Everything is happening in real time

Dr. Sally, my love worrying about you and Elijah's past is just a phase you are using because you want to stay away from the pack and go back home. It's our home and he didn't ban us from coming back. However, this is bigger than us and wouldn't you want to have a chance to help if something should happen or go wrong? Think about it, think about our family. Plus we're still on the Lone Moon Pack territory, regardless of hiding our cent they can still find us if they wish to. And Elijah, is the second best to his father do you really think he wouldn't find us if he wanted-"

Okay, you have a good point but you know how furious Elijah was when I found out you're my mate. And he didn't find him, regardless he almost killed you. Am I the only one who remembers, did you really forget?" She cuts him off and says to him reminding him what Elijah can be like and if he forgot because she remembers how Elijah almost killed him.

No, I have not forgotten but he was the second strongest among them. He's probably the Alpha now and we won't matter that much to him. Not to ment he had more than enough time to heal and get over you." He responded to her and said he was the strongest meaning if Elijah wanted to kill him, he would have done so. But now he is probably Alpha and all that won't matter plus it's been enough time for him to heal and get over it. He gave her his pups eyes, a sweet set of adorable hazel eyes she could not say no to. She took a deep breath.

Okay, after a few days we will go and visit. We are not staying." She said to him but made clear she would not stay.

Good, and if he's Alpha he's going to want to know that there is- Ah!! She... Co.. mi.. ng."

Back to Abby pov~~~

When I returned from the bathroom, I walked the hallway slowly and for some reason I felt so energetic. I could probably run a thousand miles and not feel tired around the corner.

Ahh!! Oh my god, you scared me! Are you doing this on purpose?" I was startled to my core, how can she do this to me. I asked her pretending to be angry but all she did was laugh. She laughed like crazy until she was pleased.

Sorry, aren't you too scared for someone so old? She apologized and asked me with a smirk.

I'm not old. I am 25." I said to her, making a tone to tell her that I'm upset but she didn't seem to care.

Okay, fine you are not old but start dating!" She said to me and withs a smile she stated I should start dating.

Okay, I will." I said to her, When suddenly a feeling took over me.

Are you okay?" She asked me after noticing I was looking around. I don't know what but i was looking around for whatever it is that made me so afraid!

I'm fine, just tired." I said to her, after noticing that no one was in sight, just me and her. I gave her a fake smile and she nodded in agreement that i'm fine. I feel like something is coming for me and whatever it is? It has no good intentions coming with it.

It's the kind of feeling I once had before, five years ago when Tanaania's parents died! And I was right about them so I'm a hundred percent sure about this. We went inside the room and ate our food. We talked until she fell asleep and that's when her feeling came back and this time it was stronger than before, i felt like i was dying from an unknown source.

My eyes were slowly getting weak within the second but I was fighting it! Then the door opened and a silhouette appeared and from what I could make out! It was a woman she was fighting with a man, and I lost consciousness.

"Wake up you're in danger, my daughter wake up! Wake Up!!!"



What happened?" Tanaania asked me while I was calming myself from what and who was that?

I don't want to be in this hospital anymore, I hate hospitals and being here is giving me nightmares. Let's leave at once." I said to her while she was surprised at my sudden reaction and what I was saying, she comforted me.

It's okay. It was only a nightmare nothing more, I'm glad I thought something was wrong when you fell asleep before I did for the first time in a long time." She told me as she hugged me, telling me that I fell asleep first. I pulled her back looking at her with shock!

What are you trying to say to me? Is that me, I fell asleep before you did?" But I asked her anyway i want to know, some really strange things are happening.

Yes, and I thought it was weird because you never go to sleep unless the person in the same room as you falls asleep first! But it's okay, it was only a nightmare, you were having." She said to me,

I couldn't come to believe it, no this isn't me or is it i'm losing my mind but why now? No, it wasn't and I know it. I remember it correctly. It was her who fell asleep before me, I'm sure of it! It was a nightmare that was too clear to reality.

I want to leave." I demanded and she looked up at me suddenly as if she was afraid to go outside.

What is going on?" I asked her and she seemed lost for a second.

Nothing, just that they instructed that everyone should stay inside." She looked at me with fear as she explains, fear as if she was almost killed when she spoke about everyone should stay inside.

Tanaania, what is going on?" I asked in a determined tone of voice and she breathed in and out before the tears came running down her cheeks.

Someone was set on fire inside the hospital. I overheard the witness saying the man entered our room first but was chased out by a weird looking woman, then suddenly the both of them seemed to have caught fire. It would have been us Abby, that man was probably trying to kill us. It was the weird smelling gasoline that almost killed us, five years ago. But it was mom and dad who were the only ones at home." She said and I flinched, she continued to explain this to me. I knew it, it was a dream or nightmare. I clearly remember that weird woman out of my blurry vision, I sat up better and pulled her into a hug. I caressed her back tenderly with care. She sobbed and I began to realize that this wasn't just a nightmare but it was actually happening.

The body, the fire, then the voice telling me to wake up because I'm in danger and calling me daughter but I am adopted. Tanaania's parents told me that there was a storm unlike any other, it came suddenly and unexpectedly. That night someone knocked on their door, surprising because the storm was the worst they've seen.

When they opened the door in fear they stood with shock! I was on their doorstep sleeping peacefully through the storm. They picked me up and decided to keep me, after they agreed to keep me as their own.

The lightning, the thunder, and the heavily falling rain, it all stopped there and then. The night was as peaceful as the silent forest, they made the story sound so interesting but if someone is trying to kill us...? I'm a hundred percent sure they're not after Tanaania but me!!!