
"You're leaving right now?" August scrambled up out of bed where she had been lying with her sketchbook, drafting out ideas for the woodland sculptures she planned on introducing to the pups tomorrow.

"It's sudden, I know," he groaned. "I'm sorry. This is probably the best chance I will get to speak with Penelope. It could clear up a lot of questions we have."

"No, it's okay. It's just unexpected," she said quickly. She padded over to where he was pulling clothes from his closet and throwing them into a bag.

"I don't want to leave," he paused his packing to let his thoughts run over all of it again. This was not ideal, but he knew it must be done. He had to reach out to Penelope and find out what, if anything, she knew about this map. She may also be able to give him some insight into what was going on with August since she was working with Eliade.