Chapter 18 Everything they want

"The new maid. Has she settled in?" asked the Duke. "Y-yes your grace. She is working with us in the kitchen," she replied. He nodded and said,"That is all." Offering him a bow, she left the room and when she closed the door behind her, she gritted her teeth. Could it be that the Duke personally brought her? He even knew her name! Rosalie was sure that the Duke didn't know any of their names given all the time they have served him.

As Hazel was on her way to the servants' quarters, she was stopped by a male worker who delivered her satchel. She wondered how fast the Duke had relayed the message to Peeker's Valley. As soon as she reached her room, she sat on the bed and started writing,

Ms Lauren,

I'm sure that by the time you read this, you are already aware that I'm currently at the Atticus Manor. First of all, I want to assure you that I'm alright and luckily, nothing happened to me.

When I delivered the package to the Hamilton mansion as you had instructed, Mr Rufus wanted to violate me, it being the second time of the attempt. The first time was when he came to our house to ask for my cousin's hand and I was blamed then chased out of the house. Fortunately, the Duke came on time then saved me the humiliation and that's why he decided to bring me to work in his house.

I want to thank you for taking me in and for everything you've done for me.

Yours faithfully

Hazel Winston.

After, she tore another piece of paper and began writing for Lucas where she was apologised for not being able to go with him to the theater. She gave him a brief account of what happened and assured him that she was alright. She also thanked him for being a good friend and after, folded the letter. Lastly, she wrote to Ms Margaret explaining the reason as to why she left Hemm's tailors.


"I think you've relaxed now," Lauren told Lucas after reading the letter she received from Hazel. "Somehow. I knew that man was a jerk," said Lucas. "That's how rich men are. With money and fame, they think that they can have everything they want," she said.

"I still want to see her. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if the Duke didn't come in time." "And this being the second time he attempts it, she must have felt terrible. I'm feeling guilty for sending her to his house." "You don't have to blame yourself. It's totally his fault," said Lucas to make her feel better.

When the day came to an end, the maids retired to their quarters. Getting a towel from the cupboard, Hazel made way to the bathrooms. Reaching, she found many girls in different groups chitchatting and she caught sight of the three girls with which she works with. Seeing that all the bathrooms were occupied, she started unbraiding her hair since she had planned on washing it. "Hey," she turned on hearing the voice and she saw the girl who was called Rosalie.

"Hey," she replied, as she continued undoing her hair.

"You have long hair," she complimented as her eyes took in her long hair that passed her waist. "Yours is long too," Hazel replied. "Not like yours though," she replied before adding," I noticed that you're lonely. I want to be friends with you."

She smiled and asked," Really?" "Yes. I don't see why not. I want to be your friend with whom you can share everything. You can trust and tell me anything," she said. "Thank you," replied Hazel who was genuinely happy as not many people offer to be her friends.

Seeing that one of the bathrooms was freed, she said," I will go ahead and bathe." "Okay but wait," she said and Hazel looked at her.

"What was your previous job?" she asked. "I worked in a tailoring shop," she replied. "Alright. So, why did you leave?" she asked.

"Some personal reasons," she replied. "Okay. Uh, you came yesterday night which is unusual. Did the Duke personally bring you?"

"Yes," she replied. "Oh! So, who recommended you to him? she asked. "It was a friend," she replied before saying," I will take my leave now. Please have a good night."

After bathing, Hazel headed to her room and she laid on the bed. Thinking about the Duke, she hadn't seen him the whole of today and she wondered if things will stay that way.

She wondered what he was doing at this particular time. He must have a pile of work as being a Duke involved a lot of things to do.

As she closed her eyes to sleep, she remembered a pond that they used to go to with Raven Atticus in the past which was located at the back of the Manor after passing into the forest.

She wondered if it was still there and she took a mental note of visiting the place whenever she got free time.

A week later...

Hazel hadn't gotten any free time as the butler's eyes were always on her so as to ensure that she had perfected in everything.

It was not until a week passed did she get a chance to move around. The Manor was so big that she doubted if one could tour it in one day.

Walking towards the back of the Manor, she entered a forest which wasn't so thick. She continued walking through the trees as she followed the path that she was trying so hard to remember. After sometime, she got tired amidst the forest and she realized that she was lost. She decided that she should head back to the Manor.

As she was planning on going back, she heard a sound of moving water and she realized that the pond was not far from where she was standing. She walked following the sound of the water and finally, she landed on the pond which had grown so big from what she remembered.