Departure to the Ringgu island

Two days later, Kazoru became Tor's apprentice in his training. At that moment, he was  sparring with Sayu. Kazoru used his flames and Sayu used her spear. 

"Ack, my wounds are acting up again!" Kazoru was in bandages as his body began aching again. He prevented himself from increasing his fire magic so that the bandages wouldn't get burned.

"It's only yourself to blame. Be a real warrior and endure the pain. A real warrior would not complain about any injuries, even fatal ones; they would just stand up and take it like a champ! " Tor responded while he was spectating both Sayu and Kazoru. Tor heard Kazoru was whining about his wounds, and Tor blamed him for being reckless.

"Huh, I guess your childhood wasn't an easy one."

Kazoru took a minute break and drank some medicine to heal him. He couldn't heal himself since he hadn't learned how to use healing magic. Kazoru took a breather and looked at the sky, wondering how Akira was doing.

Meanwhile, Akira and the thousand blades squad had already sailed to the Ringgu island, embarking on their mission. 

"BWEGGHHH" On the other hand, Akira felt sick and started vomiting without any stoppage.

"What's wrong with you? Are you seasick? "

"I don't know. Whenever I'm in a vehicle or on   any type of transportation, I feel unbearably sick every da-BWAGHHH." Akira explained that he was sick whenever he traveled by transportation.

Hakku approached Akira and gave him some kind of device that would help reduce his sickness. He placed the device on Akira's back, and he felt a lot better.

"Woah! I felt light as a feather! "

"Good to hear! Now, are you feeling better? "

"Yes, I am!" Akira was delighted with his condition and went jumping with joy. Unfortunately, he became sick again after he had jumped twice.

"Ya idiot, that device only helps ya to reduce yar sickness," Yeru explained to Akira, explaining that it only helped to reduce his sickness, not erase it.

"I want to get off this ship!" Akira complained of being on the ship as his voice echoed throughout the ocean. Apparently, Akira had motion sickness and could not bear any transportation; hence, he preferred walking.

Akira went on and sat while his face was green. He could barely see the sunlight as he was about to doze off.  Akira's stomach began growling because of a delicious smell coming from the dining room inside the ship.

Shura then accompanied Akira by sitting next to him.

"You're not going to eat? There's a feast and lots of food. I don't know what they are celebrating on a serious mission like this."

"Do I look like I'm in a condition to eat?"

"Yes," Shura responded with a mischievous smile and laughed because Akira was green.

"Screw you! I envy all of you people for not being sick. Speaking of sick, what was that medicine you gave me? " Akira was referring to the "medicine" that Shura lied about using to gain strength. Instead, it gave Akira a difficult time and gave him poison resistance as his durability increased.

"What medicine?" Shura didn't remember anything about the last time he gave Akira medicine. At the last second, he remembered it was a poisonous herb he had given. 

"That medicine made me sick! My stomach was finally cured after beating that dragon. You should've told me the side effects at least." Akira was clueless as he believed that the medicine Shura gave had strong effects.

"Apologies, oh, and I heard they sent 137 warriors here and 3 commanders. Not just that, a general is here too."

"Huh, I guess they call it a suicide mission for nothing."

Around 3 hours later, they arrived. Akira was finally happy about being off the ship. He could not bear it any longer, and the feeling was very horrifying. Akira was drunk while walking after he had finally gotten off of the ship. The way he swayed and staggered as he touched his stomach.

Akira sat down for a moment, trying to relieve himself after being on the ship. As seconds went by, Akira sensed an unknown presence coming from the forest. Even the whole Thousand Blades squad was alerted.

The commanders, Hakku, Shimon, and Igari, shouted to alert the squad that there were traps around the area. Sadly, someone tripped over some kind of string and the trap was activated. A net of strings appeared very quickly, and many of them reacted to it. Those who were slow to slice the strings were chopped off into tiny cubes. 37 of the warriors died, and another 41 were injured slightly. 

"Heal the rest; we cannot let ourselves be weak or injured on the battlefield!" Shimon commanded warriors who were of the healing type to heal those who were injured. For the warriors who died, he could not do a thing for them and commanded them to move on to their objectives.

Meanwhile, from the farthest parts of the forest, the Mikadzuki were going on foot as they traveled across the Ringgu forest to find the jade of Alamycs. 

"Sir, they have arrived." One of Esya'r's companions told him that someone had arrived to foil their plans.

"Stop them, and none will survive!" Esya'r commanded 17 of his companions to hunt them and kill those who posed a threat to their mission.

Esya'r brought 20 to accompany him, and that would make 3 of his companions accompany him after 17 of them were sent to stop the squad and Akira.

Meanwhile, back to what Akira and the squad were doing. Akira was separated into groups to find the hidden jade of Alamycs. Akira went with 7 warriors in search of the jade. However, there were traps that they needed to take care of. They stayed cautious about the whole place. Akira could not sense the string because it was transparent and had no smell. Akira used his ear to echolocate the traps. The traps were similar to spider webs, so he made it easy by just imagining the strings were like spider webs.

As they continued, Akira heard a noise beneath the ground. Akira shouted to the warriors who were with him to stay wary of the ground. 

Not long later, the ground turned to sticky mud, pulling them slowly to the ground like quicksand. 

Akira reacted within milliseconds and jumped off the mud before he got stuck. However, the two warriors were too slow to move and got stuck. Akira used a blood slash to cut a tree for them to grab onto. The tree landed next to them, and they grabbed on tightly. However, the mud was getting stronger as it pulled them like a vacuum. Akira jumped off the tree and landed on the tree they grabbed onto.

Akira held their hands, attempting to pull them out. Sadly, they couldn't be saved. The entire mud devoured them. The hands that Akira was grabbing were severed because of the intense pull. In their last moments, Akira saw the look on their faces, panicking and crying with their pupils appearing small. Akira admitted that he was an idiot because he hadn't saved them in the first place. Akira blamed himself, and he felt immeasurable guilt for letting them die. The mud turned back to normal after the two were trapped. Akira hurriedly smashed the ground, but it fixed itself each second after it was shattered.

"It's too late; you can't save them, young warrior." A male Mikadzuki appeared from the ground and took the shape of clay.

"You! You did this?!" Akira was snapped after he failed to protect his comrades. Akira clutched his fist very hard and bled out.

"Oh goodness me, are you angry? You should know that people die every minute, every second, and every day. I'd say, their lives were just short of luck." The Mikadzuki smiled viciously after he had killed the two warriors.

Akira sliced his body and his body was severed. However, he was still fine after being chopped off. He was still in the form of clay, and it was impossible to kill him by just being sliced apart.

"Being angry won't help you to bring them back. It's useless, you all will die the same, after all." The Mikadzuki reverted to his original form and faced off against 6 warriors.