Chapter 20 I don't believe you

When night came, the kitchen servants were yet to retire when Mr Cooper gave them some of the roasted deer meat and on taking a bite, Hazel couldn't help but want more.

She thought that the butler was so kind, to give them a share of the meat.

When she got to her room, she drifted to sleep the moment her head touched the bed. Not long after she had slept, she heard the door open and she opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness. The next thing she heard was the sound of the door close and she sat up immediately. "Who is it?" she asked but got no response, then heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Who are you?" she whispered and she felt the person climb her bed. She felt her heart racing and instinctively, she started getting off the bed. But before she could place her legs on the floor, she was pulled back by her dress. "Hel- " he covered her mouth and her eyes glistened with tears. "Shhh," she heard him whisper in her ear and she recognized the disgusting scent. "You thought I wouldn't be able to catch you?" she heard him breath the words and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her body wriggled in his arms but his grip was so tight. She felt his hand enter her dress and brushed her thighs as it trailed upwards. When he touched between her thighs, she screamed with all her might and she woke up that instant. She placed her hand on her chest and she felt her racing heart. What a terrible nightmare! It felt so real. She wiped the sweat that had formed on her forehead and it was then she realized that she had left the lantern burning. Getting up from the bed, she walked to the lantern and was yet to turn it off when she heard a knock on the door. Her heart momentarily stopped.

"W-who is it?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"It's me, Charlotte. I was woken up by your scream. Are you alright?" she heard her ask and she breathed a sigh of relief that it was her.

"Yes I'm alright. It was just a nightmare," she replied. "Open the door and I confirm that you're fine," she said and Hazel walked to the door before opening it. "I'm so sorry I woke you up," she said. "It is alright. But are you really fine?" she asked. "Yes. Thank you." "Alright then. Have a good night." "Have a good night too," she replied and Charlotte left then she closed the door.

Leaning against it, she took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling. She couldn't believe that he was haunting her even in sleep. Making sure that the door was securely locked, she went to turn off the lantern before walking to the bed.


In the Milbrand household, Lilith and her mother were sitting in the living room as each of them held newspapers. "The Duke's birthday is coming soon," commented Scarlett after reading it in the newspaper. Lilith made an excited squeal and said," I have to be there!" "And how do you plan on getting there? Because the invitations are going to be limited," said Scarlett. "Of course Rufus will get me one," she said confidently.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed and she said," You call him only by his name now. You seem to be very close." "No mother. It's how he wants me to call him," she replied fixing her eyes into the papers.

"I realized that you two go out more often nowadays. Lilith, let me hope you're not planning on sleeping with him before marriage," she said and when she didn't reply, she asked," Or have you already done it?" "No mother. What are you saying?" she asked, irritation evident in her voice. Catching on it, Scarlett dropped the papers and looked at her before asking," Look at me and tell the truth. Are you sleeping with him already?"

"Mother no. I would not do something like that," she replied. "I know you too well Lilith and I right now, I don't believe you," she said and before she could reply, they heard footsteps coming. Pius came to join them and a while later he said," Did I tell you about a young lady of about nineteen- twenty years of age who was raped and then killed?" "No. When did it happen?" asked Scarlett.

"The body was found today morning. This world is so cruel," Pius remarked. "That is so bad," she replied. "The incident reminded me of our niece who might be on the streets right now. What if the same thing happened to her?" he asked and Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"It would be very hypocritical of us to grief if they ever tell us that such a thing happened to her," he added. "Hazel is on the streets where she is supposed to be. The world is not always fair to everyone," replied Scarlett.

"I will go back to work now," he announced before getting up and walked out of the living room. "Did they identity the body?" asked Lilith. "I think they did. How I wish it was her," deadpanned Scarlett.

Lilith looked at her mother a little unusually. She knew that they hated Hazel but she has never wished her death. Not wanting to comment on the topic, she asked," Mother, what do you think I should wear for the Duke's birthday party?" "Anything. You know you look good in anything," she replied and she nodded happily.

"I will visit Mr Bourne's shop tomorrow and see if I can get something suitable,"she said.

"Hopefully, you will get a chance to dance with the Duke or even the crown prince," commented Scarlett and she smiled at that. "I can't wait," she replied.

"Back to what we were talking about, did you or did you not sleep with that man?" asked Scarlett again. "Oh mother!" she cried frustratedly and stood up then walked out of the living room.