Chapter 19 Always be there for you

As she stared into the clear water, she felt the strong urge to jump into it. But as she was still admiring nature, she heard some noises and turned in the direction the sound came from. It was after sometime did she see someone riding a brown horse coming towards her direction. As the horse came closer, she realized that it was the Duke who was sitting on it.

She wondered if she should leave now but it was useless as he had already seen her.

When the horse came to stand next to her, she craned her neck to look at his black hair that had turned messy. "Your grace," she bowed her head.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "I-I was done with my work and I decided to take a stroll through the forest. That's how I ended up here," she said. "Do you know that it is dangerous for you to be in this place?" he asked and she noticed that his voice had lowered. Seeing his eyes fixated at her extreme back, she turned but saw nothing in particular. "Dangerous for me?" she asked when she looked back at him. "Yes. There are wild animals here," he spoke. "Wild animals?" she whispered, her eyes widening.

"Sshh. Stand still, don't move," he whispered and she got more alarmed. "Is it a wild animal?!" she asked, scared. "Yes. Don't dare move an inch," he instructed and she watched him pull out a bow and arrow that were at his back.

Her heart was racing and she started sweating. She watched him position in the arrow before pulling it, and then let it go. She closed her eyes and the next thing she heard was a loud grunt from the animal. It seems like he had aimed at it. "Is it dead?" she asked, opening her eyes.

She watched him descend the horse and he passed by her then she turned to look at where he was going. He took a number of steps until she saw him crouch down as if checking the animal. She made quick steps to where he was and caught sight of the deer that had been shot in the eye. "I thought it was a wild animal," she commented and he stood up.

"I didn't want you to scare it away," he said.

She couldn't believe that he just fooled her. "But, are their wild animals here?" she asked still terrified. "I haven't caught sight of them other than snakes," he replied looking at her.

She felt goosebumps cover her skin as she looked around the trees. "How is work at the Manor?" he asked. "It is good. Thank you for asking your grace," she replied. "Alright. Take this to Cooper," he instructed and she was about to refuse when she remembered that he was not only her boss but also the Duke.

"Alright your grace," she replied before bending down to poke it's leg as if to check if it was dead. "It won't harm you," he said and she nodded before carrying it by its front and hind legs. "Tell him to make it as I exactly want it," he said and she nodded before starting to walk towards the Manor. When she had moved a certain distance, she heard something splash into the water and when she turned, she didn't see the Duke anywhere.

She then caught sight of the Duke's clothes that were laying on the grass and she immediately walked back to the manor.

Placing the deer in the kitchen, she went to look for the butler and on her way, she met Rosalie. "Hey there, where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere," she said. "I went to take a stroll. Why?" "You have a visitor. He came about half an hour ago," she replied and Hazel's eyes widened. "A visitor? For me?" "Yes. He's with Mr Cooper at the front side of the manor. You better hurry up because servants are not allowed to have any visitors," she said. "Alright. I will go and check," she replied before walking towards the place. She wondered who could have come to see her. She just prayed that it was not the shameful man, Mr Hamilton.

Reaching the front side, she caught sight of Lucas Easton who was conversing with the butler. "There she is," said Mr Cooper when she made way to where they were. "I will leave you from here but you shouldn't take long," he added and Lucas nodded, his eyes fixated on Hazel. "Uh, Mr Cooper, the Duke asked me to give you the deer he has just hunted. I placed it in the kitchen," she said. "Did he give any instructions?" "He said that you should make it as he likes it," she answered and he nodded before leaving.

When they were alone, Lucas walked closer and without warning embraced her. He later released her and said," Forgive me. I got carried away." "It's fine. I didn't expect to see you here," she said. "I know but I had to see you. How are you? How is it here?"

"I'm alright and everything here. How are you yourself? How is Ms Lauren? Did you receive my letters?" "Yes. We understood everything. Hazel, come back to Hemm's tailors. Ms Lauren has no problem with you," he said. "Lucas, I would love to but, I think I will stay here. Here is much safer since it's private property and perhaps, the salary here is higher," she said.

"You're right. I hadn't thought about that. But are you alright?" "Yes. The workload is not heavy. I only work in the kitchen," she informed. "At least. Hazel, I want to ask you something," he said and she looked at him. "What is it?" she asked. "But, never mind. I will tell you some other time," he said. "Alright. Since you've seen me, I think you should be leaving. Servants are not allowed to have visitors," she said. "Okay I will. But don't forget that I will always be there for you." "Thank you so much," she said and he gave a small smile before starting to walk away.