Akira vs Volts

Volts landed next to Akira and walked toward the criminal. He grabbed his shirt and interrogated him.

"You! You're not alone, are you? Who're you working for?" Volts interrogated the criminal by grabbing his shirt.

"I ain't telling you nothing! I'm always alone." The man answered.

"Then what's this?" Volts grabbed his wrist and a gang sign appeared on his front wrist.

The tattoo on his wrist resembled a circle and a skull biting a blade. The criminal fell silent, his eyes widened as sweat was running down his head after he found out he was with someone.

"Answer me! If you don't, then we'll handle this the hard way." Volts started to strangle the man and forced him to answer his question.

The man didn't answer and stayed silent, ignoring his threat. Therefore, Volts accepted his decision, he touched his forehead and electrocuted him.

[7,000 VOLTS]

He charged up his electricity and shocked the man... 

"AGGHHHH" The man screamed in pain.

"Answer me! Or I'll blow your brains out!" Volts threatened to kill him.

The man didn't answer and so he charged up his electricity more.

[9,000 VOLTS]

The man began screaming louder and louder, his eyes were about to pop out.

"Hey, that's enough! Let him go!" Akira attempted to stop Volts but he ignored him.

"In 3 seconds, I'm going to charge my electricity to a hundred more and you'll soon be in hell! I'll let you know... Your head will explode." Volts then counted in 3.

"1... 2... 3-" Volts then was interrupted and avoided away from the incoming attack from Akira.

"That's enough! You'll kill him!" Akira interfered in his attempt to kill the man.

"You're too naive. Don't be an idiot. This man had done vicious things and you want to let him live? You seemed to lack how the world works, too oblivious who is trash or saint. Now, move!"

"He's still a human, you idiot! Only monsters kill humans, not us."

"I don't care! Get out of my way!" Volts let out his large nail spike as his blade.

"No, I won't let you kill hi-?" Akira then got distracted, looked behind him, and saw the man releasing his magic.


The man let out his smoke magic to escape and blinded his surroundings.

Akira used his keen instinct to track him down, but the smoke got in the way of his senses.

"Damn it, I can't sniff him out. My hearing... It's too damn loud." Akira and Volts coughed as the smoke went through their lungs.

Akira swung his blade to clear the smoke and the man was gone instantly, but he left his friend and betrayed

He followed his trail but no sign of footstep, only the scent of smoke, and no sound either to be heard.

"He got away..." Volts was frustrated.

"What have you done?" Volts blamed Akira for stopping him.

"Sorry, but if you hadn't intended to kill him, this wouldn't have happened!" Akira said.

Volts went silent in rage and threw his nail spike at Akira, electrocuting him with an electric power input into his spike.

[10,000 VOLTS]

In agony, Akira cried out. The electrical jolt caused his neurological system to begin shaking.

After that, Akira bent down and took his nail spike off. "You jerk... what was that for?!" Akira began to wonder whether Volts' deliberate action was warranted after immediately removing the spike.

He didn't say anything and started throwing them again.

By diverting his nail spike, Akira attacked him.

Akira was electrocuted, but because of his extraordinary resilience, he was not gravely hurt. Volts jumped clear of Akira and landed on the bridge's railing. He threw as many of his spikes as he could at Akira in an effort to hit him. Before charging at him and striking him, Akira diverted and dodged his assault. After Volts managed to avoid capture, Akira smashed the railing. Volts climbed to his feet after landing on his hands.

Akira lunged at him with his blood slash, but he ducked and he missed his attack. Akira attempted to try again. This time, he added force and multiply the number of his slashes up to ten to twenty.


Akira continuously swung his scythe in a diagonal motion from right to left and down to the ground, generating a blood slash. Volts ran around him and avoided every one of them until Akira stopped. Akira had finally stopped cutting, and Volts seized the chance to attack.


In order to target his newly formed electric energy toward Akira, Volts then launched his electrical magic. Akira was struck and given a jolt of about 10,500 volts. Akira was left standing, but he was injured and somewhat scorched. Volts was astounded by how he managed to hold still and stay upright despite being subjected to injuries that would have killed a normal person.

Akira took a slow breath as he tried to position his legs and feet, his calf muscles flexed as he tried to gain and build speed. When he jumped, the ground cracked.

Akira inhaled slowly as he sought to position his feet and legs; his calf muscles tensed in an effort to pick up the pace. The earth shook when he leaped.

Akira's quick charge in his direction took Volts off guard. Rolling down to the right, he avoided being hit. Stomping the ground caused Akira to reduce the force of his jump. Volts assumed that since he had seen Akira exercising, he had put in this amount of training to make it this far.


Outmatched by his speed, he then increased the level of his speed, sending electricity to his brain and his body to be equal to Akira's. The electricity was visibly seen around him in the color blue.

Akira engaged him first by launching himself like a cannon to strike an attack. Volts avoided him smoothly by moving his body to the right side and kicking him in the stomach with his improved strength, then jumped and kicked him in the face.

Akira was launched away by the attack, which made him fall off the bridge and held onto the ledge. Akira quickly climbed onto the bridge, back on his feet, and took his stance.

Akira noticed Volts's cold stare and stared at him. He believed Volts had issues with himself, so Akira stood up and tightened his grip on his scythe.


His power increased as blood magic was applied to his weapon. Akira just remained combative, refusing to harm him.

Volts made the initial move because Akira didn't assault him first. With a voltage of almost 11,700 volts, he let out a huge nail spike and coated it with electricity.

In an effort to avoid the electricity from his spike, Akira parried and clashed with each of his blows. Fortunately, blood could conduct electricity.

Akira was pushed back during their fight as a result of his lack of resistance. After Akira was able to avoid Volts' quick assaults, both were standing at an equal speed. Volts chewed his lips and appeared to be enraged as he questioned why he didn't attack him back.

"I JUST DON'T GET IT! FIGHT ME, DAMN YOU! WHY WON'T YOU FIGHT BACK?!" Volts yelled as Akira tried to block his attack and didn't fight back.

"I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES, ATTACKING YOU! AM I NOT WORTH TO EVEN BEING PUNCHED?" Volts knitted his brows tighter, hinting at his strong emotions about the fight.

Volts was frustrated and he kicked his scythe to catch him off guard, Volts went for his chance and touched his chest, striking him down with his electricity.

[15,000 VOLTS]

Akira was electrocuted and suffered excruciating pain as a result of his attack, screaming loud as a lion's roar. He then pulled his hand away from him, and the shirt on his chest was torn and burned.

Akira panted and knelt, the attack had been a little lethal for him, but if he continued in this manner, he will be electrocuted, burned to a crisp, and, worst of all, died even though he was immortal.

"Now, fight me!" Volts convinced him to fight him.

"(If this keeps up, he'll hurt himself... But...)" Akira saw the look in his eyes as if he was desperate and serious for him to fight, and he knew he'd been through a lot of this, so he understood and accepted his wishes.

Akira stood up and flashed instantly behind him. Volts was taken by surprise, because he suddenly appeared right behind him, leading him to believe he was holding back this entire time.

Akira went for the kill, swinging his blood-coated scythe horizontally to the right. Akira scarred his right cheek.


Akira immobilized Volts and he couldn't move an inch for seconds.

In a brief moment, Akira raised his scythe and aimed it at his head. With the tip of the blade that was getting close to his eyes, he closed his eyes

"Enough! Both of you! " Rozori came in and stopped the fight. He was floating in the air with a green aura around his body while holding a man in his arms, and it turned out, that it was the criminal who escaped them. Akira stopped his strike and almost stabbed him right in his left eye.

"Fighting in public places is strictly prohibited!" Rozori reminded as he landed next to them. Volts was finally able to move because two seconds had already passed. Akira then removed his scythe and stepped back.

"What did I tell you? Play. Nice!" Rozori pushed them away gently.

Akira calmed down, Volts turned away, and left with his hand in his pocket.

Akira was badly injured but healed himself right after. Meanwhile, Volts had only a tiny scar on his cheek.

"Akira, please do forgive him. He's not too friendly with others like I told you. I wish I could help him with something but I can't. Hopefully, you'll understand, and thank you for not injuring him severely." Rozori tried to help Akira to give him hindsight about Volts.

"..." As Volts was walking, he noticed Akira's intention. He went silent.

"(He didn't intend to kill me, more like a threat. He was holding back, even though I struck him with that much voltage which can kill anyone. What's his motive anyway?)" Volts said in his mind.

"Meet me at Sazoru's office, he has a mission for you both. I'll go inform this to Volts also. So go back to the HQ," Rozori commanded

Akira then headed back to the base 3 minutes later.