Chapter 29 Being in this place

At around two in the afternoon, half of the Hall had been filled with guests.

Slow elegant music played as different guests were interacting and associating with friends and acquaintances they had taken long without seeing. Outside the grand Hall, a carriage came to a halt joining the other parked carriages.

The coachman came down to open for his master, and Rufus Hamilton came out. He offered his hand to the other person in the carriage, and Lilith Milbrand placed her hand in his before descending the carriage.

She scanned the entire Atticus estate with her blue eyes and she couldn't help but be awed by it.

"Shall we go in, milady?" asked Rufus like the perfect gentleman he portrayed himself to be and she hooked her gloved arm in his before walking with him inside.

Reaching inside, Lilith was awed by the decorations. Her eyes took in the classy women and men, who were clad in expensive jewels and silky clothes.

A maid came to them with a tray of drinks and Rufus picked one for himself then another for her.

"Thank you," she said and she took a sip from the drink. The rich wine tasted devine in her mouth as it travelled down her throat. Lowering her glass, she looked at the women and she realized that it was the class she would be joining after getting married to Rufus. When Rufus moved his eyes, he caught sight of the Viscount and Viscountess and he said," Come with me. I need to introduce you to some important people."

She eagerly followed him and they walked to a couple that was standing in the corner. "Mr Grayson," called Rufus to gain their attention. "Rufus, you are finally here," responded Audrey. "Yes. It's been long since I last saw you. How is the Viscountess doing?" he asked glancing at her. Audrey placed his hand on his beloved wife's shoulder and said," She's fine." Lilith closely looked at the Viscount's wife, Alvara Grayson. She was undoubtedly beautiful and elegant but she thought that she was arrogant. She didn't bother to acknowledge their presence.

Alvara looked at her husband without bothering to hide the fact that she didn't want to be in company of the people that came to interrupt them. "Rey, I will step outside for some fresh air. I can't stand being around many people," she said. "I will come with you," he replied and looked at them then smiled apologetically before following his wife.

"Is she always that arrogant?" asked Lilith, as it was her first time meeting the couple. "I think it is because she is pregnant," he mentioned and she raised her brows. "Oh! The Viscountess is pregnant," she murmured. "Let me introduce you to other people," he said leading her towards the crowd.

By the time it clocked three, the Hall was filled to the maximum with people. Among the guests that arrived later was the princess Eleanor Atherol.

In the kitchen, Hazel and Charlotte were refilling drinks in the emptied glasses as the others took them to the Hall.

A while later, Rosalie and Emily came back to collect another set of drinks for the umpteenth time and Emily spoke," The men are so handsome that one can't take their eyes off them."

"What is happening now in the Hall?" asked Charlotte.

"The Duke has just arrived and I wish you can see him, he looks so handsome. He was yet to deliver his speech when we left," replied Rosalie and Hazel felt the sudden urge to see him. "We will go back now. I don't want to miss the speech," said Rosalie and the two carried the drinks before walking away.

A while later, Mr Cooper came to the kitchen and said," You two will have to join the others in serving the guests in the Hall. We are running out of stuff in there and many guests haven't gotten drinks."

At this, Hazel's eyes widened and she said, "B-but, we are refilling the glasses that are sent back to the hall." "I'm bringing male servants to take on the job. Let's move now!"

"We should get moving," said Charlotte and seeing the hesitant look on her face, she asked," What is it? Are you still worried about that arrogant princess? She won't do anything to you."

She wasn't only worried about the princess but meeting Mr Rufus too. Getting a tray of drinks, Hazel followed Charlotte and they made way to the Hall. Reaching the place, her eyes took in the people until she caught sight of the Duke who was just descending the pulpit. It seems like he was done delivering his speech. He was smartly dressed in a black crisp suit with a white shirt underneath it.

Her eyes followed him as he joined the crowd and started interacting with the guests.

She then felt someone tapping on her and she turned to see a man. "A drink," he spoke and she handed one to him before walking to serve the other guests. When her eyes searched for the Duke again, he was now speaking with the princess and she looked away.

As she continued moving as guests picked drinks from her, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hazel!" she turned to look at the source of the voice and she caught sight of her cousin.

Lilith walked to her with a surprised expression on her face,"What are you doing here?" She looked around before replying," I-I work here." "You work here? At the Duke's house? How did you get a job here?" she asked now more surprised. "I was recommended by someone," she replied before adding," I have to serve the guests. Please excuse me." Just then, Rufus reached and on seeing him, she said," Do you remember my cousin? The one that tried to seduce you?" "What about her?" he asked.

"She works here. I'm surprised at how she got the job," she said. Rufus'eyes narrowed as he looked at the retreating figure.

Hazel cursed her luck as she continued to serve the guests. She had totally forgotten about the possibility of Lilith being in this place. When her tray was yet to turn empty, she walked back to the kitchen.

Placing it on the table, she got a glass of water and leaned against it before gulping it down.