Chapter 13 Places and all times

Rufus chuckled at her antics before walking away from the living room.

When he left, Hazel walked to the main door and on touching it, it was locked. "Of course. Just as I thought," she murmured and walked back to the living room before her eyes began searching for anything that she could use to defend herself the moment he attacks her.

Luckily, her eyes fell on a small pin at a table in the corner and she immediately ran to it before gripping it in her hand. "I had been looking for you all this time," she heard a voice and turned to see him come back with a bottle and two glasses in his hands.

"You are quite lucky. Tell me who got you the job in Peeker's valley," he said as he sat and placed the glasses on the table. "A friend," she answered, not bothering to walk to where he was. "That is great," he replied before opening the bottle and poured a drink in each of the glasses. He then stood up and walked to her then said," Have a drink."

"I don't drink," she replied. "Come on. It is just harmless wine," he said. "No. I don't want it," she insisted and he walked back before placing the one glass on the table and drank from one while watching her. She could feel his lustful gaze on her and it made her uncomfortable.

"I should get going," she announced. "Not yet," he said before adding," Tell me, why did you reject my offer?" She took a while to say," Because I don't want."

"You want the boy you work with then?" he asked and she didn't reply. Talking about Lucas, he must be waiting for her right now, she thought. "He cannot give you a good life. He's a peasant just like you. I'm giving you money, jewelry, all luxuries. Everything you ever want," he said and he placed the glass on the table before standing up to walk towards her as she took steps backwards. "I wanted us to have a peaceful talk at first but I think I was wrong," he said as he got closer and when her back hit the wall, she gulped. "Please let me go," she whispered.

"Not again. Not this time," he said as he placed his hands on either side of her body, trapping her in between.

When he brought his face closer to hers, she flinched and covered her eyes. She then felt him place his hand on her thigh and she lost it. She used the pin to stab his hand and he immediately let go of her, while wincing in pain. She ran past the sofa and stood the other side, making it separate them. He sent her a deadly glare and he said, "I'm not going to be nice the next moment I land on you." "But I don't understand something Mr Rufus. Of all the respectable girls and women in Hollowvale who are willing to have you, why are you bothering me?"

He smirked mischievously and answered," It is what I'm yet to find out."

With that, he stepped on the sofa and as she was trying to run, he grabbed her dress and pulled her to him. He then threw her on the couch and immediately hovered above her. "Please Mr Rufus, I beg of you! Don't do this to me!" she pleaded. "I did tell you that I wasn't going to be nice," he replied smirking. "Please! Help!!" she screamed when she saw him remove his coat. Panic filled her when she saw his hands reach for the buttons of his shirt and her eyes widened when she realized something. "Someone is at the door!!" she told him.

"You think I will fall for your tricks?" he asked the smirk never leaving his face.

"I'm not lying! Someone is at the door!" she exclaimed as she tried to get out of his grasp.

Hearing the knock, he cursed and asked," Who is it?!" But the person didn't respond and only continued knocking. He looked down at the dishevelled Hazel and warned," Don't try anything stupid. I want you to remember who society gets to believe if word spreads out."

With that, he got off of her and buttoned his shirt before saying," Stay right here."

Hazel immediately got off the couch and straightened her dress before running to stand in the corner as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her again. She was so scared and worst of all, she couldn't be seen by the person who was at the door because she might be misunderstood. They might think that she was among the girls who slept with men of high status for money and favors.

She heard Rufus open the door before he said," Oh! Duke Raven Atticus."

At the mention of the name, Hazel was sure that her heart stopped for a moment before thumping wildly in her chest. What was Duke Raven doing here in all places and all times?

Looking at the dishevelled state Mr Rufus was in where his hair was a mess and shirt not fully buttoned, Raven could guess what was happening. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked as he stood at the door way. "Not at all. You can come in," replied Rufus. "Are you sure am not inconveniencing? I can send someone over later," he said. "Please come in," he said stepping aside for him to enter.

"Alright," he replied as he stepped inside and asked," Don't you have workers that should answer the door?" "I sent them all away as I didn't want any disturbances. Please come this side," he said chuckling while leading him towards the living room.