The origins of Umi who was trapped in the form of a ghost

From around 6,000 years ago. A war broke out. The War of the Gods, where they fight to conquer or to defend their people no matter whatever imbecilic reason it may be. In Umi's era, it was common to have 100 kings or more, but out of Umi's knowledge, now it was less than 10.

Umi didn't understand what made them start a war. Many of the gods and mortals died from the result of it, including her kingdom's people who went out and aid. Years after years, the war still was in no sight of ending.

Before she came as a ghost, Umi was a young lady, trying to give the gods her offerings as she walked across the hallway of the castle's kingdom. Umi was holding a basket with a vase of holy water and food offerings inside it. Then suddenly, a young running in the hall got her attention.

"Don't run in the hall, Rusa," said Umi, bent lower as she stopped Rusa from running.

"Big sis! I've got a new power! Water magic!"

"Congratulations!" Umi smiled as she was proud. The mysterious power called "System" was still prevalent in her era, either present or the past, this "System" still provided unknown powers.

"I wonder if I could protect the kingdom with this magic..."

"Sure you will. Magic has its uses so just try your best, okay? Keep training and maybe I can call you my hero, haha." Umi giggled while patting Rusa's head.

"Thank you, big sis!" Rusa gave a smile after her assurance that he could do it. He left, disobeying her as he ran again to his friends to play.

Waving goodbye with a resignation sigh, she then continued walking to the place she wanted to go to give the offerings. Upon arriving, she saw her dad gazing at the ancient carved wall. She dropped the basket down and started organizing the offerings for the statue.

"Umi, did you see this?"

"Yes, unclear writing, without the furthest clue of what it meant. Why must we solely protect this unknown tablet, father?"

"One day, when the time fully comes for the one who will be born, one will understand what it means. This isn't a rumor; even the king said so. We mustn't let our pride, which is this tablet, die. For every single person in our kingdom, we must protect it to keep the promise." Umi's father's hand touched the carved wall as he spoke these words.

"What promise?" Umi wondered.

"The kingdom's promise, from years before. Someday, your children or your descendants will also protect this tablet no matter what. Promise me, you will tell the story."

"Yes, father." Umi sighed and accepted her father's wishes.

"Come and meet me to our home. I have a gift for you." Umi's father went back to his home and said to go back after she had done with the offerings.

She then continued the ritual so that the gods would give them protection and blessings.

An hour later as she was finished, she went back home, leaving with curiousness about her gift. Her kingdom was filled with peace and tranquility, but the kingdom's people couldn't risk going outside because of the war. 

She opened the door of her wooden house and sat while her father gave her a gift. He gave Umi a strange orange stone. It glittered with light as it reflected the sunlight. When Umi asked what it was, the father simply answered that it was the family heirloom. He handed over the gift to her hands, and she kept it in her System and stored it.

Umi then suddenly heard a scream,

"Someone died!" The voice of a woman screamed in terror, and the scream was heard from all around.

A man with his head in his hands and a bow was impaled into his chest as he rode a horse. The man fell and dismounted the horse. The horse ran away, terrified.

"Fire!" Then arrows with a torch on their tips, with an uncountable number of them, rained on their kingdom.

Umi was protected by her father as he tackled Umi and used himself as a shield from the fiery arrows.

"Run!" said her father, groaning in pain as the fire burned him internally.

All Umi could ever do was run and head straight to the castle. The knights of the kingdom guarded her as she went through the fire. The knights who were water mages used their water magic to clear her path. Thankfully, Umi was saved and was able to get in.

Battling against the intruder after she got in, they were ultimately defeated easily. She frantically ran for her life and went to the king's castle. Once she was there, the knights brandished their weapons, guarding the door with a quickened heart beat. However, they were killed instantly after the intruders bashed the door explosively.

Umi tripped from the shock wave and crawled backwards as she saw her people's lives were mercilessly taken away. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Unleashing her water magic to retaliate, was unfortunately had no effect on their shield.

The brave boy, Rusa, who wanted to save her used his water magic to prevent them from hurting Umi.

"NO, RUSA, GET OUT OF HERE!" Umi shouted at Rusa. "RUSAAAAAAA!"

Rusa tried to fend off the army by himself but it led to his demise as they teared his limbs apart with their blades and ended with his head.

Witnessed horror, Umi ran as fast as she could with her eyes swelled up in tears. However, she was halted by one of them who fired an arrow at her leg.

Before they could lay their swords on her throat, a man with a single command stopped them all from getting further to kill her. He came out with a horse strapped in heavy armor and fiery hair. He donned an obsidian purple armor with a large claymore behind his back.

He dismounted his horse and approached her. "Ah, such a shame. You're beautiful but your uses are different." He pulled her hair as his eyes were close to her glares. "Take her away." He commanded his knights.

The knights carried her away and as they went outside, she was splashed with the blood of her family, friends, and sisters... "Aagggggggghhhhh" her screams displayed pain, they were brutal and immoral, none of them were guilty but faced with unfairness. None of them survived their brutality, severed heads, crushed bodies, burnt fleshes. None.

The man only kept 29 hostages and brought them to the cave where the carved wall was there. "The ancient writing... This damned remnants left me curious, spreading across the twelve lands, and yet none know its true origins..." The man brushed the wall softly.

"Anyone... Has any idea what this meant. Keep your audacity to fool me, I've been lied before but it ended quite... Unsightly." Sweats dropped, all of them were laid silent. Even if he told them to translate the ancient writing, none of them answered. No one knew behind the meaning, only their ancestors know.

He kicked them, tortured them, and tormented them until their mental was destroyed but still left with no answer. He wanted to know what it meant and to clear his curiosity, the writings held the "truth" and an answer from what he heard, according to the man.

"You, girl! Answer me! What is the meaning of this wall!" Angered by all their disobedience to tell him, he next pointed Umi. Grabbing her hair with his eyes flared after his curiosity unsatisfied.

"Like hell, I'm telling you!"

"Fine, these people or your mouth?" The man soon made a trade of which their life would be taken or she would speak. However, his threat was just a small price for their only purpose was to protect the wall, but never understood the meaning.

"Screw you!" That was all she answered. even though she didn't know what it meant. All of the people said knew that it would just be useless to tell him for they didn't even know the true origins, however, the man didn't believe them.

"Insolent! All of you!"

With his heavy claymore, he swung so fast that the wind decapitated their heads instantly. She grunted madly as she tried to kick him, even with his armor plate.

"Useless... I will punish you all for wasting my time! For eternity you shall know pain!" Underneath the man's foot, shrouded with ominous purple circle warping the whole ground.


The magic beneath his feet would devour all of the kingdom and snatch the souls of the dead from going anywhere. Until all of them were trapped inside a gourd with a paper seal attached.

"Your defiance will be your regret!" He slit her throat, and she died painfully.

After her death, the man mounted back his horse together with his army to travel to another kingdom. Her kingdom was painted red and human remnants, became his most unspeakable actions.

Two days later, after she died, she was awakened and became a ghost while also being stuck in an unknown barrier. Her soul, unlike the rest of her people, she was trapped in an endless sorrow of screams while her soul remained in a cage. She couldn't escape. If she wanted to escape, she would get electrocuted by unknown red electricity.

Hearing those voices of agony from her people and family. She closed her ears each time they screamed but was for naught as it just kept getting louder and louder. Her lips trembled as she wrapped her knees in her arms. Years after years, the scream wouldn't stop, she also noticed that the cave slowly became a dungeon since there was a red crystal, summoning monsters, and gradually formed a temple. She couldn't even destroy the crystal...

Many years later, her kingdom was drowned by an immense tsunami that made the whole kingdom go underwater. That was the time when the cave became a sea dungeon. She walked and walked while hearing their screams, ignoring them was impossible. She gazed at them full of tears as she couldn't stand it anymore, they kept screaming endlessly.

No one could hear her voice, and she almost lost hope. She kept singing and singing until someone arrived. She sang for thousands of years without anyone hearing her. Years after years that drove her insane without giving up on her singing, still continuously hoping for someone's arrival. No matter what, she always believed that she could help all of her people.

"La♪ La♪ La♪ Oh Savior... Can you hear us now? Our voice beneath the sea? For us, have been trapped, in the endless loop, beneath the sea. Heed my call, oh savior. Please, save our souls, oh Savior." Her voice echoed around the cave, trying to call for help. Her song was simple but it had deep emotions and tones.

She kept singing and singing, but no one came to her, and that was until she met Akira. She sobbed and cried as hard as she could.

"Thank you... Thank you..." All those years of pain was finally answered, she couldn't even stop those long awaited moment so her tears would burst. She thanked him again and again as she wrapped her arms around herself, trembling as her head hung low.

Akira looked down, saddened by her story. "Hey... it's alright now... You're safe so is your people..." Akira tried to calm her down and tried to make her forget about the past and move on, after which they were finally free.

She tried to wipe her tears but she couldn't. Even after 6 minutes later, she stopped and calmed down with her tears still in her eyes.

Before fading away, she asked Akira to do one last favor for her. And this favor was also part of her revenge. Her body fading away slowly as her toes were gone. It was her last message...