
Zosime cleared her throat, and Andreas' eyes refocused on the room. The young girl was standing there with a glass teapot that held a fully bloomed brilliant yellow flower.

"Yes, Zosime. Thank you for coming. Anything further on the results form Miss Cady's genetic analysis?" Andreas asked.

"Since I gave you the report last night? No, nothing further," Zosime tilted her head curiously with a small smile on her lips. She already gave him the results. What did he really want?

"I see," his voice was low as he studied the forest out one of the large windows. "Nothing unusual has happened of its own accord yet. At least nothing that has been evident or reported," his mind wandered to Marius' disappearance again.

"Given your confidence in her alyko-like genes, we need to see what she is capable of, but it has to be seamless, Zosime. It can't appear to be initiated from our side. We asked your team for potential triggers from her past."