? He's fast!" Said the criminals nervously as he caught up with them.

Akira summoned his scythe and used an upward slash to stop them.


His slash hit their car, and they crashed. As they crashed, they landed on the bridge over the city roads.

"End of the line, you can't run!" As Akira was saying those words, they ran as quickly as possible, trying to get away from Akira.

"I just warned you, don-!" As Akira was speaking, he was disrupted as he looked over and saw a person in the air, throwing a nail spike at them.

[5,000 VOLTS]

He electrocuted them, and they were burned and stunned, immobilized by the electricity. As he landed, it was Volts Raiya who did this.