The Gift

"I'm sorry, did you say fae?" Lucas found his voice to speak amidst everyone else here who was so comfortable with each other. "Like from the lore?"

The four others turned to him. Whoops, did August say fae aloud?

"We need to catch you up on some things, Lucas," August murmured.

"The very first lycan was created by a fae called La Loba. All of us have fae genetics, although those of us who don't have wolves are closer genetically to the original fae who created us. Therefore, the alyko could be considered fae," Greta quickly summarized before turning to August in silent question as to whether that was sufficient.

August smirked, offering her nod of approval as Graeme scrutinized Lucas' reaction. Every small change in scent, every nonverbal gesture, every shadow or light that hovered over Lucas' eyes was silently passed through the highly attuned radar of Graeme's senses. He wouldn't let this male be trusted lightly, and he wouldn't be deceived.