Chapter 21 The worst luck ever

Back to the Atticus Manor, it was around noon when Rosalie was organising to deliver the Duke's lunch who had a visitor in the drawing room and it was none other than the princess of Hollowvale, Eleanor Atherol. "I'm not coming with you to serve that arrogant princess," Emily informed her.

"Come on guys. Don't leave this to me," Rosalie said as she looked at them. "You've always wanted to be the only one to serve the Duke. So go ahead," replied Charlotte who was placing the food on the plates. "I can't risk going back there. She looked at me as though I am trash when I went to serve her tea," remarked Emily.

Rosalie craned her neck and looked at Hazel who was at the extreme end and she said," You're coming with me, ain't you?" "It's alright," she replied.

After organising the dishes that included fish coarse skate in liver sauce and plain chicken with croquettes of rice, the food was accompanied with vegetables and fruits.

"You will carry the drinks," proposed Rosalie and Hazel nodded. "Alright," she replied getting hold of the tray that had two glasses of orange juice.

She followed Rosalie as they walked towards the drawing room and on reaching, they knocked before opening the door.

As soon as they went inside, they heard the princess say," Your birthday is arriving soon. Let me hope I will be your plus one." At the mention of that, Hazel raised her eyes to look at the princess and she noticed her ash grey coloured hair. Although she viewed her from the side, she could tell that she was a beautiful woman. "I'm still contemplating on celebrating it," the Duke replied, noticing the brunette that came in carrying the drinks.

"Come on Raven. A honourable man like you can't have a normal birthday," she replied as she picked her tea from the table and slowly sipped on it.

Rosalie placed the food on the table and as she was moving away, Hazel bent down to place the tray of drinks. But as she was doing it, something unexpected happened. One glass of juice fell off and the content spilled on the princess's white dress. "Are you serious?!!" she exclaimed looking at her ruined dress.

Hazel on noticing what she had done was quick to go on her knees and she immediately said," I'm so- ahhh!" The next second, she cried in pain when the princess reacted by spilling the hot tea on her hand. "That's what you get for being stupid, peasant," she scoffed. The Duke who had watched this intervened and said," Eleanor, you're taking it too far."

Rosalie used this opportunity to escape the drawing room and ran back to the kitchen.

"What do you mean by taking it too far? This is how you should treat the servants or else, they won't listen!" she said examining her drenched dress.

"It was a mistake- " "You dare talk back at me?!!" she huffed and looked at the Duke then said," I think she should pack her bags and leave this place!" "She is not going anywhere," he deadpanned. "Why?" she asked creasing her eyebrows. "Because it was clearly a mistake," he stated and looked at Hazel then said," You can leave." She stood up and bowed at them hurriedly then dashed out of the room. She couldn't believe her bad luck.

While walking towards the kitchen, she felt a burning sensation from her hand and she raised it to see that a wound had formed around her wrist. All she wished was to find water and dip her hand. When she reached the kitchen, she found that Rosalie had already informed them about what happened. She reached for a bowl before putting water and dipped her hand. It felt so relaxing. "You got a wound?" Charlotte asked. "Yes," she replied. "You sure have the worst luck I've ever seen," remarked Emily and she nodded, agreeing to her words because it was the truth.


"You didn't have to speak to me like that in front of the maids," Eleanor told Raven. "How did you want me to speak to you? You are clearly at fault here," he stated. "Why didn't you fire her? You care about maids?" she asked. "Aren't they human?" he asked back. "They are but, they are meant to serve us," she replied. "It doesn't make them any less human," he spoke and reached for the remaining glass of juice before sipping on it. She looked back at her ruined white gown and she said," She ruined my dress. Raven, are you treating me like this because of the feud between you and my brother?"

"That has nothing to do with this," he replied as he continued to drink the juice.

By the time night came, Hazel's hand was hurting and she constantly blew air to her wrist. When it was time for them to retire, she was yet to leave for the quarters when she heard," Ms Winston." Turning, it was Mr Cooper, the butler. "Yes?" she replied looking at him.

"The Duke sends for you in the drawing room," he informed and she gulped. "Now?" she asked. "Right now," he emphasized and she nodded. "I will head there right now," she informed. All the three girls who heard looked at each other wondering what the problem was. Was she going to be fired?

As Hazel walked towards the drawing room, she assumed that the Duke was going to scold her but at least, because he was listening and understanding. Reaching the door, she knocked on it before opening it to enter.

She found the Duke sitting on a leather seat while he passed through some papers. She noticed that he looked more serious and mature because of the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose.

Offering a slight bow albeit he was not looking at her, she said," Your grace. You sent for me."

"How is your wound?" he asked and her eyes widened. That was not something she had expected and perhaps, how did he know about it? "I have no wound your grace," she replied gently. He tore his eyes away from the papers and looked at her to ask, "Are you sure about that?" "Yes, your grace," she replied and the next moment, she watched him get up before he removed his glasses. As he approached her, she didn't know why her heart was pounding in her chest.

He came to stand in front of her and got hold of her left hand then examined it. Seeing the blister, he pressed on it hard and a painful scream escaped her lips.

"What is it?" he scoffed. "It hurts," she whispered, her black eyes staring right into his brown ones.