Race to the Alamycs

After Yeru had finished with his fight, Akira and the other five warriors raced off to the jade of Alamycs. Their objective was to protect the ring at all costs. Meanwhile, the Mikadzuki had almost arrived at their destination. 

"Sir, I'm afraid we may have been outmatched by these warriors. Do we have to take it all and give ourselves up to fight? " One of Esya'r's henchmen admitted defeat because the warriors were too strong; he knelt and apologized.

"Pathetic. Initiate plan B. I will take one with me until I erase the curse of the jade. You may proceed to fight, kill everyone, and never let anyone live. If you all cannot defeat those warriors, I will enter the battle as soon as I erase the curse. " Esya'r sent two of his henchmen and a tale to accompany him. Three of his henchmen then left, and one of his henchmen stayed. 

He and his henchman proceeded to the jade of Alamycs, as he hoped that they would buy them some time to arrive at the jade.

Meanwhile, inside the ship, Kamui was on board, and he was sitting in his office reading his book.

"I think my time has come." Kamui closed his book and stood up after he finished reading. He sensed such a powerful presence nearby and felt a sudden loss as he apologized while talking to the wall. Kamui had done his own thing, and now he entered the battle as he walked off to the island.

Akira and the other five warriors sprinted across the Ringgu forest, trying to find the jade before the Mikadzuki seized the ring. Akira then saw Shura on the way there. He had defeated 5 Mikadzuki and none aided Shura as Akira looked around to see if any warriors were with him. Akira was amazed that he defeated many of Mikadzuki's, although they were difficult for Akira to handle. Shura stated that they were nothing more than a mere obstacle. Shura then directed Akira to the jade of Alamycs, as he had found the way.

"What about you? Are you going?"

"I'll stay here and deal with them, and the rest of you must put a stop to them. Are we clear? Kamui is on his way, and you should give him some time to arrive." Shura stayed and told Akira and the others to fight and stop the remaining Mikadzuki from stealing the ring. Akira nodded, and the other five warriors followed.

Akira accelerated as he tried to track the Mikadzuki's scent. He was so fast that the five warriors couldn't keep up with him. Akira came to a halt as the scent approached and tried to maintain his distance. He arrived at the grass field in the middle of the forest. The strange sensation caused Akira to pause for a moment. As his muscles tracked a vibration coming from everywhere, his ears began to move.

Akira's eyes widened as he was taken aback. He yelled at the group to be aware of their surroundings. Akira had the impression that the entire place was set up like a mousetrap, trapping everyone even though the traps were not visible to the naked eye. Akira detected traps almost everywhere and quickly realized what they were. A string that was wired everywhere and connected from tree to tree. The string had a familiar odor, and he assumed it was the same string that had killed many warriors just before they arrived on the island.

Then, in less than two seconds, two of the warrior's heads were chopped off in the blink of an eye. Akira was taken aback and ordered everyone not to move. The anxiety and fear made the entire group nervous. The perpetrator was undetectable because Akira believed the perpetrator had gone far away, controlling the strings. Akira told them not to move an inch because he had felt a string attached to his foot, and if they did, the trap would activate. Their heads were drenched in sweat as they didn't do a single movement. Even if they didn't feel every string that was attached to them, they couldn't help but not move a single and don't die.

One of the warriors was sweating hard as he felt an itch after his sweat went down in a dire situation. He was shaking as his heart was beating rapidly. In a matter of seconds, the muscles in his arm started making a short movement. The string activated and it killed him instantly as the string went through like butter. Akira summoned his scythe because he couldn't take it anymore. He sliced all the strings on him as the string traps were triggered. Akira's body was cut and cut endlessly as he tried to slice off the strings. 

After a while, Akira's right arm was severed the same as his left leg. Akira resisted the pain, even if he had to scream. He used his left arm and held tight to the scythe he had dropped. Proceed to slice the whole string down. The warriors remained still as they watched Akira try to slice off all the strings. 


Akira stand up with his left leg, used his blood slash, and did a spin. He took a careful slash so as not to harm the other warriors. The whole surrounding that was connected by the strings had completely cut off. Akira knelt and groaned in pain, trying to heal and regenerate his severed body parts and cuts.

The warriors were able to finally move. They were amazed by Akira's healing; even though the body parts came off, he regenerated and created a new one. Akira stood up as he staggered because his leg was numb. Regenerating his limbs was the most troublesome thing that he had felt after he had attained immortality.

Someone then applauded and showed its face, standing up on the top of a giant rock.

"Praise to you, such a fascinating show!" A white-haired man with his pupils, he had thin upturned eyes and he wore the same as a Mikadzuki would often wear.

Akira launched a blood slash at him without a word. When the Mikadzuki raised one finger, the blood slash dispersed easily.

"Now, which two of you would make a good battle?"

"2?" Akira was baffled by what he meant.

What the Mikadzuki meant was that he sent a clone to the commanders and had different views on his fight. From far away, outside of the battle where Akira and the Mikadzuki fight, in the forest, Shimon and Hakku had just finished fighting twelve Mikadzuki. They barely broke a sweat, and they fought with ease.

"Your strength has improved, Hakku-yo."

"Yes, master." Hakku was a disciple of Shimon. He, who had taught him sword arts and Hakku, invented his own techniques, the Shiroraion-Ougi.

Shimon Hakura, the master who taught 75 of his disciples and had two successors and was the 2nd division commander, had a well-built body and a tall height of 201 CM. He had black hair that partially covered his face and had many scars on his face and body. He was no different from any elemental warrior; he possessed fire magic as his main ability. Even though Hakku had surpassed his own master, Shimon was still the powerhouse of the group. Shimon later discovered an uncanny presence coming from the air. A string then appeared out of nowhere, moving towards them at an incredible speed. Before it sliced them, Shimon had used his flame-coated katana and cut off the strings.

"Who's there?" Shimon and Hakku were alerted by the enemy's ambush. They shouted at the enemy to show themselves. The white-haired man that Akira was fighting appeared like the wind alongside a person beside him. The white-haired man was a clone, as stated when he fought Akira. He brought company. The person who was with him was a man. He had aqua blue-colored hair, his pupils were vertically slit black, and he had a blue tint on his iris. Shimon and Hakku prepared to fight as they made an appearance.

Meanwhile, not far ahead, a commander was also fighting at the same time as the commanders and Akira were fighting. 

Igari, the 3rd division commander, was fighting a bald-headed man who blocked his way.

Igari Fukuma was a blind warrior who had no vision of the world. He always closed his eyes without opening them. He had long yellow hair that was tied into a ponytail. His demeanor was always calm; he could hear miles away using his ears as his eyes. He could even hear a tiny ant walking. His main ability was "sonic wave". He could move at an incredible speed that deafened people with his sound. He could control sound and even coat his blade with the vibration of sound. 

"Igari Fukuma, the third in command, I find it so pleasing that I could fight with you." The bald-headed Mikadzuki bowed and was pleased to meet Igari.

"Only a fool finds it pleasing to die. Then I assume that you have made your choice to meet your end."

Now, the battle between the three Mikadzuki that Esya'r had sent and Akira and the commanders, began.