Chapter 30 The sight was painful

Remembering something, she ran to the servants' quarters and picked the Duke's gift before walking back to the Manor.

She carefully walked to his study and on reaching the door, she prayed for it to be unlocked and on turning the doorknob, it opened. She slowly walked inside and placed it on the table before running outside.

Going back to the kitchen, she found the three who had come to refill the drinks.

"I didn't see you in there," spoke Charlotte. "I was there. I had just gone to ease myself," she said.

"Do you think it is necessary for us to go back in there? I mean it is time for them to eat," said Charlotte. "Mr Cooper ordered us to be available all the time" spoke Emily.

When the two went back, Charlotte decided to take a rest for a while. "I hate it when those guests look at us as if we are trash," she complained. Hazel pursed her lips and said,"I think it's because we are in the lowest rank." "It doesn't make us any less human. We prepare the food they eat," she said.

Back to the hall, it was time for the guests to eat. They had organized long dining tables where they were going to sit while eating. Eleanor made sure to sit next to the Duke as she hadn't gotten enough time to be with him at the party. But even though she was next to him, he wasn't paying much attention to her and he was instead chatting with his friend, Viscount Audrey.

"Have you suspected anyone?" asked Audrey making sure that his voice was kept low.

"Not yet," replied Raven. "Me too," he replied before turning to look at his wife who was analyzing the food that was in front of her.

"Do you want to eat anything love?" he asked. "I think I will only eat vegetables," she replied scrunching her nose. "Really?" he asked and she nodded.

He got a bowl of vegetables and placed some on her plate before asking," Salads?" She shook her head and he placed back the bowl.

All the guests that were watching didn't have a say to it as they were already used to the public display of affection between the Viscount and Viscountess.

Eleanor who was among the people watching this commented," I can see that the hormones are acting up." Alvara raised her face to flash her a small smile before concentrating back on her food. Eleanor then looked at the Duke and said," I can't wait to have my own baby." To her dismay, he acted as though he hadn't heard what she had said.

Lilith Milbrand who had gotten a chance to share a table with them because of Rufus although she sat far away from them watched the two women in admiration. She was dying to become friends with them and she had to remind herself to be patient. Soon, she was going to become Mrs Hamilton and it will become easier for her to mingle with them.

After the grand feast, the floor was opened for dancing and the Duke with the princess were the first to step onto the dance floor.

"Will you dance with me?" Audrey asked his wife. "Of course, silly," she said placing her hand in his and they went to the dance floor.

Rufus and Lilith too stepped on the dance floor after seeing that many couples had joined the dance floor. As Rufus was still dancing, he caught sight of the brunette at a distance and he said," I will be right back." Before she could reply, he let go of her and he walked away towards the direction. She couldn't believe that he had left her in the middle of the dance floor. What an embarrassing moment!

Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see a man. "Can I have this dance with you?" he asked and she readily agreed to be spared the embarrassment.

Hazel was standing in the corner of the hall as she looked at the Duke who was dancing with Eleanor. His one hand rested on her waist and their fingers were entwined together. She saw him bend towards her and he whispered something to her which made her laugh. Subconsciously, the sight was painful for her and she felt as though her heart was being squeezed in her chest although she knew that she had no right to feel that way.

"So, all along you've been here," she heard the voice she could never forget and she turned to see Rufus. She would have gotten scared if it was only the two of them but the place was filled with people and she knew that he could not do anything to her.

"Yes," she replied. "He decided to hire you here. So, do you enjoy the life of being a servant? The state of being ordered around?" "At least it is decent," she replied.

"Tsk tsk, your life would have changed for the better if you took my offer but I also changed my mind. There are much better choices than you," he stated. "I'm glad you realized that Mr Rufus," she replied.

The song they were dancing to ended and Raven let go of Eleanor before walking towards the couple. "Is she alright?" he asked looking at Audrey. "She's feeling dizzy and nauseous. The physician told us that it will take three months for her to feel better," he said placing his hand on her shoulder.

"You didn't have to come then. I would have understood," he said looking at her. "Don't worry too much. We wanted to be here for you," she replied before saying," I will go to the powder room."

She walked away fast as the two men kept looking at her. "She's going to throw up again. I didn't know pregnancy would be this difficult," stated Audrey as he watched his wife's retreating figure. As Raven looked around the hall, he caught sight of Rufus conversing with Hazel and he said," I will be back."

"I am not allowed to leave this hall, Mr Hamilton," stated Hazel, rejecting his request of showing him around the manor. "You are a servant who is meant to tend to every need of us," he said. "You're right but my master ordered me to serve drinks to the guests and it is what I am doing," she said. "I have ordered you to come with me else you won't like what will happen next. I can make you lose this job too," he said. "She's not going anywhere," came the voice and they turned to see the Duke.