Chapter 12 Lose that job

Rufus placed six gold coins on top of the counter and said," There you go." "I said five gold coins," Lauren reminded him. "I know but take it. Listen, I'm not heading home right now so I won't take the coat with me. Tomorrow in the evening hours, I want you to send Hazel to bring it at my house." "My worker?" she asked to be sure. "Yes, the brunette with chestnut hair," he confirmed and Lauren nodded. "It will be delivered," she said. "Alright but remember that, it should only be her," he said before descending the stairs and went to his carriage. Lauren wondered why he insisted that Hazel takes the coat. She went inside such that she closes for the day.

"You two know each other?" Lucas asked when he found Hazel. "Uh, yes. By the time I left, he was going to be my cousin's husband," she replied. "Okay. I will go and get the tickets for the play," he said and as if all her worries vanished, she smiled before saying,"Alright. Thank you."

When he left, she tiptoed to the other room and peeked to see whether the shameless man was still there and she released a sigh of relief when she didn't see him.

The next day, Hazel was so excited to go to the theater with Lucas. She had heard a lot of things about the place and she couldn't wait to see for herself.

When it clocked evening, they were yet to close when Lucas was sent to run some errands. He promised to be back early and she assured that she will be waiting for him. At the same time, Lauren called Hazel. "I want you to deliver something to Hollowvale," she told her and Hazel nodded even though she didn't want to go back to Hollowvale. At least not yet. She handed a bag to her and said," Tell the coachman to take you to the Hamilton mansion. Mr Rufus expects it."

Hearing the name, her face turned slightly pale and she hesitated for a while before saying," Uhm, Ms Lauren, can't it be someone else please?"

"He specifically wanted you to deliver it. Did you ever cross paths with him?" she asked. "Yes. He was supposed to be my cousin's fiancee," she replied. "Alright. Just deliver it real quick and come back," she said.

All the excitement she had vanished and it got replaced with panic. Getting the bag, she walked out of the shop and approached the coachman. "Mr Philip, Ms Lauren has asked you to drop me off at the Hamilton mansion in Hollowvale so that I could deliver this," she said. "Right away miss," he said as he stood up and together they walked towards the carriage. As Hazel sat in the coach, she couldn't help but worry.

She wondered what the crazy man had up his sleeves because she knew that he was up to something.

When they reached Hollowvale, she pushed herself at the back such that no one sees her. She took a deep breath as they passed by the Milbrand household and she didn't bother to spare it a look. She wondered how her uncle was doing though.

"We are here," she heard the coachman say as he pulled over and she peeked outside the window to see that they had parked in front of a mansion. Getting the bag, she climbed off the carriage before walking to the Coachman and said, "Please wait for me."

Hazel readied herself and walked towards the mansion's door then knocked on it.

It took a while without anyone coming to open and she knocked again. A while later, she heard footsteps coming and she straightened herself when the door opened. "Hey- " She swallowed her words when she saw that it was Mr Rufus himself who had come to open for her. He smirked and said," Hazel, I have been waiting for you." "Good evening Mr Rufus. I have been sent to deliver this to you," she said stretching her hand for him to take the bag. "Come in Hazel." "I'm sorry but I can't. I have a lot of deliveries to make and it's getting late," she replied.

"You don't have to worry about that. Ms Lauren wouldn't mind if you stayed here a while longer. I will just send word to her. Come in for a moment," he said.

"That won't happen Mr Rufus," she said and she saw his eyes narrowing at her. "Why's that?" he asked. "Because it is not appropriate. If you make things hard for me then I will be forced to drop the bag here and leave," she threatened. "Then do it and I see to it that you lose that job. One word to lady Lauren and she will fire you," he spoke. Hazel looked at the man and she thought hard. He was right. The lady wouldn't allow to lose her customer just because of her and she had nowhere else to go at the moment. She took a deep breath and asked," Why do you want me to go inside?"

"Because, I want us to talk," he replied and she looked at him suspiciously, not forgetting that he nearly violated her.

"We can talk from here," she said. "I prefer doing it inside." She released a frustrated sigh and said," Mr Rufus, if this is about the conversation we had last time then my answer is no." "Let's just talk inside," he said and stepped aside for her to step in. She went inside the huge mansion and on closer looking, she realized that it was eerily silent. Were there no workers? "Let's head to the living room," he said and she turned to look at him. He took steps forward and she came following after him.

"What should I get you?" he asked as he sat on the sofa. "Nothing. I'm alright," she replied. "Have a seat then," he proposed tapping next to him. "I'm fine here," she said leaning against the wall. "Come on," he said and stood up then approached her and she left the spot she was standing in.