
"Did he really share your bed last night?" a male voice found Violet in the darkness of her cell, and she shivered.

"What?" she asked, her own voice trembling such that the question barely made it past her lips.

Who was here? Sam had led her past one guard, through the dungeon, and into the cell where she was now huddled on the floor, replaying what she had just proclaimed aloud to the whole pack and wondering if it was worth it—if she had reached anybody. Was she a worthy messenger? It had all happened so fast, and it didn't cause quite the uproar that she had hoped.

Now the surprise of an unknown male voice was here, whispering as if he was right next to her even though there was no one near. She hadn't seen anyone else in the dungeon along the way. As far as she knew, Pearce was the only other prisoner here, and he hadn't heard what she just said to the whole pack. Who could this be? Or was she hearing voices now?