Chapter 9 A decent job

Hazel looked at the carriage as it drove off until it disappeared from her sight. There's no way she was accepting that man's indecent proposal.

Her thoughts went back to her money. Had she had it, she would have gotten an inn where she would be resting and having a decent meal. She then realized that it was getting late and she had to come up with something or else she was going to sleep on the streets.

She suddenly remembered Ms Margaret. She had no relationship with the woman but right now, she was in a very dire situation. She stood up and put the strap of the bag on her shoulder then started moving. She just prayed that she found her still in the market because she was her only hope.

Reaching the market, she realized that a number of people had left and the few who were still present were closing. She walked anxiously as she headed towards Ms Margaret's stall. Reaching the place, she was more than glad to see the lady organising her things, ready to leave.

She quickly walked to her and reaching, she called to gain her attention.

"Ms Margaret," she called. "Yes?" the woman turned and when she saw her, her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing here this late?" she asked and on seeing the bag that was hanging on her shoulder, she added," Don't tell me that she chased you."

Hazel nodded in agreement and the woman narrowed her eyes.


"... and she asked me to leave the house," she gave the woman an account of what happened at the house as they walked together towards the woman's home. "I can't believe it. I mean, I always knew that she didn't like you but not to this extent. You were nearly raped and she blamed you instead."

Hazel had no say to that and she just nodded her head. "Don't you have any relatives?" she asked. "I don't know anyone else. I don't even know who my father is," she replied pursing her lips. "I understand. So what do you plan on doing next?" "I thought of looking for a job but I know that it will be hard for me to get one. I can do anything. Absolutely anything," she said. Margaret nodded before saying," Alright then. That is my house." Hazel turned to look at the small cottage as they walked towards it. Climbing the three stairs, Margaret knocked on the door and when it opened, there was a boy of about fourteen years who stood behind it.

"Welcome back mama," he said with a smile as he made way for them to come in.

Reaching inside, Hazel looked around the house and she was told to sit down on the mat as they didn't have chairs. Although it was a small house, she realized that it was peaceful. Margaret sat down on the mat and her son sat next to her. "Julian, this is Hazel, my friend," she said before looking at Hazel and said," This is my son Julian."

Hazel smiled at the boy and said," Nice meeting you Julian." "Likewise Hazel," he replied.

"Please feel at home," said Margaret. "Thank you so much."

"Is dinner ready?" Margaret asked Julian.

"Yes Mama. I will bring it," he said and left then shortly came back carrying a tray.

He placed two bowls in front of Hazel where one had porridge and another vegetables with cereal. "Thank you so much," she said and she heard her stomach growl since she almost hadn't eaten anything for the whole day.

When they started to eat, Hazel got her spoon and started gobbling the food.

When she got done with hers, she looked at the others to see that they were still eating their food and she wondered if she had behaved like a glutton. But could one blame her? She had been so hungry.

"Should they give you more Hazel?" asked Margaret. She shook her head and said," No. I'm fine." Even though she wanted more, she didn't want to make them think that she was greedy.

After the supper, they prepared a place for her to sleep at in the living room.

She laid down and she wondered when she will be getting a job because she didn't want to burden the kind woman.

The next morning, Hazel woke up very early and after bathing, she changed and sat back at the mattress waiting for Ms Margaret. When the boy came out to make breakfast, she offered to help him.

When they got done with the breakfast, Magaret was leaving for the market when she noticed Hazel walking behind her. "Where are you going?" she asked turning to look at her. "To the market with you," she replied. "You will stay here," she said. "But, I want to come and help you. I'm not used to sitting without doing anything." "I know and I understand but I can't let you come to the market. It is no place for you. Just stay here. Tomorrow, I will take you somewhere you might like," she said and Hazel nodded. "Alright. Thank you for everything Ms Margaret," came her grateful words and the woman nodded before leaving.

Hazel spent the entire day inside the house, not wanting to be seen by people as it might raise questions. She shared a little conversation with Julian but just like her, he wasn't a good talker and most of the time, they were silent.

It were moments like these she thought of Duke Raven Atticus, and she wondered how and what he was doing. Did he also get a bride at the masquerade ball? Not to forget, she remembered that he was rumoured to be close to the king's daughter and from what she had heard, the princess was a beauty.

When afternoon gave way for evening, Margaret came back from the market.

"How have you been?" she asked Hazel. "I am good Ms Margaret. Thank you," she replied.

"Alright. I didn't get time to write to my sister but nevertheless, we shall be traveling to Peeker's valley tomorrow. I'm sure that she will get you a decent job," she said.