Many Questions

"Unfortunately, I must go now," Charlotte said quietly, and Greta and Sylvia both stood. "I am happy to have had this time with you, August. I understand Sylvia has some work with you today. But we will see each other again," Charlotte reassured her and patted her hands again before standing to leave.

"I have questions," Greta spoke to Charlotte softly as they exchanged a hug.

"I would expect nothing less. We'll speak again," Charlotte chuckled. "For now, you ladies have received something that most have never heard. The alyko story is one you will not find in books."

Sylvia embraced the old woman next. "Thank you, dear friend, for sharing this with us. We are honored." Charlotte smiled and made her way out of the shop.

Greta, Sylvia, and August remained in stunned silence for some time after she left.

"Graeme told me something he was shown at the council," Greta then said, breaking the quiet with a hesitant voice. Sylvia and August both turned to her.