Chapter 17 On my behalf

Before they could head back to work, they heard a voice,"Ms Lauren!"

Turning around, she saw the furious Rufus who had just come to stand in front of the door and she walked towards him.

"What happened Mr Rufus?" she asked.

"Where's that whore?" he asked and a deep frown settled on her face. "We have no such person here," she replied. "Where's that brunette girl?" he asked.

"I should ask you that because I sent her to your house," she replied.

"She's a thief!" he deadpanned. "Will you calm down Mr Rufus and explain to me what exactly happened?"

"She sneaked into my bedroom while I had gone to get her a drink and she stole my money that was laid on the table. When I caught her, she offered to give me her a body in exchange- "

"You're lying! Hazel would never do something like that!" Lucas interrupted, unable to take it anymore.

Rufus' eyes narrowed at him and he asked," How can you talk back at me? Who do you think you are, peasant!" "I may be a peasant but I know how to treat a lady. Hazel is not that type of girl and you know it. She probably rejected you and God knows what you did to her." He looked at Lauren and said," Are these the kinds of workers you employ Ms Lauren? First thieves, and then these who respect men of high status?"

She took a deep breath and said," The main thing right now is finding out what happened. Tell me."

He drew a sharp breath and continued, "I rejected her offer of course and I chased her out of my house. Who knows where she went." "You're so shameless!" deadpanned Lucas. "Enough Lucas!" Lauren said before turning to look at Rufus and added," Hazel is not here. Not until I listen to both sides of the story, I won't take a side now." His deadly gaze didn't leave Lucas who was looking at him the same way and noticing this, Lauren said," Lucas, leave." "It is not fair- " "I said leave!" she shouted and he reluctantly walked away.

"Who does he think he is?! Does he know who I am? I can report him to the magistrate and he gets locked up for a very long time," said Rufus. "You will pardon him on my behalf Mr Rufus. He is just worried about his friend,"she said. "Tell him to learn how to show some respect and when that whore shows up, let me know," he said before walking away and Lauren released a frustrated sigh.

Walking to the other room, she found Lucas.

"What do you think you were doing? You want to bring problems upon yourself?" "I couldn't take it. He was insulting Hazel and speaking nothing but pure lies," he said. "I know that but you need to be calm. He might lock you up and then what? You will end up in slavery. Is it what you want.?" she asked and he didn't respond. "We just have to wait for what Hazel has to say. We better get to work."


When she was done with changing, she went to find the butler.

"Are you conversant with cooking?" he asked when she got to him. "Yes Mr Cooper," she replied.

"That is good. You are going to be working in the kitchen as it's the only department without enough workers," he said. "Thank you so much," she replied and he nodded before turning to leave when she said," Mr Cooper, may I ask for a favor from you?" "Speak." "Could you please lend me a pen and paper? I would like to write to my family and let them know that I'm okay," she replied.

He took a while to say," I will get them for you." "Thank you Mr Cooper," she said as she watched him leave.

Walking to the kitchen, she found three of the servants who looked at her questioningly.

Giving them a polite smile, she said," My name is Hazel Winston. I was brought yesterday and I was informed that I will be working here with you." "I'm Emily," the first one introduced herself. Hazel noticed that she had pale blue eyes and was a blonde which reminded her of her cousin, Lilith.

"Charlotte," said another who had black hair and black eyes. "Rosalie," said the last one who had red hair and green eyes. "It's nice meeting you," she replied. "What exactly are you going to be doing?" asked the one who introduced herself as Rosalie. "I don't know. I was only informed that I will be working here," she replied. "Alright then. I have no problem with you so long as you don't take my task. I'm responsible for serving the Duke here," she said smiling and when they saw the butler coming, they all went back to their work.

"Here they are Ms Winston," said Mr Cooper who had a pen and sheets of paper and Hazel walked to him. "Thank you so much," she said after getting them.

He looked at the maids and said," She is Hazel Winston. She's going to work here with you."

"We've already met her Mr Cooper," replied Charlotte. He nodded and looked at Rosalie before saying," The Duke expects his breakfast soon. He is heading out."

She bowed her head and replied," I will deliver it right away." Rosalie was finally happy and relieved because earlier she had been scared thinking that the new maid had come to rob her work of serving the Duke.

She placed the breakfast on the tray which included bacon and eggs, a cake and grapes.

Besides the plates was a small jug of freshly squeezed orange juice and a small kettle of milk tea. Reaching the Duke's bedroom, she balanced herself before knocking on the door and she went inside. She found him standing in front of the mirror as he was wearing his shirt and after started buttoning it. For a maid like her, all she could do was to watch and live with the unrequited love. Before she could leave, she heard him ask," Did Ms Winston settle in?"

"Pardon me your grace," she said bowing her head and when he was done with buttoning his shirt, he turned to look at her.