A new technique

"Void of magic? That's impossible! You single-handedly beat that beast, how? Is it magic vocabularies?" Upon learning of the absence of magic, Volts grappled with the notion of being surpassed.

"Not quite," came the reply, "I have merely harnessed the power of "Sén" to replace magic."

"Sén...? The essence of life?" Volts had encountered the term in his readings.

"Indeed. Many underestimate it, but this technique can bestow immense power. It can amplify your abilities exponentially, or even beyond!" Karura elucidated on the potential of Sén in combat.

"Sén" or life energy, was a method conceived four millennia ago. It was primarily utilized to conserve mana and bolster every facet of one's prowess.

"True, but the process to cultivate it involves six years of rigorous meditation and introspection, right?" Volts had studied the detailed instructions on the acquisition of this technique.

"Partially correct. However, I mastered it in a mere two years," Karura asserted, his mastery of the technique far quicker than the six years Volts had envisioned.

As Karura delved deeper into the intricacies of Sén, Akira was found to be engaged in a similar discussion...

[5 hours ago...]

Once again, Akira devoted himself to aspiring for the greater echelons. He continued to lean on raw strength as his prime weapon in combat. The emotional turmoil was a constant companion, and the guilt of the lives lost that fateful day was an unshakeable burden.

The heavy toll of the grueling battle had enlightened him that he was unprepared for the mantle of the mightiest, while Kamui's example served as a beacon, urging him forward. With his system still in disrepair, he prioritized nurturing his own strength over fretting about the malfunction.

His resolve to grow stronger was unyielding; even in moments of needed rest, he consumed the pain, transforming it into fuel, into sustenance. His immortality was a boon, allowing him unprecedented feats and uninterrupted training.

"Akira, a moment?" Kamui's unexpected voice broke through just as Akira concluded his training session. Kamui appeared fully healed, his arm no longer hindered.

"Is something wrong, Sir Kamui?" inquired Akira, a note of concern tinged his voice.

"Do you ever find yourself questioning your worth? As if all the rigorous training doesn't seem to enhance your prowess?" Kamui's voice held a certain intensity, as if he had stumbled upon a revelation.

"I can't say I have. Although, there was this peculiar incident when a voice echoed in my mind, out of the blue. My damned system malfunctioned a few weeks afterwards. It has been two weeks since I last opened it," Akira recounted his uncanny experiences, a sense of intrigue and bewilderment surrounding them.

"(Extraordinary. This young one not only harbors a shadowy aura, but his system is also compromised,)" Kamui internally acknowledged the perplexing aura and the dysfunctional system that he observed in Akira.

"Apologies for intruding upon your training. In return for your commendable services, you have yet to receive any remuneration, haven't you?" Kamui's mind flashed back to Akira's unpaid dues.

"Oh, right... I must have overlooked it. Ever since I won a lottery, I literally forgot about the payment," Akira's brows furrowed as he realized his oversight.

"In that case, consider this as your compensation!" Without warning, Kamui lunged at Akira, his blade slicing through the air, cleaving the earth beneath them.

Akira managed to sidestep the assault just in the nick of time, his danger sense barely ringing the alarm. The speed was staggering.

"What was that for?!" Akira spluttered, completely taken aback. Kamui's velocity was terrifyingly swift, threatening to outpace his danger sense.

"Interesting... So you possess a Danger Sense as well. Impressive! Now, evade this!" With a devilish grin, Kamui unleashed a barrage of slashes, each faster than the last.

Akira found himself overwhelmed, unable to anticipate the flurry of attacks that found their mark one after another.

But Akira persevered.

"Just as I suspected, your ability to regenerate is indeed your feats," Kamui acknowledged, his deduction validated by Akira's resilience, a feat he had first witnessed on the shores of Ringgu Island.

Unsure of Kamui's intentions, Akira concentrated on holding his ground. Each of Kamui's relentless onslaughts was met with a skilled dodge, though not all could be avoided.

In the midst of the chaos, the clash of weapons resonated, the ground trembling under the sheer force of their formidable strength.

The relentless passage of time wore on, and as the five-hour mark approached, Akira had faced the cold touch of death fifty-seven times, yet had managed to persist through the nightmarish onslaught of Kamui's power. Kamui, in turn, was left in a state of awe, his mouth agape at Akira's unprecedented recuperative capacity, the likes of which he had never borne witness to before.

"Had enough? What the hell was that for!?" Akira inquired, his breath ragged and his energy sapped, yet his spirit unbroken.

"Simply put, it was an evaluation of your potential. I must confess, your resilience has left me spellbound. Your unwavering dedication to your training and your sheer strength are commendable. Now, recuperate, warrior. You are in pursuit of the title of the strongest, are you not?" Kamui responded, compelling Akira to regain his footing.

"Yeah... just give me a moment..." Akira asked, gathering every ounce of strength to stand upright.

Once Akira had regained his balance, Kamui proposed a strategy for his further enhancement.

"Akira, to truly elevate yourself, shouldn't your training encompass more than just physical strength?" Kamui questioned, highlighting Akira's overemphasis on brute force.

"I'm aware. I've been working towards sharpening my skills since my arrival, but my efforts... It's like a waste. I've tried martial arts before, which definitely helps in hand-to-hand combat. However, if you're asking why my hard work isn't giving much, I'm also trying to answer that question." Akira's response was tinged with frustration, a sense of incompleteness plaguing him.

"It's strange how some people manage to gain a hella lot of boost out of nowhere. How am I supposed to surpass that!? I get it, I lag behind in magic, speed, and mana, but it's bothering me that someone else's training more than me." Akira confessed, the reality of his situation weighing heavily on him.

"Haha. An interesting hypothesis. I must admit, I've pondered over the same issue," Kamui agreed, laughing at the irony.

"Why?" Akira queried.

"My power is the result of my awakening. I experienced this transformation not too long after the death of my master. The only inheritance I received from him was a cursed blade. Driven by my loss, I relentlessly honed my magic, worked in tandem with the forces of Sén, and pushed beyond my limits. As my awakening occurred, my power surged, multiplying at a rate that was nothing short of extraordinary," Kamui revealed, unfolding his own tale of power acquisition.

"The path to awakening is multifaceted. For individuals like Sazoru and myself, it was triggered by profound hatred and a thirst for revenge, or by circumstances that threatened our very existence. In essence, awakening demands a resolute spirit. However, this spirit must be driven by necessity, not mere desire. The need to avenge a wrong, restore justice, and protect those we hold dear—these are the circumstances that truly catalyze an awakening."

"If you truly want to be strong enough, you must possess the awakening; it grows without end," Kamui told Akira the secret behind awakening, which could potentially make people way stronger. 

Awakening was a process where people with strong-willed personas would obtain it. What should be taken into consideration is that they needed a strong need to tap into the awakening. Awakening in the same way as evolution could immensely boost and release their limitations. In this case, they could grow stronger much faster. 

"People who have systems have infinite limits to their powers, not to mention those with bloodlines are too."

"As for those who aren't warriors or without systems, I can't tell." Kamui had a pent-up curiosity about systems, but he had no further intention of seeking knowledge too deeply. 

"Huh. I thought you'd at least tell me more about systems." Akira sighed.

"Unfortunately, I possess some knowledge of it, but I don't often comprehend this system. It always stands at the top of the mystery question. I can only wager that the King of Wisdom knows a lot about systems. That in question to where he is, he's very far away in the closed country, Elsyia." Even Kamui failed to understand the system.

"Now, save your curiosity for later. Take honor; you will have the privilege to train with me." Kamui offered Akira the honor of training with him. 

Akira was quite shocked upon hearing that. In his mind, there had got to be something he hadn't learned, but from an experienced general, he couldn't refuse and accept his offer. 

With that, Akira continued his journey to becoming the strongest by training with a general as his mentor. 

Thereafter, Kazoru's wounds had already been healed, and he was now training with Tor. Apart from being an old man, Tor was swift and far from slow. 

No matter how many fireballs or blasts he sent, Kazoru could not hope to hit him, not in the slightest. 

30 minutes after... 

"You're done now? It's quite the mess you've made, and your fighting style reeks of recklessness. Are you sure you are from a Vlahadeer family? The mightiest, the most prestigious, and the most honorable family known to Celesta?" Tor was disappointed in Kazoru's abilities as he spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Ngh, no. The Vlahadeer is a pride to us all, a flame that has not been extinguished for many years, bright as the sun, never to be engulfed by darkness. I, Kazoru, will embrace that flame until my very end! It's intolerable for me to rest after I was left to dust by my friend. Therefore, I shall continue pushing forward! Come at me with all you've got!" Kazoru's heart was set on fire and his unyielding will made him able to stand up.

Tor smiled, believing there was hope in Kazoru after all. Kazoru's face made Tor hark back to the old times when he trained Sazoru, Kitsune, and Ishou.

"I was wrong about you, boy. Alright, survive for 10 minutes and I'll give you what you're looking for!" Tor's flame went up very bright that the whole ground begin to melt.

Kazoru knew that Tor was immensely powerful, but little did he know Tor's full power was even more frightening than he anticipated. His flames turned blue and the atmosphere started changing colors. His aura took on a blue tint, his whole hair spiked, and both his hair and irises had all turned brightly blue.

"Sazoru, Kitsune, and Ishou can transform just like me, only Ishou and Kitsune perfected this transformation. Sazoru's still incomplete and could not handle such stress and control. Now that you have witnessed my true power, it's time for you to learn how to transform."