Rest well and goodbye, Umi

"All I've been through is unimaginable suffering. Those screams of agony and that atrociousness have finally perished but, memories are eternal after all, I can't forget them. It's all thanks to you, Akira."

"For my last favor, would you be so kind to accept my request?"

Umi's presence started to fade slowly.

"Enough said, just give me what you want me to do. I don't ask for payment. I like to help people. That's how I am. So, what do you want me to do to bring you at peace?" Akira smiled and told her that he didn't want any payments and would do it for free.

"Very well..."

"I want you to help those who suffered the same fate as I did. Souls that were trapped by that wicked fiend. His name was Kel Von Hades. That man was the one who trapped us all." Umi bore a face filled with hatred.

"I want you to find those crystals and free them. I don't know the location or the details, but I want you to do the same for them."

"Alright, your wish is my command." Akira nodded.

Before she faded away, she gave Akira one of her valuables. A stone was handed over to Akira, the stone of her family heirloom. The stone was unique after Akira got a closer look. It was sparkly and smooth as if he was holding soap. It smelled like the sea, and it looked expensive.

Akira asked what it was, and she told him that it was one of her family's antics. She told Akira to sell it or use it however he wanted. She didn't mind since she had no more family in the real world. 

The confusion then struck Akira. She couldn't be touched, but she was able to touch the stone. She explained that a ghost or a spirit could touch anything except those who weren't dead. Unless the spirits could touch humans or the living, then it would be a different story.

And for one last time, she thanked deeply. Her tears finally stopped as she was about to meet her people and her family once more. Umi said her goodbyes with a delighted smile. She started singing again but this time with a different tone.

"As I wait for eternity, as I hope for us to be free. Our time has finally come. May us enjoy the afterlife."

The voice was entirely different from the tone and the pitch. Her voice sounded relieved as she sang her song even different from a voice of distress.

Those weird particles around her, slowly made her whole body transparent.

Seconds later, with a drop of tear...

...she finally disappeared with an echoing voice of her last gratitude with her smiling that faded away into the light

"...Thank you..."

"Goodbye, Umi. Rest well..."

With a firm grip, Akira secured the mystic stone within the confines of his system's repository, casting one last glance toward the spot where Umi had once stood and vanished. A sense of determination in his stride, he made his way to the exit and plunged into the water, propelling himself back towards the familiar solidity of land.

Akira stood at the shore, the golden hues of the setting sun reflecting in his eyes. A small, satisfied smile played on his lips as he contemplated Umi's newfound tranquility, juxtaposed with a trace of sorrow for the stormy past she had endured. He made a solemn promise to her memory, vowing to locate those elusive crystals and liberate them. This was Umi's final wish, a final act of retaliation against the man who had brought ruin upon her kingdom.

Akira's reverie was interrupted by the sound of his name echoing across the beach. Rozori, panting heavily, had been searching frantically for Akira. The reason? A convivial BBQ party that Rozori didn't want Akira to miss. With a chuckle and an apology, Akira followed Rozori towards the awaiting festivities.

"Took you long enough! What are you standing there for, folks? Akira is here, let the feast begin!" Kazoru called out enthusiastically. The table groaned under the weight of BBQ and beverages, and the atmosphere was electric with joy and camaraderie.

Akira, with a voracious appetite, amazed the warriors as he devoured plate after plate of BBQ. His eating spree ended with a bloated stomach, followed by gusty exhales and a brief pause before he continued eating, leaving the warriors agog.

Amidst the merriment, Kitsune, ever the flirt, couldn't resist engaging with the younger warriors including Akira and Volts. Her outfit, a bold red bikini, revealed a tantalizing amount of skin and magnetized the gazes of the other warriors.

She attempted to seduce Akira, posing suggestively and calling out his name in a sultry voice. Her hands above her head, swaying her body with a flirty gaze at Akira. The unexpected flirtation caused Akira to choke on his food in surprise. Wiping his mouth hastily, he blurted out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

"Gee, one time you were so impatient and touched my breast, remember? And you fondled them like a naughty boy. Not once, but twice! You should take responsibility. " Kitsune pouted. The first encounter had been of her own making of forcing Akira to fondle her, but the second time, Akira had blundered into it accidentally. With a plate of uneaten food in hand, he took off like a hare being pursued by a hound, Kitsune hot on his heels in a chase that was as thrilling as a predator stalking its quarry.

Off to the side, Hiroshi was under Klaus's vigilant watch. He chewed his meat mournfully, tears streaking down his face as he longingly eyed the svelte figures in bikinis. "Not fair..." He was consumed with envy, wishing he could partake in the frolic.

"So... How've things been? Fancy for a date night tomorrow?" Rozori blushed.

"How bold of you... I'm fine... and don't be late~." Erika giggled.

Rozori and Erika, on the other hand, were the picture of bliss. Seated side by side, they shared food and conversation, their eyes locked in an intimate exchange. With the guidance of other commanders who had a flair for dispensing romantic advice, Rozori had grown bolder, his initial nervousness a thing of the past. They were now comfortably entwined, feeding each other and sharing warmth.

"How's the party?" Kazoru greeted Volts.

"Quite entertaining."

"Hahaha, you'll get used to it. The Red Phoenix squad is always lively, y'know? It's part of our strength, so live a little!" Kazoru sat next to Volts while cheering him up.

"Hmph... I suppose you're right... Oh, and... Apologies for my rudeness towards you... If you recalled it, I ignored you quite a lot." Volts avoided eye contact, feeling ashamed of his standoffishness.

"Sure, apology accepted." Kazoru grinned happily.

Across them, Kazoru and Volts engaged in a heart-to-heart. Kazoru offered Volts a plate piled high with meat, while Volts rested his head on his hand, admitting that he'd enjoyed himself at the party. He apologized for his initial standoffishness towards Kazoru. He had always preferred solitude, oblivious to the helping hands extended towards him, blind to the kindness he was being offered. Kazoru accepted Volts's apology graciously, and a newfound friendship was cemented as Volts broke into a rare smile.

"MORE!" Haru shouted.

"C'mon, I'm no lightweight! Give me moar!" Sazoru also shouted.

Sazoru and Haru, meanwhile, turned the party into a boozy battleground. The warriors rallied around them, cheering them on as they embarked on a drinking duel. Sazoru put away three liters of beer to Haru's two, and when Haru tapped out after five liters, Sazoru was still standing. However, his victory was short-lived, as he too collapsed shortly thereafter.

The beach was alive with the sounds of merriment, the air filled with laughter, joy, and the sense of camaraderie that defined the Red Phoenix squad.

The party was a resounding success, a well-deserved break that would be remembered fondly...