"Vampires?" We both asked? Since our link was something strange but to how much I was loving the feeling I didn't realize that we sounded like one.
We can take them." He said to me,
No, we're working as one. Listen to me carefully they-" I reply in an instant.
They're on our territory." He cuts me off telling me. But suddenly I was hearing more than I should, it was weird. I could hear more than what me and Max together would hear, it was as if i'm using power of my own.
Calm down, territory or not they are not alone. Let's not play a fool, regardless of our strength. Even so, we were able to hide our scent but not ourselves. We will inform the others when we are sure and i mean sure they are gone." I said to him, I want him to not be a push Wolf now that we are becoming the Alpha and will soon take over the pack. We must maintain a calm and mysterious Alpha. No one should be able to know what we do next.
You are on the Lone Moon territory." A female spoke as she appeared out of thin air, but as she did they tried to attack her and hurt themselves in the process.
What the hell? Why is it her?" Max asked if I could feel his confusion for a moment.
Do you know her?" I asked him, she turned facing us and breathed out of relief! I thought she was someone we know and met but she's not! She does seem to have a similar appearance. She smiled and said:
I had a friend who is a member of the Lone Moon Pack, and I wouldn't want to have a never ending sleep or a never waking up again end." She looked from us and disappeared right after the Vampires did. But there was something about her that gave me a sense of security. It was like me and Max, but in a different kind of way! I couldn't explain it.
Why don't you come on out." Her voice was soft, hearing. I feel the need to see her, all of her and so did Max. We stepped out and she smiled at us.
Why didn't you take them?" She asked.
We couldn't, they were not alone." I remember then that we are in our Wolf so she won't be able to understand us.. No matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to understand us as Wolf.
Oh so, the Moon chosen Alpha is afraid?" She asked but when she spoke, I lifted my head to her in surprise!
Does she understand us?" Max asked me.
I think so!" And I stated to him, I was shocked that she could.
What do you look so afraid of?" She asked me and looked at her once more for I had looked away.
It is not fear but confused, i find it weird that you understand us." I explained to her it's not fear but how weird it was that she understood us.
I don't understand your Wolf, I understand you! Do you even know who and what you are?" She asked me with her eyes widened as if she's surprised.
We're a Wolf and the Alpha of the Lone Moon Pack, what is there to not know. I should be asking if you are okay?" I said to her, making myself heard the determination of a Wolf, it will seem like we're angry but we aren't but either way the other person will realize the matter while some will feel fear. She stepped towards us and said;
I don't know what they did to you but whatever it is, they better make you better before the blood moon." She left after that being said, leaving us confused.
Let's go home and find out what is going on..!" Max said, we turned toward home and began walking.
Abby pov.
It's been two days, two days and i have been sleeping like i am a pregnant woman. I got up from my bed and spread it, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeths and afterwards I washed my face.
Ah, that water is cold." I went out to go back to my room.
Ah!!! Oh My God! Tanaania you scared me!"
Sorry, i didn't mean to i accidentally-"
You purposely do it accidentally!" I cut her off and said to her, she smiled at me.
Yeah! That's... Those are the words." She said as her smile turned into a mocking grin. She looked at me strangely.
So, how was your birthday and drinking for the first time?" She asked and I stopped from entering my room and began to think about it. After I bumped into that weirdo it's like I was put into deep sleep, for all I did. I just wake up, eat, and sleep, repeatedly!
It was okay?" I said to her, thinking about the man I ran into and now that I'm thinking about it. I didn't get a good look at him, but his eyes were brown one minute and the next they were red...
What are you thinking about? I'm talking to you but it's like you have gone deaf suddenly." She asked and then raised her voice as she said to me, and snapped from the thought of that man then smiled at her.
I was thinking maybe we should get a job?" I said to her asking. Just then she yelled out!
No!!! My parents didn't leave me all that money, because they didn't want me to go through the hell called working! Moreover I don't want to work for others, but because i have a spending habit. I can't spend it unless you withdraw it now, isn't my parents mean?" She explains how her parents know her and her spending habits too, that's why if i don't draw it she can't spend it. I laughed at her.
No, your parents aren't mean, in fact they're the best! I love them just as much as they loved me, i miss the too." I feel sad suddenly after talking about them. She notice the tears coming.
Okay, let's go shell hunting!" She said to me, stating. I knew what she was doing because she didn't want me getting emotional, so I smiled.
No, you don't have to-" She grabbed onto my arm and asked.
What happened to you, why are you so hot?" I was a little shocked when she asked so I immediately touched my neck, saying.
I'm not hot!" But as i realized i was burning up like hell!
Don't tell me you're having some kind of sickness? You're all I have Abby, you can't die." She asked me and said, and that was it.
I woke up in the hospital with her sitting next to me, she was sleeping and I wondered how long was I out for her to be sleeping? When I looked out the window and outside, it was dark. Isn't it weird that suddenly I'm behaving like some supernatural girl in the movies? The ones that is weaken after using all their power.
Hmmm. You're up?" She asked me and I looked at her with a smile.
Hey, why are we in the hospital though?" I asked her and she began to cry.
Have you lost your mind? Don't you know you're all I have? Why did you go playing with dogs, don't you know how sick they can make you?" She was yelling at me about how I'm all she has left.
I was thinking why is she so mad it's a fever until she said dogs. Ever since I was small enough to remember, whenever I played with dogs I would sleep like there is no tomorrow for me. But i don't remember going near any dogs, yet alone playing with one.