What Kind

"August learned some startling things from Zoe today," Graeme started, easing into the rest. "We need her. We need to keep her safe until she can reveal what she knows to the whole pack. Everyone needs to be on the same page."

"What did she say?" Greta frowned, lowering herself into a chair between August and Sam.

Graeme looked uneasily at his mate, unsure of how best to reveal all that was discovered and also keep Greta from killing the girl. August sensed his dilemma and shifted her eyes back to Greta, seeking the best words for these revelations.

"Maggie may still be alive," August blurted out. It was the most hopeful news of everything they had learned, and it seemed the best to lead with.

Greta, Sam and Lucas were visibly stunned at her words. Their Luna may as well have just struck them with lightening.

"What?" Greta scoffed. "Zoe said that?"

"Not in so many words," Graeme added.

"I don't understand. How many words?" she asked. "What did she say exactly?"