They stood in silence looking at each other with confusion for such a thing has never happened before.
What? Are you sure?" Lara asked him but yet she still seemed to be shocked!
Yes, Lara but it was only for some time." He explained that he was not able to track his son and his wolf for some reason.
Mr. Magrond." Maloney called for his attention.
Yes, Maloney?" He responded in question.
If what you said is true, does that mean the story that is being spoken of by the others occurs to be true?" Maloney said to him, asking in wonders of curiosity.
Maloney, you may leave that nonsense where it is. I will not have you conversate with this, be on your way. I'll call if something else happen to my son." He said to her after calling her by name angrily. He told her she may go if something occurs he will call her then.
Mr. Magrond, i apologize in advance for i was living town when you called for me!" Maloney leaves after her words reach Mr. Magrond's ear.
What was she talking about and why did she lie about leaving town when she wasn't? Mr. Magrond, is there something we need to know but don't?" Lara asked him what Maloney was speaking about and what is there for them to know but they don't.
When the time is right! Everything will fall into place, don't believe in the rumors you may hear. Another five hundred years is very far away." Mr. Magrond leaves Lara and Aiden standing in the room.
Another five hundred years is already here, in human eyes Elijah turned 25 yesterday but we all know that he is way older. Not to mention the blood vessels run in his veins from his enjarene mother, that make his years of aging slower than others." Aiden said speaking out of curiosity to note that Elijah turned 25 that five hundred years started yesterday on his birthday, now they know hy he was aging slower than others. It was all because his vessels had his mother enjarene powers within.
Babe, what is that all about? And please don't lie because I know when you're fabricating to me." Lara asked him but then told him to not lie to her
I won't lie this time, but if i'm right something is coming and it's big!" Aiden said he won't lie but after assuring her he wouldn't he told her if he's right something big is coming.
Back To Elijah's.~~~
I woke up and it was night. I suddenly realized that I have been losing memories of most things Max does. First it was missing an entire night, and half of a morning. Now, it's waking up to an half eaten deer and quite a big one too
Max, where are we? You are still not answering me?" I just wanted to know where we were because it seemed unfamiliar to me and the scents weren't familiar to me either.
I don't want to talk to you and leave me alone! Find home on your own, am not helping." His response was as if I took something from him, but that might be impossible since I'm only now knowing that he can take full control and there is nothing I can do about it. I chuckled and said to him,
That's cool, we can stay out here and die together with each other! You took father's suggestion and left with my knowledge of anything not allowing you to see what you see, hear, scent, and feel, what you feel. Since it was like that they won't miss us or come looking for us. They will think we're just being stubborn and don't want to come home, that is fine with me." I told him my input on things, however, I'm glad he stopped blocking me from talking to him. I don't mind us being out but not knowing where we are is what puts us in danger.
But whatever feels hungry and comes to eat this unfinished dear, can do the same to me if it sees it fit to eat me. It's cold! I'll just seek warmth from this dearly deer." I said to him letting him know, if whatever sees me fix to eat can eat me. I moved over to the deer and I felt the change emerging and I stopped it. I don't how? But I just wanted it to stop and I kept holding myself to it.
What are you doing?" He yelled at me!
I'm not letting you change, something is going on and you know about it or whatever it is. But for some reason you are not telling me and you have shut me out of your mind. Now, I'm locking my mind shut! Until I figure out what is happening to me, you will not have the upper hand. We're two in one, we share the same body but I never thought my own Wolf would go against me. How buzzard?" I told him and I meant it. But now, it was very clear that he wasn't going to let me in anytime soon. I refer to him being mean and greedy for keeping things to himself.
What is happening to you Elijah, it is not my place to tell you but your father. I was bewitched by that witch and couldn't control myself, it was after I fed... I realized what had actually happened to me and by then, we were already out here in the wild!" Max, explain to him that it is not his place to tell him the truth but his father. Now, what happen to him was also not their fault but the two was bewitch and Max, couldn't do much about it.
So, my father allowed Maloney to bewitch us ? Why did I not know of this?" Elijah questioned the matter as to why his father allowed it.
Something was happening to you, don't ask me because I don't know what it is. But it seems like I was... Not only that, I felt like I was being separated from you! If i didn't change us, you wouldn't have me right now. You are an ungrateful being, you should be thankful for me. Get up and let's change something is coming and it's coming fast." Max, tell him but inform him not to ask because he knows nothing. He then explained to him that he felt them being separated. Elijah was shocked to hear that his Wolf would have been gone. He hadn't the chance to acknowledge what happened and suddenly Max felt something coming.
What?" he asked in surprise after it sank in.
Get up now." He yelled and I stood immediately. We changed in a second which was fast. We moved towards a huge tree that was carved out and we hid inside.
What is going on?" I asked him but then we heard them. Swish* Swish. I could only hear them but this fool, I couldn't see anything, that what i hate sometimes he doesn't always allow me to see through his eyes. But suddenly we were linked unlike ever before, it was the fullest of Wolf and human bonding. It was weird but I liked it, I could see, hear, and feel everything he felt!
"Vampires?" We both asked!