Kasani Village

Volts was standing with his fingers wrapped around his chin, raising his antenna to the entire area in an effort to detect the monster's existence. However, he felt nothing strange from the locals that lived nearby. Even though he wasn't certain they could be trusted, he had to remain vigilant in case any unwanted actions occurred.

"Oh goodness, a traveler from afar?" An old man who was walking with his stick and bent slightly down came across.

He noticed that Volts wasn't from the village so he only guessed he was a traveler from afar. Volts responded no, that he wasn't a traveler from afar. In fact, it took nearly an hour to get here and it was not his intention to travel.

The old man had a very frail body with his heartbeat getting weaker. Volts could tell by feeling the rhythm that he was going to die of old age. However, it wasn't the time for Volts to care, and still focus on his mission.

He asked the old man "Where is this monster? I was assigned to eliminate the monster at once." while also suggesting that the old man take refuge.

The old man replied "No need, young man. It will not be long till I've reached my end. What you should worry about is; the monster residing in the darkness after the sun falls."

"At night?" Volts read between the lines that the monster would likely appear at night.

"Yes. The monster won't appear if it is still in its slumber. My advice is for you to go restless at all times. Shut your doors, windows, your mouth, and lock them up. Warriors fell for the same mistakes and were often distracted which led to their deaths. It is sad and a pity. We thought warriors are reliable. Since you're here, it's best that after you failed your mission we will not call for any help this time."

"Now then, if you'll excuse me..." The old man moved passed him after giving Volts some advice for his survival.

Volts failed to understand his nonsense-filled remarks. He hadn't sensed a single threat from the moment he arrived until now. Danger sense was a similar ability that he had, but his danger sense was much more powerful and effective. He sighed and continued on to the village to check on the issues.

It was really strange as he walked. None of the villagers expressed any concerns about this situation, not even about the nearby monsters, and they all seemed relaxed. Effectively, one monster could scare them away but they were somehow able to relax. Something was off and Volts sought in knowing it.

Minutes went by, and he saw a young lady who was picking flowers. Outside of the village and without her parent's protection, he hurriedly told the young girl to evacuate safely.

"Oh, you must be a warrior. That crest from your chest really makes it obvious." The girl was giggling after she had listened to Volts's warning.

"There's no time for that now. Have you had any idea how dangerous you put yourself into? I was assigned to eliminate them and I must make your return safely." Volts gave his last warning to the girl to leave immediately, somehow, she was very stubborn in listening.

Regardless of how dangerous the situation was, the girl walked away without fright. Bizarrely confusing, Volts could not apprehend the situation clearly. The monster was outrageously feared with a mission being ranked as an A, but the villagers weren't bothered by it.

Barely 2 minutes in, came a call for help. Volts responded in a hurry, responding to the call. Volts used his lightning-fast speed and arrived near a cavern 4 seconds after the call.

The victim was safe, and it was a man whom he saved. His arrival saved him from being clawed by the shadowy figure from the darkness.

It was large and frightening, just by its yellow eyes with sharp pupils that shone through the darkness of the cave.

Courageously fighting the monster himself, he told the man to run as distant as he could. With him and the monster now were alone. Volts had to use 50% due to knowing how life-threatening the monster possessed.

But it sufficiently wasn't...

The beast was too fast with its wild speed, catching Volts's guard down. The beast then clawed him down and mauled him with a large tear on his chest. Incapacitated, Volts was left unconscious.

With hopes seemed lost, a savior rescued the helpless Volts by kicking the beast tooth's out. Challenging the beast with the stranger's fierce gaze, it hesitated. After becoming docile, it left them alone.

"Hangin' there, buddy. You'll be fine!" Volts was saved and the stranger carry Volts on his shoulder.

As days passed for around 3 days, Volts had finally woken up.

"..." Volts opened his eyes slightly, looking at the ceiling. His injuries weren't as fatal but it almost life-threatening.

"Where am I...?" Said Volts as he got up while observing his surroundings.

He was in someone's home, in a tree house where the ceiling was made out of banana leaf and the whole structure was entirely made out of bamboo.

Volts magic was weakened but still enough to fight. He didn't remember the last time he fought, it was too fast.

"Oh, you're awake." Said the man after he climbed the stairs to enter his home.

"The name's Karura, you may not have heard of me but I'm the forest patroller. And for some reason, it would seem i need more warning signs to keep you all alerted." Karura sighed.

"Warning signs?" Volts did discover warning signs, but his priority was to eliminate the beast.

"Yes. There are 74 of 'em, but you all warriors need to keep your eyes and fears in check. These forest are filled with ravenous beasts." Karura reminded that Volts should be careful for as he had put many warning signs around the forest to keep them away from death.

"I keep telling the villagers to calm down, but they still had the stubbornness to increase more lives in danger. The beasts aren't that bad if i say so myself, they are territorial creatures, once you tresspass, they'll eat you dead or alive."

"Pardon for interrupting, but how did you beat those beasts? I don't really sense any magic in you..." Volts' eyes could not believe what had happened, the beast was too fast for him like it was imbued with magic powers.

"Oh? Well that's simple, I'm using Sén. And I have no magic. Nor any system for that matter." Karura claimed.

"Sén" With the word "sén" as the main subject, Volts seemingly recognized that word.