The Market

When the three women appeared from behind the fabric veil, they found Graeme waiting by the door with his hands folded in front of him. August smiled. He was trying so hard not to be overbearing. When their eyes met, the warmth of his familiarity and love flooded through her, and she watched as every muscle in him seemed to relax.

"Hey, bro," Greta said cheerfully as she approached him, grabbing his arm and kissing his cheek playfully. He nodded with a smile, acknowledging her greeting before returning his gaze to August.

"Thank you again, Sylvia," he said, walking forward and embracing the woman before taking August's hand in his own. "Shall we go, love?"

"What are you all doing for dinner tonight?" Sylvia asked and sent August a wink. "Why don't you three and Sam all come and keep an old lady company?"

"What a great idea! We'll be there," Greta answered and turned to her brother, nudging him with her elbow. "Right?"