Last day in the Red Phoenix squad

As it turned out, the killer's name was Shin Keita. Akira was surprised that his last name was Keita too. From the looks of Shin, he had matching black hair, but his face didn't. Akira felt a bit odd; he also had similar abilities to him and he wanted to find out why. This made him think that he had a lost brother of some sort.

Akira, Yuri, and the others then were told to leave as fast as possible, said the system screen appeared in front of them. So they went to the exit.

Soldiers and a trap to block the exit were present. The trap was clearly red and resembled a net. To prevent the shooting, Yuri instructed everyone to raise their hands in the air.

"It's the participants! Release the nets!" Yuri showed his badge to the soldiers who were preparing to shoot that he was not a threat.

When they learned that someone had trespassed in the area, the soldiers had already arrived.

After someone was killed and the victim alerted the authorities, they were informed. Shin was then led to the police vehicle while being handcuffed and wearing a seal. Akira had a strange feeling.

He remembered that Shin was swift and questioned why he couldn't easily evade him; it seemed almost deliberate. Then Shin awoke and released his handcuffs.

The handcuffs were intended to negate and impair his abilities. But he managed to release himself. Shin impaled his target's head with his knife for a split second, killing him along with the soldiers who tried to stop him.

Akira attempted to attack, but he expertly avoided and landed on the fourth floor of the building.

Shin got back on his feet and finally became conscious after he had exited the dungeon. He planned this because the soldiers blocked the exit, so he needed to fake his unconsciousness.

He couldn't fight the soldiers while they could close the gate and leave him trapped there. Their gadgets were annoying too, as they could imprison him even if he was fast enough for an eye to catch.

"Still standing, was it you said? Hmph, you better off staying dead. And you, don't get in my way ever again!" Shin said, right in front of his target's corpse while also warning Akira to not interfere.

Shin then ran away and fled very quickly, as his body just disappeared out of thin air. Akira chased after him and left Yuri to take care of the corpse.

Akira tried to find him, but he was gone in an instant. He tried to track him down, but his scent and the sound he made, disappeared. Akira wanted to question his last name, which was Keita too.

Akira then canceled his chase and went back to the ground after jumping onto the building's rooftops. 

Suddenly, Rozori's spare phone started ringing. Akira pulled it out from his wallet and slid the screen on the phone to answer.

"Yo, Akira, there's a message from the king. I hope you're here on time at the headquarters! Sazoru needs to talk with you." said Rozori.

"I'll be right there!" Akira then stopped the call and went to tell Yuri that he would be on a mission.

Yuri gave a nod while also telling Akira not to worry about the mission, which had already failed, and so Akira apologized.

Yuri didn't mind the mission failing, but still, the killer was on the loose. He would later contact him just in case he was troubled. He wanted to contact many warriors, but he was short on money. Akira didn't mind the rewards. Yuri thanked him and gave him his number. 781-339-506 was his number.

Akira nodded, and he left for the headquarters.

It got Akira to overthink something about Shin as he walked toward the headquarters. He had similar abilities, though he didn't have the same eyes. He had a feeling in him that they were related. He decided when he went back home, he would question his parents.

Eight minutes later, Akira was brought to Sazoru's office to ask for his decision.

"So, any plans on leaving or staying?" Sazoru asked Akira to decide if he wanted to stay or want to leave while hoping for his stay.

This was his last day on this base, which was the reason they asked if he wanted to stay or not. If not, then they had no right to disagree but to wish him success on his journey.

He had friends and he had so much fun in this squad, so it made it difficult for him to choose to stay, and so, Akira finally answered.

"Sorry, I wish to leave." As his final answer.

Sazoru sighed and gave him a piece of paper to sign. Akira signed it, and he was permitted to spend one last moment with his friends, along with packing his belongings.

Sazoru told Akira he was allowed to join if he wanted to. Akira gave a nod in response. After he responded, he exited the office. Even though Akira could meet his friends whenever he wanted to, it made his smile upside down because of leaving the squad.

"I sure am going to miss him!" Rozori sighed about Akira's resignation.

"It's his choice, Rozori, we can't deny what he wants. Then again, have you done what I asked you to? "

"Oh, uh... about that..." Rozori remembered after Sazoru reminded him.

"Rozori..." Sazoru had assigned Rozori to do something, but he had gotten a call that he hadn't done it.

"C'mon, my date got overlapped with yours, so, sorry. Can't miss my date..." Rozori reasoned that he didn't do his assignments because his date with Erika overlapped with his assignments.

"Heh..." Sazoru facepalmed. This was today he had learned, that Rozori was a love slave.

Meanwhile, Akira went to his room and packed his belongings.

He viewed the sunset for a bit. He would miss his friends, and so he went to their rooms to say his last goodbyes.

He went to Volts's room first, and he was gone. Akira used his keen instinct and tracked his scent, so he went upstairs to the balcony again. Akira saw Volts leaning on the balcony while enjoying the breeze.

"I heard today is your last day." Volts heard from their conversation that it was Akira's last day to join Sazoru's squad.

"Heh, are you sad ?" Akira smirked, thinking he was sad about his departure.

"I am certainly not, but I will miss you... friend." Volts smiled back.

"Aww, thanks, buddy!" Akira felt pleased in his heart after Volts had said that.

"So, what would you do next, after leaving this squad?" Volts curiously asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I have lots to take care of."

"Oh, then what is it?"

"Maybe, journeying to the world, I don't know." Akira was in doubt of his decisions on his journey. He had promised Umi and Rakyu to save the kingdoms and save the ones who suffered the same fate as Umi while also wanting to know who Shin Keita was. But besides the fact that he didn't know what the king would assign him next, he was unsure if he would go to the next country.

He had a feeling that he would face stronger enemies; therefore, it would be best if he trained hard enough to go to the next country.

"Good luck with that." Volts smiled as he gave a handshake one more time. Akira cheekily smiled, and they shook hands.

He did the same to the rest of the squad. He had no intention of saying this to Kitsune, or else he would be damned by her lewd behavior. But, what a surprise as things wouldn't turn out as Akira expected...

Kitsune had already discovered the truth...

"It's quite sad to hear, how could you do this to me, Akira~? I thought we were so getting along..."

Instead of forcing him to stay, she wanted a kiss goodbye as well as a hug. Akira shook his head violently and just said goodbye. Though it wasn't necessary, considering she could meet Akira whenever she wanted. And even so, she had up to 2,037 pictures of Akira silently and askingly, including naked.

Akira then went to Kazoru in the field as he was still training. Kazoru just laughed and patted his shoulder, full of passion, and prayed for his success.

"Heh, so that's it... it's fine, I respect your decision. But be well prepared! I'm training my ass off so you better be careful that I might beat you the next time we meet, understand?" Kazoru advised Akira to prepare himself because Kazoru would train like hell to defeat his foes, including Akira.

He didn't think of Akira as his foe, more like a rival. He was told if someone had a rival, then that person would do whatever it took to get stronger.

Akira was set as a perfect example of what rivals should be. Akira got confused and believed maybe one day he asked for a spar, he then wished him luck on his training to defeat Akira. However, Kazoru's intention wasn't for a spar...

Akira went to Yao and Tao's rooms next, and it was a bad idea.

"Please, don't leave!" Yao, holding onto Akira's leg.

"Please, stay!" Tao, climbing up on Akira's arm and gripped him tight while flying.

They weren't happy, so they cried because it was his last day here and he didn't want to stay, as they forced him to. As they hugged Akira tight, Akira felt bad, after which he declined everything they said to make him stay, such as; they would be a good girl, they would give him a burger, they would go on a quest to find his prince, which turned out odd in the end.

Akira patted their heads, and they started crying even louder. And after 17 minutes, Akira was finally out of the room. Akira found it very hard to handle when they started throwing tantrums endlessly. In the very end, he had completed every last moment with every squad.

"I will miss you, my dear brother... I will treasure my moments with you... before you leave, have this!" Including Hiroshi, he cried as he handed over his porn magazines like a good bro.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR SHITTY HOBBIES!" Akira declined his vulgar magazines as he yelled.

Akira enjoyed joining this squad and enjoyed every bit of it, but he had already made his decision not to stay, which was hard for him. He had packed all his belongings and was ready to go...


